Warnings for a tiny smut scene at the beginning.
This was so hard to write, i got so choked up at some points. I hope you all enjoyed this journey as much as i have. Stay safe! H.x
EDIT: 4 years after I finished the original fic, I'm still blown away by the response Ive received for this story. Thank you to everyone who has read T is for Tonks, thank you for all your kind comments, and I hope that you enjoy some of the other pieces I've written.
It was late afternoon, and Tonks had just about fell asleep on the couch when her baby had begun to cry, signifying that he was awake. She smoothed down her vomit stained canary linen dress and sought after her son. The nursery was a pale lilac color with heavy white curtains concealing the window. There was a wooden cot in the corner, from the which the source of the wailing that shook the foundations of the house could be traced. The room was by no means tidy, there were toys everywhere, boxes of nappies and spare tubs of formula (which they had purchased "just in case") were piled up in one corner. There was a wooden rocking chair by the window, that Tonk's father had made for the couple when he had learnt of his daughter's pregnancy.
"Shhhh Teddy. Whats all that noise for?" Tonks cooed, reaching for her 7 month old son and holding him to her chest. The little cherub was busy screwing up his face, the color of his hair changing between his sobs. Tonks and Remus had been so preoccupied, worrying about the chances of their son becoming a lyncanthrope like his dad, that they hadn't even considered the chance that he might become a metamorphagus like his mum. Born among the woes of the Second Wizarding War, Tonks knew her son was special.
She was fully aware that every parent thinks that of their child, but this was different.
Being at Hogwarts that night was the most frightening experience of her life. Watching her childhood home get blown up by the same people who had nearly killed her at the Ministry had been enough to plague her sleep with stubborn nightmares that no potion or amount of meditation seemed to get rid of. As spells zipped towards her, Tonks's only motivation that night was to get home to her family. She had fought to hard to get Remus in the first place, for them to loose each other right now. Never mind the fact that they both had a son waiting for them at home. Fighting along side her husband had only solidified their relationship for Tonks, after all of the drama of Remus leaving her, when he found out she was pregnant (which he had apologized for almost every day since).
When their marriage was officiated by the Ministry official, neither of them thought that they would be putting their wedding vows to the test quite so soon. Remus had proposed on the day of their first year anniversary, having admitted that with the declining situation in the Wizarding world, it would make things much easier in legal terms, should one of them die. Charming.
They were in the smaller bedroom, of their shared London apartment which was not far from Leicester square. They had bought the place above a small bakery, owned by a squib who often gave them free bread and pastries. Living together had sparked a few arguments so far, but nothing more serious than squabbling about who drank the last of the milk or who left the toilet seat up. Tonks had managed to get the day off of work, so that they could spend their first year anniversary together. She had prepared a picnic lunch for them to eat in St James' park under the sun. They took a leisurely stroll back to the apartment, Remus holding her arm like a gentlemen as they navigated their way through London, only to be unable to keep his hands off her as soon as they stepped through the front door.
Cheekily, Tonks had ran up the narrow stairs and giggled loudly as Remus gave chase whilst swearing that he was "too old for this." Still, he had a massive grin on his face. Although he wasn't saying that when he had her splayed in her lacy black underwear on the bed and was pushing into her, Tonks noted. He also didn't complain when she sucked him to his second orgasm and proudly stuck her tongue out to him, showing him it was coated with the contents of his balls. Merlin, she made him feel young again.

T is for Tonks
FanfictionNymphadora Tonks is clumsy and energetic and can change her appearance at will. Remus Lupin is a lycanthrope who is insecure and smart. Sirius Black is witty and lonely. this is the tales of the goings on at Grimmuld place during the Order of the Ph...