Chapter 19: Coma and Cakes

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Picture of Rina and Yuki

Episode 19
Yuki's P.O.V
Yuki: "Wh-what!? Sh-she's in a coma?!
Doctor: "Yes. I'm sorry."
Just my luck.
I went into the classroom. With... Rin begging Shima for something.
Renzo: "Oh! Yuki! When's your birthday and what's your blood type?!"
Yuki: "Uh. My birthday is October 14th, my blood type is A...."
Renzo: " I have your results! You are the type of girl who's happy all the time, hiding something, serious, and overprotective."
Yuki: "Thanks for pointing out all my flaws."
Rin: "Hey how's Rina?"
Yuki: "She's in a coma."
Everyone: "WHAT?!"
Yuki: "She'll be fine."
Shiemi: "Oh! I just realized it's almost Kameki's birthday!"
Shiemi: "Okay so we're going to throw a surprise party for her! I'll assign the jobs."
She's not writing them down.
Shiemi: "Ummm... what happens at parties again?"
Everyone freaked out. The guys explained everything.
Suguro assigned all the jobs. Konekomaru and I have to help Rin. It's all because my sister is an amazing cook. I feel so empty without her. What would happen if she died two years ago? Would I still be in True Cross Academy? So many questions. No answers.
We were in the library reading stuff about cakes. I can't help but feel so empty without Rina.
Izumo: "What are you guys doing?"
Rin: "Trying to teach Yuki how to bake and stuff."
Konekomaru: "Yeah, because you know how bad she is at baking."
Rin jumped out the window. Rin: "Good luck soldiers."
Konekomaru: "We weren't doing anything!" He bowed grabbed my arm, and ran like Sonic.
I decided to go take some fresh air. I mean, I just needed to think about some stuff.
Rina's P.O.V
I woke up from my "coma" a few hours ago and I went home. I heard rin come, but I don't think he knows I'm here. It seems he's cooking something with Konekomaru. I should go see.
I walked down the stairs towards the kitchen.
Rina: "What are you guys doing?"
Rin: "R-Rina?! I thought you were in a coma?!"
Rina: "I woke up from it a few hours ago. Are you... baking a cake?"
Konekomaru: "Yeah it's because it's almost Kameki's birthday!"
Rina: "Oh. Cool. Can I help?"
Rin: "Sure, why not."
Rina: "So you've never baked a cake before?"
Rin: "Nope."
Rina: "Well I say for your first time, you did amazing!"
Rina: "YOU MADE A... mistake..."
Rin: "WHat how?"
Yukio: "I don't see a problem with it."
Yuki: "Yukio are you sure you have the right pair of glasses because I think you've gone CRAZY!"
Then Ukobach showed them the difference between Christmas cakes, and birthday cakes.
Rin: "So Christmas cakes and Birthday cakes are really different."
Yukio: "And it took us 15 years to realize. Oh Rin."
Rina: "I was gone for like what? 12 hours? And You guys already messed up without me."
Yuki: "Eheh..."
Rina: "UGH!"
While we were about to decorate Izumo found out about the party because Shima let the cat out of the bag. She said that it was unfair. Some of us already turned 16, so she wants to throw a birthday for all of us. Isn't that sweet.
So we all worked hard, and we all had a blast. It was time for the party, and Konekomaru caught the cake when it was falling. Eheh. We're just a messed up group of friends.
When we ended up just hanging out I needed to have some serious conversation with Yuki.
Rina: "Yuki."
Yuki: "Yeah?"
Rina: "Will we ever meet mom and dad again?"
Yuki: "I don't know."
Rina: "How was dad like. He died before I got Amnesia so I barely remember him."
Yuki: "You gained every aspect of him. I can tell you that."
- end

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