Chapter 3: True Cross Academy

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Episode 3
It became daylight now, Rin was crying and Yukio was somewhere.
Rina: " I'm sorry."
Rin: " You don't know how it feels."
Rina: " Actually I do. The same thing happened to me a year ago."
Rin: " Oh... sor-"
Rina: "It doesn't matter anyways. Our ride will be coming."
Rin: "OUR?!"
Rina: "Just wait."
Rin was standing in the middle of the road, right when the car was coming.
Rin: "Watch where you're going!"
Rina: "Says the one that's standing in the middle of the road."
Rin: -_-
"True cross Academy. Duh."
Rin: " T-true cross Academy?"
Rina: " Yup."
Director: "See I'm the Director of True Cross Academy."
Rin: " Huh?"
Director: " Eloquently said. Starting today you will be a student at our prestigious institution. My name is Mephisto-"
Yukio: "Sorry to keep you waiting. I'm so glad this worked out."
I just want to get in the stupid pink car. -_- Is that SO much to ask?!
Yukio: "Thank you for helping us Mr. Faust."
Rin whispered something to Mr.Faust or "Mephisto".
Car driving...
Mephisto: "Welcome to True Cross Academy!"
Rin: "Holy Crap."
Mephisto: "Every learning facility that is under the sun can be found in Academy Town. Enjoy. Dig in and study to your heart's content."
Since when would a normal person do that? I go to a library. Does that count. -_- .
Mephisto: "Now then Rin, please change into your uniform. Ms. Okuyama please close your eyes."
I closed them. What else did he think I'd do? I am not watching a man strip down.
Mephisto: "You can open them now Ms. Okuyama."
Vision blurry. Ugh.
Rin: "It's crazy huh. A doofus like me getting into True Cross like you."
Yukio: "What? Sorry, I'm so nervous I wasn't even paying attention."
I sat down next to Yuki, and Rin sat down next to me.
" Say hello to your freshman class representative. Yukio Okumura!"
Yukio: "Yes sir!"
Rin opened his mouth in shock.
"That means he got the top score on the entrance exam"
"He's pretty cute too."
Mephisto: "Ms. Okuyama. Please show Rin Okumura around."
Rina: " Ugh. Fine."
"Hey Yukio which class are you in?"
"The advanced class."
"Oh I should've known!"
-_- I never thought he'd be popular. Never. In the world. Would I have thought.
"Oh hey Yuki what class are you in?"
"The advanced class."
"Oh I should've known!"
Rin: "You gotta be kidding?! This is a school?!"
I really regret doing this. We were only going up the escalator. And that's what he says. I can already feel everyone's eyes on both of us.
Library -
Rin: "Woah would you take a look at those chandeliers?!"
Rina: "Just keep moving Rin."
Rin: "It's like a fancy shmancy restaurant."
Facepalming SO HARD.
Classroom -
Rin: "Dayum. You think they could've made this room any bigger?" He sat down in the desk. " Hell even the desks here are bigger than the ones in the monastery."
"What's the deal with that guy he's freaking out."
"What's a weirdo like that doing here."
Grrrrr... people never know when people are listening.
After Class -
"Classes start next week.Go settle in your dorms."
Rin: "Wait where are the dorms?!"
Rina:" Follow me-" MEPHISTO?! AS A DOG?!
Rina: " Mephisto."
He started to run off. So I ran after him.
Rin: " H-hey wait!"
He turned back to his human form.
"Excuse me but it would seem unkindly for the director of the academy to be prowling around the halls during the day."
Rina: "Mmmm hmmmm..."
Rin: "You shapeshifted?! Does that mean exorcists can shapeshift?!"
Mephisto: "God no. But I am an exception."
He threw a key at Rin.
Mephisto: " That key can open any door of Cram school."
Rin: "Cram School?"
Mephisto: " Miss Rina will you do the honors."
Rina: " Hai."
