Chapter 1: Start

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Blue Exorcist - Start of Something
~ Rina's P.O.V ~

I was walking down to the supermarket, you know where my "job" is. People think I'm just an ordinary girl. They thought wrong. My name is Rina Okuyama, I have a twin sister younger than me named Yuki Okuyama, and we're both 15, yes we're twins and I'm older. Oh and, FYI I'm the daughter of a demon. My real father is the demon Adramelech. He is a demon of Hell where his job is Chancellor and President of The High Council of Devils. Almost everyone in the whole world know him. Two of the most dangerous demons, Adramelech and Satan. Apparently they were like best buddies. My "Dad" wants me to marry Satan's son. DREAM ON.
So I THOUGHT I was going to have a nice day, until I see this guy moving boxes and suddenly the last box he carries hits boss.
Rina: "Yeah yeah."
I walked over to him.
Rina: "Hi my name is Rina Okuyama.What's your name?"
Rin: "Rin Okumura."
Rina: "Must suck to be a newbie doesn't it?"
Rin: "Yeah sort of."
Rina: "We can try all sorts of things."
We tried doing the janitor work, water went everywhere. We tried putting the carts away, he pushed them too hard. Lecturing happened. Then he started working inside. A woman who worked here told him to cheer up and she gave him some of the new noodles that Boss ordered.
Rin: "These are terrible."
Woman: "You too huh"
Rin: "What?"
Rina: "Boss ordered a new shipment of noodles, they were cheap and no one's buying em'."
Rin: "Can I give it a go?"
Rina: "Knock yourself out."
He cooked amazing noodles that everyone wanted. He was hired after that. When Rin and I were about to leave a little girl came by, and her scarf was blowing away, or so I thought.
Rina: "Demon." I whispered.
Rin: "Huh?"
Rina: "Nothing."
I ran after the scarf it went inside the shop, the little girl was about to be crushed by boxes.
Rina: "No!"
Suddenly Rin shielded her from the fall. Her mother came.
Boss: "We can't have a violent thug like you! You're fired!"
Rina: "But he-"
Boss: "Rina! You have to stop saving people. You know they won't make it."
I changed back into my True Cross Academy uniform, it wasn't like the uniform all the other girls wear, It had a blue collar and a blue skirt, and the rest was black. Only me and Yuki wear these uniforms, probably because they know OUR secret. Rin went to the playground and swang on the swing.
Rina: "Sorry."
Rin: "Not your fault."
It became night. I lived alone, so I didn't have a curfew. Then this boy with brown hair, glasses, and moles on his face came.
?????: "I thought you'd be here."
Rin: "..."
?????: "And who are you?"
Rina: "Rina Okuyama."
Yukio: "Yukio Okumura."
Rina: "Nice to meet you."
Yukio: "You have the True Cross Academy uniform! Are you from there?"
Rina: "Yup."
Yukio: "Cool."
Rina: "Are you two twins?"
Rin: "Yeah..."
Rina: "I have a twin sister too. She's at True Cross academy right now though."
Yukio: "What's her name?"
Rina: "Yuki Okuyama."
Then Rin explained how he couldn't go home because of his job. And blah blah blah. I followed them home. More like "They asked me to come over."
Man: "Are you Rin?"
Rin: "Yeah."
Man:" Thank you for saving my daughter. Thanks to you she only got a scratch."
Rin: "That's good."
Man: "She's a scatterbrain, clumsy."
Rin: "It's not that the kid is scatterbrain. She's being picked on!"
Man" Can you describe him?!"
Rin: "I don't know it was someone I've never seen before. He was short. With a face kind of like a monkey."
Man: " Unbelievable."
Rin: "Where are you going?"
Man: "To the school I need to contact the PTA and fair it out with who's been bullying my daughter."
Girl: " You don't understand. I'm not being bullied from him as from my school. It's the evil fairies. They come into my room, late at night and all sorts of bad things happen. And now they're even doing it outside."
Man: "Yui's a child with a vivid imagination. I'm afraid I've heard these fairy tales all before. Lately, it seems she cannot distinguish her bizarre day dreams from reality."
Rin: "But they're not-"
Rina: "Sir I can inform you that they ARE real."
Man: "Excuse me? You too."
Rina: " Choose to or not to believe me. Your daughter needs you, and if you're not there then who will she have?"
Man: "..."
Father Fujimoto: " That's enough Rina."
Then Father Fujimoto gave them this weird thing, and they left.
Rin: "Well see ya later."

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