Tonks rubbed her temples and closed her eyes. Mad-eye was assigning more orders, having tightened security and surveillance after whispers of an Azkaban breakout. He was increasing watches of known Death Eater joints, in a monotonous gravelly voice was making Tonks's brain turn to cotton.
Observing the rest of the table, Arthur had his chin propped up on his hand and was dozing off slightly. Kingsley seemed attentive but there was a loud snoring coming from the smelly pile of rags that resembled Mundungus. The door opened dramatically, causing everyone in the room to startle. Tonks almost fell backwards in her chair but she relaxed a little when she saw that it was only Kreacher the house elf. Sirius looked at the house-elf with animosity. Tonks knew that their relationship had been tenuous, evident by the blast marks on the Black family tree in the drawing room.
"Does anybody wish to volunteer to stand watch over the Carrow's place tonight?" Mad-eye continued, his eyes searched the individuals that were sat the table.
Sirius raised his hand with a mischievous smile and there was a instant uproar, Molly being the loudest voice. The man just laughed. "Alright, keep your knickers on woman. I was only going to suggest that Remus and Nymphadora go, since they made such a good pair last time."
Tonks couldn't shake the feeling that Hermione and Ginny had been talking to Sirius.
Mad-eye looked between Tonks and Remus as though he was observing a tennis match. They both struggled to find the right words. "Brilliant." He growled.
After dinner, the pair met in the hallway. Remus wore the thickest set of robes he had, which were worn and weren't very thick at all. He also donned a scarf that was brought all the way up to his face, almost covering his nose and thick gloves that were a little too big for him. It seemed as though the winter had arrived prematurely. He looked slightly ridiculous.
However his precaution wasn't entirely unwarranted. The drought that had plagued the summer was finally over, and it seemed that at-least 6 weeks of rain had built up in the sky and had chosen this exact moment to relieve itself. Typical. Tonks joined Remus in the hall. "Alright partner?" She grinned.
Despite the miserable weather, Tonks found herself excited to be on a mission again. Remus hadn't been out of the house in days, she had noticed, and she felt a little sorry for him. Once again, they were near the full moon and he had started being irritable and deflated. Tonks made it her personal mission to try and cheer him up.
"Let's get this over with, shall we?" Remus's voice was muffled behind his scarf.
They excited Grimmauld place and apparated off of the door step. The pair arrived as close as they could get to the mansion without triggering suspicion. It was a large 16th century house that had thick wooden beams and large stained glass window panes. Even through the rain they could see lights coming through the windows, but there was no substantial movement.In front of the house were lawns that were cut to perfection and a flower garden that appeared to be maintained. Not exactly what Tonks imagined when she thought of the home of a Death Eater.
Tonks and Remus agreed that they would lay under a bush in the flower garden and simply watch the house. However it didn't take Tonks very long to regret her decision. She crawled onto her stomach, feeling the mud squelch against her cloak. This clearly was not one of her brightest ideas.
"So far, so good." Remus observed in a hushed voice.
"It's bloody cold. Couldn't Mad-eye have picked a better day?" Tonks shuffled more towards Remus hoping that they could conserve body heat if they were closer together. Thankfully, Remus cast a wordless warming charm over them both but he didn't say anything, or move away.

T is for Tonks
FanfictionNymphadora Tonks is clumsy and energetic and can change her appearance at will. Remus Lupin is a lycanthrope who is insecure and smart. Sirius Black is witty and lonely. this is the tales of the goings on at Grimmuld place during the Order of the Ph...