Meeting The Superiors

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"I'm so in trouble" whispered Naruto as he facepalmed himself. He sighed and stared at all the students who surrounded him.

"I want you to tell me who put this up. Otherwise, all of you will get detained." said Naruto angrily as he stared at each one of the student's faces.

"Oi, newbie!" shouted a familiar voice from afar. It was Neji, he definately did not look too pleased at all as his arms were crossed.

"Shit, it's that Neji bastard" mumbled Naruto as he looked at Neji. Suddenly, Neji went up to Naruto and pulled his collar. "You do know that, according to Hyuuga law outsiders are not suppose to mingle with us." scowled Neji. "Can't we settle this somewhere else?" said Naruto as he pulled Neji's hand away.

The students were then whispering about the two such as "Are the teachers gonna fight?", "There were rumours that Naruto and Neji-sensei were on bad terms right?". As the two heard the students, they angrily shooed the students away, forcing them to return to their classes. "You two!" shouted another familiar voice from afar. It was Sakura.

"Come to the staff room now! There's an urgent meeting!" said Sakura as she stared at Naruto.

As soon as they arrived to the staff room, everyone was there.

"But this was just a misunderstanding right?" said Chouji.

"The students made it look like they were "dating" thus causing all the fuss" said Sai.

"Whatever the cause, this is one huge mess we gotta clean up" sighed Shikamaru.

"Guys, first of all Hinata and I were just shopping to get ingredients for her bento." said Naruto as he started to explain everything from scratch.

"Well, all of us know the truth so how are we gonna deal with this?" asked Sakura.

"Simple, just make an announcement or an official assembly to tell all this" said Kiba.

"But assembly will only be held next week. Imagine how we gotta answer all the kid's questions by then" said Shikamaru.

"Argh, how frustrating" said Naruto.

Soon, everybody got into a deep discussion.

"I'm sorry. It is all of my fault" said Hinata as everyone stopped to listen to her words.

"It's not her fault. It's my fault. I agreed to go with her to the store" said Naruto

"It's okay Naruto, Hinata. We all forgive you." smiled Sakura

"But right now, we need to solve this big mess that the students have created" sighed Shikamaru.

Suddenly, the school phone rang.

"Hello?" said Sakura as she answered the phone.

"Yes.....Yes....Alright....I got it....Thank you...." The call then ended.

"The superiors have called a meeting with all of us, after school. Those who have work later won't need to come. That's all." said Sakura.

"So I guess we just ignore the student's questions for now until the meeting" said Shikamaru as he went back to his desk.

Everybody sighed as they continued their work as usual. They tried to ignore the student's questions and act as if nothing happened that morning. Lunch break has arrived.

Naruto entered the staff room and saw a lunch box rested on his desk. He smiled as Hinata remembered to cook him a bento for today. He looked around and sat at his desk. Kiba, Chouji and Rock Lee were around. He opened the bento and saw rice, shaped omelettes, diced tomatoes and a pork cutlet. "Happy" was written on the rice with ketchup, sprinkled with seaweed dressing. Naruto ate his bento with joy as this was the first time someone made him a bento.

At that moment, Hinata entered the staff room holding another bento in her hand. Naruto smiled at Hinata, pointing at his bento and signalling a thumbs up. Hinata smiled back as she headed to her desk with was far away from Naruto's.

Soon, school has ended. The remaining teachers who had free time had to go to highest floor of the school which was the Director's Room. Normally, there wouldn't be anyone in there as the directors were busy doing things outside. The teachers, Naruto, Sasuke, Sakura, Hinata, Shikamaru, Sai, Neji and Ino were seated at the grand table waiting for the five directors to arrived. After a long wait, the door opened.

The five directors have arrived. Tsunade, the head director, Kakashi, Asuma, Kurenai and Gai the four sub-directors. "Alright, you guys don't need to stand. It isn't that formal" chucked Asuma.

"Now, I think you all know why you are here. There is aparently a huge scandal happening around school yes?" said Tsunade as she flipped through her book.

"Yes madam. Naruto and Hinata were apparently caught shopping at a grocer and students thought that they were dating" said Sakura.

"But it's just an innocent misunderstanding by the kids" said Ino

"Actually, if you look at it I've seen students dating around the school corridors or so" said Sai.

"Well, I'm here to remove one of the rules from the student handbook" said Tsunade as she looked at the teachers.

"Because school is youth! Dating should be allowed! It brings youth!" said Gai with a broad smile.

"I know you guys look pretty shocked. But other schools have removed this rule as well" said Kurenai.

"And in order to compete with other schools, we will do the same" said Kakashi.

"So, I hereby announce that dating is allowed in Konoha High!" said Tsunade with a smile.

"Yeah, but the teachers aren't dating madam.." said Sakura confused.

" I know. It means that I'm also letting the teachers have freedom to date as well." said Tsunade as she smiled.

"EH?!" shouted all the teachers in confusion ( except for Sasuke who just cooly sat there like a boss )

The five directors laughed at the teacher's reactions.

"Well then, I think that's all to this meeting." said Tsunade.

"We will send you an e-mail regarding certain events for the school in the upcoming months. That's all. You may leave" said Tsunade.

Everyone stood up and left, shocked at the words of the directors.

"You mean, all of us can date?" mumbled Naruto in confusion as a bright blush splashed across his face.

"Oh? What are you thinking Naruto?" said Sakura suspiciously as she glanced at Hinata who was blushing as well.

"N-nothing" said Naruto as he quickly left the scene. One by one, everyone left the floor and soon scattered to parts of the school, doing their own work. It is now 5pm and Naruto is seen waiting for someone at the school gate.

"Eh? Naruto-kun?" murmured Hinata as she walked out the entrance of the school only to see Naruto.

"Oh! Hinata!" shouted Naruto as he waved at her.

"What are you doing here?" asked Hinata as she headed towards him.

"Let's walk home together!" smiled Naruto.

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