The Secret Of The Uchihas

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"B-break in?! Are you in your right mind Naruto?" said Sakura as she stared at him. His eyes were the truth. Naruto was serious.

"What do you have in plan?" sighed Shikamaru.

"We'll climb through the windows and disguise ourselves as nurses!" grinned Naruto.

"How troublesome, but let's do it." sighed Shikamaru as a lazy smile appeared on his face.


The four crept behind the hospital. The alley was empty and it was the perfect spot. Sakura peeked through the window pane and it was just an enpty hallway. 

"Gee, is this hospital really that empty?" whispered Sakura as she carefully opened the window. She then climbed over and quickly covered herself behind a wall. The rest followed along and hid themselves behind the walls. Naruto took a peep and saw a figure coming through. The footsteps became closer and closer. Suddenly, SMACK! Naruto threw a punch at the figure and looked at it. 

"Alright, looks like he's knocked out!" whispered Naruto as he examined the male figure laying on the floor. He checked his white coat and found an ID card.

"We might need that Naruto!" whispered Sakura. Naruto nodded as he kept the card. The four then carefully walked through the empty hallway and saw a sign leading to multiple wards.

"How do we know which ward Itachi is in?" whispered Hinata.

"Easy, look for the one that needs a code to unlock" whispered Shikamaru. 

They carefully looked through the wards. Surprisingly, there wasn't anybody around. It was like a ghost town. What's even more strange was that there were no patients at any wards. Suddenly, Naruto spotted a strange metal door at a corner. It had a large lock with a slot for cards.

"That must be it guys!" whispered Naruto as he pointed at the door.

They went to the door and insert the ID Card into the slot. "Beep!" The light on the door knob went from red to green. It was quite obvious that the door was now unlocked. They slowly opened the door and were shocked at what they saw.

There was a large glass tube filled with water. Inside was a silhouette of an unknown man attached with connecting wires all over his body. The room was empty except for the large tube and a long desk beside it. There was a strangely chilling feel from the room as if the temperature was so low, it could preserve a body.

Naruto looked closely at the man in the tube and froze. His eyes, were taken. He then looked at the desk and found a file. He took it and read.

"Patient: Uchiha Itachi

This is to report that Itachi's eyes have been successfully taken out for immediate transplant to Uchiha Sasuke. He is currently ready for experimental testing under the guidance of Uchiha Madara. However, nurses are to monitor his condition in case he is to wake up from his coma due to excessive dosages of anesthesia."

Naruto froze in shock after reading it. The others were speechless as well.

" sick.." said Naruto with a trembling voice.

"It's alright. My father used to warn me that the Uchihas were a strange clan and told me to be careful around them" said Hinata as she hugged Naruto, assuring him.

"Wait, so they are using him as a test subject? His eyes were taken off for Sasuke to use them? Why would they do that?" said Shikamaru as he started to think while fiddling his hands. Sakura stood there in silence.

"This is just messed up.." said Naruto as he clenched his fist.

"Sakura-san, are you alright?" asked Hinata as she held her shoulders.

"Let me handle this. I'll speak to Sasuke." said Sakura firmly as her eyes shone with determination.

"You sure about that? How are you even gonna find Sasuke?" said Shikamaru as he scratched his head.

"I will find a way. Anyway, we should get going before anyone spots us" said Sakura.


Two days has passed since then. Sakura did not arrive for work as she applied for "sick leave" but Naruto, Hinata and Shikamaru know that she wasn't sick at all. In fact, she was busy trying ways to meet up with Sasuke and investigate the Uchiha by herself.

"Is it alright to leave her like that?" whispered Hinata worrily to Naruto. The two were having lunch together as usual.

"I think she feels the responsibility to do so. After all, Sasuke is her boyfriend" mumbled Naruto as he stuffed rice into his face. He then made a funny face by stuffing rice into his cheeks.

"Look Hinata! I'm a dumpling!" said Naruto as he tried to cheer Hinata up.

"Don't play with your food" giggled Hinata. 

"Kya! It's Naruto and Hinata-sensei!" shouted a bunch of fangirls from a distance.

"Yikes, not them again" said Naruto as he stared at the fangirls. He then shooed them away with his hands.

"I think I'm getting used to them" giggled Hinata.

"Oh really? Then you don't mind if-" Naruto then placed a quick kiss on Hinata's lips as he grinned. He could easily see the pink blush appearing on Hinata's face.


"Haha! It's so cute whenever you blush!" laughed Naruto.


Soon, a week passed. It seems as if the students slowly forgot about their teacher, Sasuke as they became used to the new Suna teachers. Eventually, the teachers too calmed down with the sudden dissapearence of Sasuke and decided that people change. It was as if the memories of Sasuke slowly vanished into thin air.

"Autumn's coming." said Shikamaru as he sighed looking at his textbook.

"Yeah, that means preparing the students for their exams" sighed Chouji as he took a sip from his can of coffee.

"It's gonna get cold guys" sighed Kiba.

"What's wrong with them?" whispered Naruto to Hinata.

"It always happen during this time of the year." smiled Hinata.

"By the way, I heard a transfer student is coming over." said Ino.

"What?! During this time of the year?!" said Lee.

"It's..actually my sister..." said Hinata softly.

"EH? A Hyuuga is attending THIS SCHOOL?!" shouted Kiba.

"I heard she's going to be under your class, Naruto." said Ino.

"Eh? Me?" said Naruto as he looked at Hinata. He is going to be the teacher of his girlfriend's sister. He became quite worried at the thought of it. Will he be able to teach her properly? Will his Hinata be upset if he teaches the wrong thing?

Many thoughts cross Naruto's mind.

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