Chapter 4: Shiemi

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Episode 4
Rina's P.O.V
" It's all your fault." "Mother died because of you!" "How could you?!"
I woke up. Heavy breathing... why are these dreams happening now. Why not last year. Ugh. No point now. I was already awake, laying down, looking at the ceiling. I feel like I've been lied to my whole life. Being an Exorcist was a dream I thought wasn't possible. But here I am, being an actual Exorcist. Yeah, I already know stuff about being an Exorcist, and exorcism, but Mephisto wanted me to be in the trainee group. So I accepted, and now here I am.
Yuki: " Rina! I'm heading out!"
Rina:"Ugh. See ya."
Yuki's P.O.V
Yuki: "Hey Yukio. Rin?"
Yukio: "He's only going to watch the exorcism."
Yuki: "Okay."
Rin: "Where's Rina?"
Yuki: "In the dorm."
Rin: "Doesn't she want to be an Exorcist too?"
Yuki: "She already is one."
Rin: "What?! Then why is she a traine-"
Yukio: "Mr. Faust asked her to be a student, and help the trainees."
Rin: "Isn't that YOUR job?"
Yuki: "Yes. But then again, Rina has the triple bladed demon slayer sword. And she already knows how to use it. So it's better like this."
"No the store is only for exorcists and high reps only. Yuki watch over him."
Yuki: "Hai."
Rin: "Ever since he's big on campus he's treating me like a little kid!"
Yuki: "Ugh. You sound like Rina one year ago."
Rin: "What?"
Yuki: " Well since you're SO bored let's just go to that garden."
We walked up the stairs and looked inside.
Rin: "Woah. It's awesome in there."
Rin was staring at the girl in a kimono, with blonde hair.
Yuki: "I feel like SOMEONE has a crUUuuuUUsh."
Rin: "Don't be ridiculous."
MmmHmm. Rin touched the gate.
Suddenly... Rina came falling from the sky?! And landed on me.
Rina: "Ow."
Yuki: "Where did you come from?!"
Rina: "I don't even know either."
Rina's P.O.V
All I remember is opening the door and stepping outside, and suddenly falling.
"D-demons. That gate had a spell on it."
Rina: "Oh crap. RIN WHAT DID YOU DO?!"
Rin: "It reacted to me."
Yuki: " I tried to stop him."
"G-go away demons!"
I'm already on the bad side of this girl.
Is he even helping the situation at all?!
"Ahhhhhhh! Stay away! Don't come near me."
Rina: " Rin. I suggest you LAY OFF FOR AWHILE!"
Rin: "Hey."
Wow. Now Rin is watching Shiemi make fertilizer. Yes. I know her name. How? I don't know.
Rin: "Thank goodness my ass! First you call me a demon, and then you start bossing me around?!"
Shiemi: "I'm sorry. I didn't mean it, I was scared."
MUahahhahhaha. Yes yes. They're making up. It's ADORABLE.
Yuki: " He may like her, but if you two don't defeat your bloodline fathers you two will be forced into marriage."
Rina: "I GET IT YUKI!"
Rin and Shiemi both looked at us.
Rina: " Eheheheh... sorry."
Shiemi: "Who are you two?"
Rina: " Rina Okuyama."
Yuki: "Yuki Okuyama."
Shiemi: " Nice to meet you. But Yuki you look like- Yui!"
Yuki: "Oh crap."
Rina: "She used your nickname!"
Yuki: "Yes we've met long time ago. When I was training to be an Exorcist with Yukio. She started calling him yuki and calling me Yui."
Rina: "AMAZING."
Yukio: "RIN! YUKI! Rina?!"
Rina: " This is not my problem! I fell out of the sky. Not my fault. It was Yuki's! I swear!"
Yuki: "Oh thanks -_- you're the best sister ever."
Sheimi: "Yuki!"
Rina: "Hahahahahahaha. Oh that is rich. Yuki is Yukio's nickname. Yuki is j-"
Yuki: " I get it -_-."
Yukio: "We're twins. He's the older one."
Shiemi: "Huh?! But you seem more like his older brother."
Rina: "Hahhahahah."
Shiemi: " And Yui seems more like your older sister."
Rina: " I know. But she is still the crybaby little sister I love."
Yuki: -_- .
"A demon is somewhere in the garden."
Why is everything blurry... Why is my head becoming lighter... knees weak, arms heavy.
Yuki: "Rina! Are you okay?!"
Rina: "I'm fine." I gave my usual smile, and tried to push out all the memories.
Although... I remember now. Those happy days. Before I found out. Before the incident. I was rushed to the hospital. I don't know why. But everyone was worried, everyone, Yuki...
Clash! Clash! Clash!
Rin was breaking the flower pots. He was trying to snap Shieme out of it.

