Chapter 22: End?

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Episode 22
Yuki's P.O.V
"The new directors. The other one is practically his future wife." OH IM GONNA GET YOU!
Yukio: "Yuki calm down."
Yuki: "Calm down? Calm down?! He thinks I'm your future wife! No offense, but I kind of really don't want to be labeled that NOW!"
We had to walk in so we had no choice.
Yuki: "I am Yuki Okuyama."
YUkio: "I am Yukio Okumura."
Yuki & Yukio: "And we are your new directors."
I heard mumbling. YES! I know I know. I'm YOUNG, and HE'S YOUNG, but WHO CARES?!
Yuki: "As of today we are your new paladins."
Rina's P.O.V
Rina: "Yukio?! And Yuki?! Are the new paladins now?!"
They don't know Yuki's secret yet. That temptaint I gave her 15 years ago, is finally kicking in. It's going to turn her into a demon, and if yukio turns into one because of Rin's temptaint... Then >=) Yuki and Yukio will be forced into marriage! HAHAHAH!
Rin: "That damn Yukio! He beat me to Paladin."
Yukio: "Right, like you could ever catch up to me."
Yuki: "You don't have to be so harsh Yukio."
Yukio: "right sorry."
Yuki: "Oh here Rina."
She gave me an ID card. It was just like mine. Except... my rank is PALADIN?!
Yukio: "Since you worked hard you got upgraded to Paladin also."
Rina: "I feel so special."
Rina: "Well to be honest Rin, You were an exwire while we were all high ranking Exorcists."
Rin: "I can live with that."
Yukio: "The pope asked us to command it."
Yuki: "We need you Rin."
Rina: "We'd never leave you out. That's just unfair now isn't it?"
Rin: "You guys are the best!"
Yuki: "Well we've got a meeting."
Yukio: "See you guys later."
Rina: "Bye! Good luck little sis!"
Rin: "Good luck Little Bro!"
Shura: "Is it just me or are Yuki and Yukio the two closest people I know. I've known them when they were training to be exorcists. They've known each other for... for... eight years?!"
Rina: "What?!"
Rin: "Behind our backs?!"
Rina: "Well Yukio was able to train to become an exorcist behind your back now wasn't he?"
Rin: "Okay you have a point."
Yuki's P.O.V
Yuki: "You're thinking about Rin being human aren't you?"
Yukio: "Yeah."
Yuki: "I don't know, but Rina has been a demon for over a year, so I don't know if she's gotten attached to it."
Yukio: "Yeah..."
Yuki: "He knows about our problem doesn't he?"
Yukio: "yeah..."
Yuki: "It's only a matter of time Yukio until we become demons too."
Yukio: "You don't think I know that?"
Yuki: "I'm only reminding you that one day we're going to become one of them."
Rina's P.O.V
A wild boar crashed into the camp.
Rina: "You have to be kidding me."
Konekomaru: "Woah."
Rin: "Yukio?"
???: "You cursed humans. How dare you kill the children of my forest? For 2000 years they've helped me protect the forest from you ravaging beings of man."
Rina: "This is the god of this forest."
Yukio started shooting it.
Yukio: "It's our job remember? The demon hunt."
It looks like Yuki really wants to strangle him. I don't blame her.
Yuki: "OH I'm going to-"
I covered her mouth. She was going to go on a rampage, if I didn't.
Rin: "What was that for?!"
Yukio: "We're on a demon hunt remember?"
Rin: "Yeah, but he was just pissed off because we killed all their buddies."
Yukio: "We were given orders Rin."
Rin: "What about Kuro, Ukobach, Izumo and Shiemi's familiars, and the other familiars?! Are you going to kill them too?!"
Yukio: "You know what Rin. You're right." He pointed a gun at kuro.
Yuki: "Yukio. This has gone way too far. I know why you're doing this, but... but... It's gone too far now." He wasn't listening.
Yukio: "We must exterminate all demons."
Yuki was on the verge of crying.
Rin: "STOP IT!"
Yuki was covering her eyes. Not because she didn't want to look, but because she was crying.
Yuki: "I can't do it anymore. I just can't." She whispered to herself. Oh Yuki... what are you hiding from me?
Rin: "So anything that calls itself a demon should be exterminated. Is that the plan?!"
Yukio: "Let go of me!" Then Yukio suddenly had claws, and scratched Rin.

Yuki's P.O.V
I'm lying to everyone. I thought I could live on. Be different here. But I'm still the same. And now... Yukio is changing. Rina doesn't understand a thing, and our brother has gone missing. Where is he?
Yuki: "I... I... How... how could you..." I kept whispering.
Ring Ring Ring
Yukio and I got a phone call. We needed Rin and Rina to go to HQ. So we asked one of the Exorcists to bring them.
i made Rina faint. So now she and Rin would be put somewhere. When Shura saw the both of us she pulled up our sleeves. There it was. Spreading.