I backflipped of the bridge, I can see the shock in his face. I landed nicely on the ground. Got out my key and started twirling it round' and round'.
Mephisto: It's where you will attend to train for as an exorcist. You will attend regular classes, then you will come here."
Rina: " Are you two coming or what?!"
Mephisto: " We're coming."
They both came down. I was about to open the doors when-
Mephisto: " Rina, please let our newcomer open the door."
Rina: " One. We're all newcomers. And two. You could've told me that."
I stepped aside to let Rin open the door. We stepped inside.
Rin: "Wow..."
Mephisto: " The freshman class is in room 116."
We walked over to a room. It looked a whole lot like the other ones though. -_-
Mephisto: " I will be joining you two today."
Rin: "Oh shit."
Rina: " F#$k..."
Mephisto turned into his dog form, and we both walked in. Considering people already know me I don't need to state my name, but Rin did. Then Mephisto keeps talking about things I already know, so I decided to doze out until the teacher comes.
... Here are the teachers. Wait...WHAT?!
Yukio: "I am your instructor, my name is Yukio Okumura, and this is my assistant, Yuki Okayama."
Yuki: "Hello."
*o* what.
Rin: " YUKIO?!"
Everyone else: " Hello Mr. Okumura, Ms. Okayama."
Rina: -_- .
Yukio: " I am your new teacher for the anti-demon class."
Rin's a demon. I'm a demon. And we're in an Anti-demon class. Sigh. It doesn't matter.
Yukio: "Is there anybody who hasn't got the temptaint?"
3 people raised their hands.
Yuki: " Only 3? I guess we'll get started with that then."
Demon or not I'm becoming an Exorcist. Showing Shina that I could mature was pretty easy, but I promised her I'd be an exorcist. Not because I promised, but also because I need to defeat my bloodline father, and Satan.
I started to zone out. I'm surprised I even passed the entrance exam.
Rin: "Come on Yukio talk to me!"
Woah. Talk about breaking my silence... if Yukio and Yuki have been friends' behind Rin and I's backs... learning about exorcism... then... they both know?!
Rin: "Hold on a sec man! We need to talk right now!"
Things are getting out of hand... Yuki and I both glanced at each other. We used eye language. She wants me to pull Rin back, while she pulls Yukio back. But we have to wait for the right time.
Yukio: "What do you want to talk about?"
Rin: "Don't play dumb!"
Yukio: "Will everyone please step out while Mr. Okumura an I talk about something privately."
Guy: "Jeez that kid's a huge pain in the ass!"
Rina: "They're brothers. Deal with it."
Guy: "Huh?"
Rina: "Nothing."
I started to get up and walk towards the door until...
Yukio & Yuki: "Not you Ms. Okuyama."
Oh why me!
"Why didn't you tell me?!"
"Let go of me."
"Answer me!"
I pulled Rin from Yukio.
Rina: "Both of you stop acting like you don't understand anything!"
Yuki: "You two are worst than me and Rina! And I didn't think anyone was worst than us-"
it seemed as if everything went so fast, because right as Yuki was about to say something else, the beaker with the liquid of smell fell, and shattered.
Smoke everywhere. Then... Hobgoblins?!
Yuki and Yukio got out their guns and shot them.
Rina, Yukio, Yuki: "Hobgoblins."
Yukio: "Now that we riled them up, there'll be more. You should go outside and wai-"
Rin: "We're not done talking yet!"
More hobgoblins, more gun shots. I put my hand on the hilt of my sword.
Yuki: "Not now Rina."
Rina: " Grr..."
Rin: " All these years! All that time! What did you think of me?!"
Yukio: " What did I think of you? That should be obvious." *gunshot* *gunshot* " I mean you're a demon aren't you! As far as i know you're a threat... you still are."
That is harsh.
