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I look and see Oikawa.... " T-Tooru?!" Y/N says. " you're going out with Tobio-kun? " Oikawa says. Y/N freezes. He looks at me. " N-" I cut him off. " Yes, and?" I say taking ahold of Y/N's hand. He looks confused. " Wow, so first you date me, leave then go with Tobio.... what a slut you are, just don't forget who trained you ~ " Oikawa says. Iwazumi comes over " Oi, Shittykawa, leave them al-" he and Y/N made eye contact. " Y/N... nice to see you're doing well," Iwa says bowing. " Y-You too..." Y/N goes tense. " I don't believe you guys are dating. Y/ N was saying no then you Interrupted. " Oikawa says. " Kiss" he smirks evilly. I frown. " Ka.. Kageyama isn't comfortable kissing in public. So we can't. Sorry. " Y/N says he holds my hand tighter. " oh really? well, I had no problem kissing you in public. I guess I'm better for you than Tobio-" Iwa goes to hit him but Y/N punches him in the face. " ofc you have no problem. You kissed millions of girls when we dated. I can't believe I actually liked you. Disgusting " Y/N says. He takes my hand again and we leave the store. " Y/N" I call out. He ignores me. " that was badass" I smile. I hear him laugh. " Thanks Blueberry-Kun" he smiles back. I didn't notice till now but. He called me Kageyama a few seconds ago.." Blueberry-Kun, sorry you had to hear that. Let's move on with our date. " Y/N says. I nod and hold his hand tighter. " okay! You pick!" Y/N says. I nod and we go to the park. " Blueberry-kun. " Y/N calls me, I look at him and hum. " How does tooru know you?" He looks at me. I told him how I knew him and how he hated me. " Oh. Okay" Y/N smiles. " your turn" I say. He nods. " well, last year I went to Aobajosai, and I liked Tooru... I asked him out, he agreed.... but.. even when I had him to myself. He never payed attention to me... always with girls. He took my first everything. And I hated him cuz of it. My first kiss, was to prove that he was in a relationship. He did it because of nothing. He never kissed me with love... while we dated he kissed many other girls too. Dating some too. So I ran away. I came to Kurasuno with my cousin Daichi." He started to cry. I panic and pat his back. " It's okay.. Y/N... I-.... " I stop. I have to admit. Today was a shitty day. But, for some reason, every time I see him smile. It makes me happy. Maybe, if I play this dating game longer I'll help him recover.... if he like playing with his heart... I just don't want to see him sad. " Y/N... what if... we extend this game... like... we actually date... but... like a game... I'm not into guys...." I say trying my best not to sound rude. He nods. " Starting Today, Y/N Sawamura, you are my boyfriend " o cringe at the last word but smile to hide it. He smiles and hugs me. " Okay... treat me well Blueberry-Kun." Y/N says. It grows late so I offer to take him home. He accepts and we go to his house. " Thanks Kageyama. It means a lot to me" I hear him mumble. I nod. I grab his hand and I intertwined our fingers. I see him smile. " Blueberry-Kun... so your mind if I give you a kiss on the cheek. " Y/N rubs the back of his neck. I nod. He goes to kiss me on my cheek but I move my face and I feel his soft lips on mine. He blushes and so do I. I see Daichi look at me through the window and glare. I look away and bid Y/N goodbye. Then I walk to my house.

" I see you opened up to him. Did he open up?" Daichi says. I nod and go to my room. I fall asleep .

~ Morning~
Today it was raining, and I hate rain. I walk out of my house to see Blueberry with an umbrella. He looks at me and waves. I go to him. " We're you waiting for me?" I ask he nods. I chuckled. He opens it and we head to class. I hold his hand and I smile. He has the same face as usual. We make it to school and I see the Hinata come over. " Kageyama! Y/N!  How come you guys didn't come to Practice ??" He yells. We look at him. " We were walking to school. We're 10 minutes early. Shut up Dumbass" Kageyama says rolling his eyes and closes his umbrella. " why are you holding hands with Y/N?" Hinata asks. " we're dating " Kageyama says pulling me close to him. I blush. tooru never did this with me. He'd always say that I was scared and didn't want to be alone.... " W-What! But you're both guys-" Hinata yells. Kageyama hit him on his head. " we know. " I smile. " Blueberry-kun, we'll be late. Let's go. " I say and we head to practice. And... ofc Daichi told Suga, Suga told Asahi, Asahi told Noya, Noya Told Tanaka and Tanaka yelled it for everyone to hear. I face palmed. " Y/N ! ARE YOU REALKY DATING KAGEYAMA!?!" Tanaka asked. I nodded. " HOW LONG?!" Suga asked. " one day.." I grow embarrassed . So does Kageyama. He tugs in my shirt and I look at him he mumbles . I can't head because of the group asking us questions. He says it again. " I-I feel uncomfortable... can I get closer? " he doesn't look at me . I nodded. He gets closer and I hug him. He wraps his arms around me and I smile." awwwweee" the team says. I blush. We get excused from practice and I glare at Daichi. He smiles and waves. I flip him off, still hugging my Blueberry boyfriend. " Y/N lets do something today. After school. " Kageyama asks I smile and nod. 

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