Shura: "You two said your test results were negative. Were you lying?!"
Yuki:"We have orders. We're saving people, after this is all over. We're the paladins now so you better not get in our way or we'll arrest you." If I can't fight it, might as well be it.
Shura: "Saving people?!" We both walked away. "H-hey wait!"
Rina's P.O.V
Why am I hanging in the middle of a room, chains around my wrists attached to the ceiling.
Mephisto: "Did you two have a good sleep?"
Rina: "Mephisto?"
Rin: "Mephisto?! Rina? Why are you hanging from the-"
Rina: "I don't know either."
Mephisto: "Mr. Okumura, Ms. Okuyama and you, Rina, are the new paladins? What a turn of events. There is usually only one Paladin. I guess adding another 2 are good."
Rina: "I don't even get it anymore."
We explained everything else, and Mephisto explained the rest to his side also. He thanked us for keeping him up to date, he turned into a dog, and was about to leave.
Rina: "You're just going to leave me hanging?! Oh the puns."
Mephisto: "Sorry show's about to begin, one cannot afford to miss it!"
Then he left. Then some of the Exorcists came in, and an old man... he said Rin looked more like Yuri than Yukio. Yuri... th-that's RIN'S MOM?! So that old guy is Rin's grandfather?!
Rina: "We're going to DIE! WHY!"
Yuki's P.O.V
I was walking on the streets because I need some fresh air.
Yuki: "Yes?"
Suguro: "Why is Rin and Rina being executed?!"
Yuki: "Oh why, if Rin and Rina were to get married and have a child, there would be more Satan spawns now weren't there be? And if we were to only kill one of them, there's a chance that if the other one were to marry. The percent of the child being a spawn of Satan is 50%. So we can't take risks."
Shiemi: "Do you know where they're keeping Rin and Rina?"
Yuki: "Yes."
Konekomaru: "WHERE?!"
Yuki: "I'm afraid that's classified."
Renzo: "Don't give us that crap!"
Yuki: "WELL EXCUSE ME FOR TRYING TO STAY CALM! I have a lot of stress alright. If I go on your side, Yukio and the other Exorcists will never trust me again. And if I go on their side then you'll be pissed. So I'm going to stay calm, and NOT pick a side. I pick MY side. There. So I am going to go back, and watch what they're going to do. OKAY? GOOD!"
I walked away in frustration. I wanna kick Yukio's ass so much!
Rina's P.O.V
We're going to be executed. I can't believe this. It's just so. UGH! I kept my serious face on me. If my friends see this, I might as well be executed with no facial expression, than to beg in fear and pain. I was walking behind Rin, with an Exorcist guy behind me. I can't do anything now. Only that I'm going to die and I'll have to live with it.
Rin and I got strapped on to this thing. I forgot what they were called. But they needed to get two because "the lovely couple could die TOGETHER." Like I care. Either way I'm going to die aren't I?!
They started chanting something. Something. Then... blood. Blood everywhere! What are they doing?!
"By you cursed demons' blood. Reveal what has been hidden. Let the gates of hell swing wide!"
He pushed Rin and I's swords into the ground. It electrified the both of us. It hurt so much I was about to cry. We both screamed in pain. Then Yuki and Yukio showed up. "WHAT'S THE MEANING OF THIS?!" They both asked.
Yuki: "That's my sister!"
Yukio: "That's my brother! I only agreed with this because you promised the both of them being human. Right Yuki? Yuki?"
Yuki: "I didn't agree to any of this. If anyone should die it should be me!"
You go Yuki. I'll handle this- no no no I can't ow!
Rina: "AHHHHHH!"
Yuki: "You're hurting them!"
???: "We'll need them to open the gates of Gehenna. They'll die heros!"
NO! I changed my mind. And I'm sure Yuki did too. Rin and I puked blood. I can't take the pain, but my body won't black out. For some reason, I black out when I've had enough, and my body follows. But it's not shutting down! Is it because... I need to see something? That I'm not ready to black out yet. More screaming more blood. All I heard from them is that the demon blood they gathered is impure so it'll take ages, but with 5 liters of Rin and I's blood then it will boost the time speed. Since we have demonic healing powers we won't be drained of blood. Ugh. Yuki had enough. She was crying, on her knees, and yukio was about to shoot THAT guy.
Yuki & Yukio: "JUST USE THE BOTH OF US! Just let them go!"
???: "As you wish."
What no. Yuki. You. cannot. Do this.
They let us go. My body still has not shut down yet. Rin's did. But I didn't need to watch this. I couldn't even close my eyes. I shook Rin to try to wake him.
When Yuki and Yukio gave their blood, Yuki and Yukio grew ears, and blue fire engulfed them. Is this the one thing she didn't tell me?! Or was there more?!