Yukio: "My god you're an idiot. It's a mystery to me why you even want to be an exorcist... for revenge, or maybe you're trying to wipe away the guilt you feel of our father's death. If that's really how you feel." *gunshot* *gunshot* " Then you might as well surrender to the knights of the true cross. Better yet you should just die. " He pointed his gun at Rin.
Rin: " You think it's my fault the old man died. Is that it?"
Yukio: " Would I be wrong if I did?"
Actually... yes you would.
Yukio: "Dad was protecting you the whole time. Even I knew that. Our father was the only person who would resist to be possessed by satan! And that made Satan want to possess him more! His will power was the only thing that's been keeping him safe for 15 years! Our father was the most powerful exorcist of all!"
I can't do it anymore. I can't stay strong anymore. All the memories... spilling out. That day... when my regular life, changed.
Yuki: "You were never my sister You're a threat! A demon! You killed mom!"
The harsh words.
Yuki: "Rina... are you okay?"
I put on a smile. And nodded. If I spoke my hoarse voice would've given away the fact that I'm not okay.
Yukio: " Something happened to shatter his soul. You said something to him."
Keep smiling.
Yukio: "If dad had a weakness. I say it was you. You're the one who killed our father!"
Yuki stood there with no fear, no expression. I'm surprised we were sisters. She had short brown hair. I had long jet-black hair. She wore glasses, I didn't. She's more human, I'm more demon. We're totally different. And what's happening right in front of us, is exactly what happened a year ago, when Shina died. Because I was stubborn. Because I didn't want to be a trouble maker anymore. Because of me, our friendship almost broke.
Rin: "Listen you're right about me being an idiot. Say what you want. I don't care. But you know what. I'm still your brother damnit. Do not point your gun at me. We're brothers! For the last time I did not kill the old man. But if you really want to shoot me... " He unleashed his sword. " Then go ahead! Shoot!" He killed the demon behind him. " Don't insult me, I'm not gonna fight my little brother."
Yuki and I stood there in shock. I stopped thinking about what happened last year. How I showed Yuki I wouldn't fight her... it was more like...
Rina: " Why are you trying to kill me?!"
Yuki: "Huh?"
Rina: " I'm your sister, and I'm not going to let you get hurt!"
She barely realized the swarm of demons behind her. I killed all of them with the sword.
Rina: " I won't fight you. Hate me or not. I'm still your sister. And I won't hurt my little sister."
Eheh. I remember.
And then they have this talk about how Rin wants to be stronger, how Father Fujimoto kicked ass. And other stuff. Then blah blah blah. Losing interest. Rather slowly. The next thing I knew the door opened, "Sorry to keep you waiting class." O_O Wow. I AM a bad listener.
Girl: "What happened in here?!"
Guy: "What's up with the room."
Yuki: " It's fine. "
Now I have to find my dorm. You know how hard that is? I mean yeah, I was here before, but my mind is completely blank right now.
"602... 602..."
Huh? Rin? Oh come on. =_=
I just wanted to find 603. And Yuki is who knows where while- I reached the door?!
Yuki: "BOO!"
Rina: " OMFG! YOU-oh it's you."
That moment you realized that Rin and Yukio are like right beside you, because their room is 602 & yours is 603... yeah.
Rina: "Yuki."
Yuki: "Yes?"
Rina: " I'm going to bed. While you can do whatever YOU want to do, with your little Yuki objectives, and I will sleep. Happily. After all I've been through. Okay."
Yuki: "Ummm actual-"
Rina: "Good."
Yuki's P.O.V
Yukio: "Why are you here? I thought the whole building was all ours?"
Yuki: " Do I need to tell you that my sister is a demon too."
Yukio: "Forgot about that."
I started to laugh.
Rin: "What?"
Yuki: " Oh nothing. Only is that... if you can't beat Satan nor Adramelech then... Rin and Rina will be forced into marriage."
Rin: "WHAT?!"
Yukio: "Yes that's true."
Rin: "Wait? You knew about this?!"
Yuki: "We can talk about it tomorrow."
- end

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