I Miss My Friends

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It has been a couple of days since the two teachers were suspended for two months. For students, it felt slightly strange with their temporary teachers but for the teachers, they were missing someone. With those two gone, there was a empty hole left unpatched.

But, the teachers tried their best to continue working as if nothing had happened. Hinata especially, had it tough as Naruto got suspended because of her. But Naruto assured her that it was nothing to worry about through text messages. Naruto may not be around at work but she was always talking with him through the smartphone.

As for Neji's absence, students felt more calmer during their classes. Without their scary teacher around, students became carefree and relaxed. Days passed on normally at Konoha High. But during the period of time the two were suspended, interesting things happened at school.

More teachers were found to be dating and this actually started a popular topic for students to gossip about. Now, theres even students asking for the formation of a new club which supports these teacher couples. Of course, such idea was clearly rejected.

"Hey, you guys!" said Kiba as he saw Ino and Sai along the corridor.

"You ought check out the new section the Newspaper club has gathered!" laughed Kiba as he gave the newspaper to them and went away.

Ino and Sai blushed upon reading the article.

"The Newspaper Club is proud to introduce a new section to our paper! It is called Teacher Paparazzi! For today's first issue, we introduce to new, hot art couple which is Yamanaka Ino-sensei and Sai-sensei! These two match each other perfectly well, both in the art sector. Apparently, the two were often spotted together at the school garden and our professional photographers caught some of their intimate moments!" Below the text showed three prints of Sai and Ino in intimate positions.

"We are proud to present that we have decided to name this couple Saino! Stay tuned for more hot news!"

"T-this newspaper is just ridiculous Sai-kun!" stuttered Ino in embarassment as she angrily crushed the newspaper and threw it in a bin.

"I-It's okay love, these are just those kid's fantasies alright?" said Sai as he patted Ino's head. Whenever he did that, Ino would calm down.

Not long after Sai and Ino were discovered, two more teacher couples were found just a week later. There were pictures circulating around the school of Sasuke hugging Sakura at the gym storehouse. Ever since then, there were incidents of Sasuke going on an attack on these students but luckily he calmed down thanks to Sakura. Students were shocked to see the new side of Sasuke. No one knew he could turn so violent before. And after that, students stalked Shikamaru and found out that he was meeting with a teacher from another school, Suna High. They even found out the name o the teacher. Her name was Temari. ( Geez, these students are crazy fangirls )

A lot of interesting incidents happened ever since Neji and Naruto were suspended. Hinata would often update Naruto on the events at school and he laughed every time a new couple was discovered at school. Neji on the other hand, was informed often by his closest friends Rock Lee and Tenten. Ever since the Hyuuga incident, Neji often dropped by Naruto's house and offered to apologize. But in the end, Naruto would invite him for a meal. It seemed that Naruto had already forgiven him long ago and Neji accepted the fact of him dating his cousin.

Soon, a month passed. Konoha High slowly gained a reputation of a date-free school and brought the attention of other rival schools. Konoha High is the first school who enforced such a rule. This brought news reporters over on a particular day and people believe this will start a new change in the education system.


On a fine morning at Naruto's apartment block.

"What? It's already noon?" yawned Naruto as he looked at his clock. He's gotten used to staying at home and doing nothing.

"Let's see whats on the news" mumbled Naruto as he pressed the remote control.

"Flash Report! Hello I am Sayaka your reporter for today. I am standing in front of Konoha High today. It is a school that has sparked an outrage with its new dating policies!" There was an image of a young lady dressed formally standing in front of the school gate.

"Oh? My workplace is on tv?" laughed Naruto as he sat at his couch and watched.

"Here is one of the school teachers, Nara-san. Mr.Nara, what do you think of this new policy?"

"I think thats fine really. Students are freely dating so why can't teachers? Anyway, I've got other things to do." said a nervous Shikamaru as he quickly avoided the camera.

"Thank you Mr.Nara. How about you Mrs Hyuuga?" Said the reporter as the camera moved towards Hinata who was busily doing work at her desk.

"E-eh?" a flustered Hinata popped into the screen with her face all red.

"Hehe how cute" giggled Naruto as he quickly took out his phone and took a picture of her on the screen.

"I think it's good to change the policy once in a while..." said Hinata softly as she quickly returned to her work.

The news program then toured the school and interviewed some of students. However, what surprised Naruto was that the students called out to their suspended teachers, asking them to come back soon.

"Naruto-sensei! You looked really cool when you were fighting! Once your back, teach me okay?" said a male student

"Naruto-sensei! Without you around, the class is so dull these days!"

"Oi Konohamaru, don't say that on tv!" shouted a familiar voice but he wasn't shown on tv.

There were also comments about Neji how students felt really relaxed and they joked at how Neji didn't have to return.

Naruto was grinning all the way hearing his students. He felt the surge to come back and teach again. However, there was still one more month left. He took his phone and sent a message to everyone.

"Let's all have dinner tonight at Ichiraku!"

He also sent the picture he took to Hinata and captioned "You're so cute". After a while, he recieved messages instantly.

"Ramen again? Can't you decide something better? -_-" replied Sasuke

"Will there be beer?" replied Kiba

"What time are we meeting? I've got extra work today" replied Sai

"I'm alright with ramen!"replied Chouji

Naruto felt overjoyed after seeing the messages. He would be able to see his friends soon instead of staying all alone at his house the whole day.

"All right! We all will have dinner at 8pm tonight! It's all on me guys :D" texted Naruto.

"I can't wait to meet you guys again" murmured Naruto as he smiled.

Konoha Teacher Society Volume 1Where stories live. Discover now