"That's why I have to protect her garden!"
Rina: "No way... "
She's like me. Mom... dad... I'm trying to make them happy. I'm trying to live on their legacy with Yuki. Y-Yuki... I remember now...
"I won't allow it. It's breaking your promise."
Rina: "Promise my ass! I've heard that all along."
Yuki: "Rina."
Rina: " You don't understand at all! Bloom at night. Like I care, I'm going to kill you like every other demon I've killed."
"Go ahead and try. I still have Shiemi as a shield."
Yukio: "I said I need your help!"
Rin: "Well since you're my little brother and all."
Is he really happy about that?!
Yuki: "Rina. You know what to do."
I unleashed the sword and so did Rin. Blue fire was everywhere.
Demon: "You two are demons like me?!"
Rina: " There's not a demon I've heard who hasn't said that to me. But... I'M NOTHING LIKE YOU STUPID COLD HEARTED THINGS!"
Trust me, Rin and I tried to slash this thing without hurting Shiemi.
I-I remember... I almost fell to my knees.
Demon: " What's wrong sweetie. Lost confidence."
Rin: "Rina what's wrong?!"
Yukio: "Rin! Get Rina out of the way, I'll have to shoot them both."
Demon: "You're bluffing, you'd never risk her life!"
Yukio shot her, the demon died, and Shiemi is all right now. Then they had a beautiful mother daughter reunion.
Yuki: " Rina-"
Rina: "YOU!"
They all looked at me and Yuki. But it's not like I cared. What happened 2 years ago is unforgivable.
Yuki: "Rina. Wh-what's wrong."
Rina: "What's wrong?! Two years ago I went to the hospital! Because of You! That's what's wrong!"
Yuki: " R-rina. I-I-"
Rina: " I thought you finally became nice?! You were just trying to cover niceness over guilt!"
Yukio: "Yuki what is she talking about?!"
Rin: "Yeah?!"
Rina: " I'll do the honors." I walked towards both of them. " Two years ago, before mom and dad DIED. We went to a restaurant. Yuki and I played outside. Suddenly Yuki pulled out a knife, and stabbed me."
Yukio: "Y-Yuki... "
Rina: " Everyone was worried. But the most worried was Yuki. Because she was guilty. How do you feel now? How are you? I thought she was finally being nice to me. But I was wrong. So... so wrong."
Yuki: " I'm sorry!"
Rina: " I know you are, but what you did two years ago is unforgivable."
Rin: "Why'd you do it anyways?!"
Yuki: " I was jealous! I was jealous that mom and dad only cared about you! Sure they helped me, but they always kept tabs on you! I thought, maybe if I killed you, then they would be mine. But when I saw you, when I saw you scream in pain and black out. I realized that what i did was a big mistake. I remembered all the times that you helped me. I didn't want you to die!" Tears were streaming down her face. Her eyes were read, she was trembling. They all looked at her in shock.
Rina: " I forgive you."
Yuki: " Huh?!"
Rina: "I forgive you. You're my best friend. And if you have the courage to apologize with all your heart. Then of course I'd forgive you."
I walked away.
Rina: "See you guys tomorrow."
Yes I caused a scene. Although, that makes me feel a lot better.
- end

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