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Me and Tobio have been dating for a while. It's been all sunshine and Rainbows. I really hope he's happy  with me. " Y/N " Tobio says looking at me. I hum. " W-would you like to come over? " he asks looking down. He's so cute when shy. " of course. Then we can do naughty things ~ " I say smirking and tilting his face up with my fingers. He blushes . " Y-Y/N!" He says. I giggle. " I'm sorry Tobio." I say and hug him, " hey Tobio," I start. " hm?" " aside from being sexy, what else do you do?" I flirt. He looks at me confused " Volleyball?" He says serious. I mentally slap myself. " never mind-" I say. He tilts his head in confusion. " Hahaha! Kageyama is an idiot! " I hear Tanaka and Noya yell. I look at them. " no he's not-" I say. They look at me and raise a brow. I sulk. " he's just dense..." I say. They laugh and talk to Tobio. " Y/N they principal needs you." Daichi says. I nod and tell Tobio I'm going and walk to his office. I get to his office and he says to come in. He tells me that I need to get my grade up in a class.  He also tells me that I shouldn't yell at girls. I nod and apologize. He excuses me. I walk back and get milk from the vending machine for Tobio. I hear girls whisper. " oh it's Y/N. I heard he's dating Kageyama on the volleyball team. Isn't that gross?" Girl 1 says. Girl 2 starts speaking " yeah that's so disgusting. It's a shame they like boys. I'd smash them if they were single and straight. " " He yelled at me the other day. He was scary" I know that voice. It's the girl I yelled at. If it wasn't obvious- 
" He's a faggot. We shouldn't pay attention to him. It's gross " girl 1 speaks again. " Tobio isn't even that cute. He's okay but-" I reached my limit. I grabbed her by the hair and looked at her. " if I hear one more word come out of your mouth about MY boyfriend I'm going to kill you! DONT EVER TALK SHIT! I already told you this yet you still run that mouth of yours! Guys only like you cuz you're cute! You're personally sucks cock! I the people like you!" I yell and she smirks. " he even uses a gay comment in a threat. How stupid." She says.  I snap. I smack her. " SHUT THE FUCK UP! " I yell and throw her across from me. I look at her friends and I hiss at them. " same goes for all of you! If I hear one rumor. ONE RUMOR AND I WILL THROW YOU DOWN THE STAIRS! " I yell walking away. I see the principal and I sigh. " Y/N-" " I know I know. What's my punishment?" I say holding up my hand for him to stop. " Suspension " he says. I nod. " okay."

Kageyama POV
Y/N still isn't back... what happened? Is he in trouble?? Practice ended a while ago. I start walking home and I still worry. I call him but he doesn't answer. Is he mad? Was it about me? My anxiety sky rocketed and I go to his house. I knocked on the door. It opens and I see Daichi. I wave. " hey Kageyama. Now isn't the best time-" he gets cut off by a woman screaming. " YOU HIT A FUCKING GIRL! WHATS WRONG WITH YOU!" " SHE WAS TALKING BAD ABOUT MY BOYFRIEND-" he cuts himself off. " WHAT! YOU'RE GAY!? NO Y/N NO! YOU CANT BE GAY!" She yells and I hear a slap. My eyes widen. " Kage-" I cut Daichi off and run in, I see Y/N on the floor and he's crying. " Y/N!?" I say shocked. He looks at me. " LET ME GUESS?! THIS IS YOUR BOYFRIEND!! " she yells pointing at me.  He looks at me and nods. " YOIRE NOT GOING TO DENY IT?! ARE YOU SURE YOU'RE GAY!  GAYS DON'T WORK WELL HERE! THEY ARE PIECES OF SHIT! " she yells smacking him again. I go to Y/N and hug him to avoid another hit. She smacks me instead. " T-Tobio..." Y/N says crying and hugs me back. " DAICHI! GET HIM OUT OF HERE!! HES BEING A NUISANCE! " she yells at me. I take Y/N's hand and I run out. I hear her call out to him and he is still crying . I stop and hug him. " Tobio I'm-" I pat his head. " shhh , you don't have to explain " I say and take him to my house. No ones home... as expected. I take him to my room and he starts sobbing . " What happened?" I ask him. He tells me that some girls were talking bad about us and he didn't like it. He said that it was the girl from before and he smacked her. I pout. " you hit a girl?" I say. He nods hesitantly. " I'm sorry.." he says. " you can s-stay with me until you can go back home. I- I don't mind..." I say he smiles at me, but this smile wasn't the same as his other ones.... it hurts me to see him like that. I lean in and kiss him. He kisses back. " Let's get some sleep, I'll talk to Daichi tomorrow and tell him you're staying over. Kay?" I ask, he nods. I let him shower and I shower after, we then go to bed.

~Next Day ~
Daichi POV
Y/N hasn't come home yet... I wonder if he's okay. Then Kageyama comes in the Gym for morning practice. "Kageyama " I run up to him. " Ohayo Daichi" he says. " Y/N is safe, right?" I ask. He nods. " is he going to come home soon?" I say frantically. " no, he's staying with me, do you really think I'd let my boyfriend go to a house like that. You must be pretty fucking stupid if you think I'm doing that" He says looking angry. Suga walks over. " Kageyama, don't slur. " he says. " tell him not to be an idiot then" he retorts. I sigh. " Suga, it's fine. Just a family matter" I say and he nods and walks away to Noya and Asahi. " I'm so-" he starts but I shush him. " it's fine, I'm also sorry. But, may I please speak to Y/N? He hasn't answered my calls and texts. " I say. " he's shutting himself out from everyone. E-even me...I'll try" he says. He gets his phone out and calls Y/N. " hey Babe, good morning, how are you feeling." Kageyama says. I hear mumbling on the other line. " Daichi wants to talk to you" he says. He hands me the phone. " Y/N... I'm so sorry-" I get cut off." Don't apologize, just tell mom I'm not coming home. Say thank you. Because she just lost your brother. I'm not going to Kurasuno anymore. I can't face you. Bye" Y/N hangs up. I stand there in shock. " what he say? " Kageyama asks me. " h-he's moving schools...." I say starting to cry. Kageyama looks equally shocked. "W-What"

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