Yuki's P.O.V
I lied to everyone. Even my own sister.
"Yuki! Yui!"
Yukio grew flames to stop her from getting near.
Yuki: "Stay back!"
Yukio: "Please."
I saw Rina. She stared at me with eyes of shock and fear. When the bomb dropped there was magenta lights coming out of it. Suddenly it stopped. The powers of human science have angered my father.
???: "Oh wasn't it a failure my dear old buddy."
???: "Oh yes, my it was."
Yuki: "D-dad..."
Yukio: "F-father?"
???: "I didn't kill your mother nor father. It was him." It was Yukio's grandfather he was pointing to. Then again, do I really know how my dad died? I mean, mother was crying and we asked her what was wrong, she said dad died. But she never told us how. So Satan and Adramelech showed us what they saw. He showed Yukio how his mom died, but this is my story, about how my father really died.
Mom: "You know, you should really move out of this place." It was a beautiful scenery, waterfalls, and flowers.
Dad: "Why should I. It is a beautiful life. A beautiful place." My father hugged a demon boar, and a whole bunch of demons.
Mom: "STOP! Those are dangerous. We are exorcists and you know how dangerous those are!"
Dad: "The wall between us a demons have been broken between us. We have become one. Friends. Family."
Mom: "You've gone crazy!"
Dad: "No i haven't."
Mom was trying to kill all the demons.
Dad: "Don't shoot!"
Mom: "You're crazy!"
Dad became engulfed in blue flames.
My father explained his story, how he became friends with Adramelech. He said that our first daughter would be the future wife of Satan's son. My mother refused her first born daughter to be the wife of the spawn of satan. My father also said that "If it were twins, Both of them will marry sons of Satan. Only by chance, if the Satan spawns would be twins then the Adramelech spawns would also be twins. They would marry, and they will break down the walls of demons and humans!" My mother had shock, fear in her eyes. She couldn't believe her daughter or daughters would have to marry a beast. But she couldn't fight back. She was already 3 months pregnant with what she didn't know, was 2 girls and a boy. My father told her that she was possessed by Adramelech one night, and that was the night she had been impregnated. He promised Adramelech that he'd take care of his two daughters, and son. Sooner or later my mother was possessed also. She accepted everything. But Yukio's grandfather couldn't let her give birth either. He gave the orders to burn the both of them at the stake. Adramelech joined forces with Satan. They both looked everywhere for a suitable body to help their future children. Why they have blue flames? Because they were best friends. Both equally given the power of blue fire. Thus on the night when my mother and Yukio's mother were about to be burned, Satan and Adramelech looked for bodies. Thus the blue night happened. They came for his wife. My father gladly let Adramelech take Mom and marry her, because they haven't fallen in love yet. Or they never were in love at that time. Oh how my Mother loved Adramelech. And my father did love my mother, not as lovers, but as a brother and sister because they were blood related. That's why my dad was glad to let Adramelech marry mom, let her be pregnant with us. When my father found them again. In a cave, in the mountains. Rina was engulfed in blue flames, and I was engulfed in red flames. My mother told him that we shall take care of them, she called the blue one Rina, and the red one Yuki. She told my father that Yuki's flames will turn blue in 14 years time. And that's where I am now. They did not slay my mother. They let her live in peace. They TOLD them that she died. They told them that she was merely the twin sister of the witch. They were gullible enough to believe them. My mother changed her name from Yui, to Kathey. And she lived on her life from there. Protecting the both of us. Hoping we could live normally. When we turned 11 my father went out for a day. He saw Adramelech. Adramelech thanked him for taking care of his daughters and son. Suddenly, Yukio's grandfather came out of no where. And stabbed him 17 times before being satisfied. He told my mother that he stabbed him 17 times, and was serious. My mother started to cry hard. Yukios grandpa: "Your daughters will also die a terrible death. We will kill all of Gehenna. And your precious husband. And we'll use your daughters as a sacrifice."
Yuki: "I... How am I supposed to believe this!"
Adramelech: "You have to. This is the truth. That man drowning in Satan and I's minions knows the truth."
Yukio: "Did you give the orders to burn My mother and Yuki's mother to be burned at the stake?!"
???: "How did you know!"
So he DID do it.
Yukio: "DID YOU?!"
??? : "I did."
Yukio: "She was your daughter (Yukio's mom)! DID YOU NOT LOVE HER AT ALL?!"
???: "Yuri was already dead to me. She was pregnant with the spawn of Satan. And when she gave birth to you she died! You tarnished the family name you and your brother."
Yukio was about to burn him, but his shirt ripped and he fell into the portal of Gehenna.
Yuki: "Yukio. What's going to happen now."
Yukio: "I don't know."
Suddenly Yukio got possessed by Satan.
Yuki: "No. I can't do this anymore!"

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