Mr. Glasses

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Sarawat finds out Tine's secret.

(He really isn't chic at all.)


Tine was running late for his morning classes after a night out with the gang and nothing was going right. He had woken up late, forgotten to print out his report which was due for submission today, and burnt the sleeve of his uniform while he was ironing. To top it all off, he dropped one contact lens down the drain while he was struggling to put them on.

It was not a good day for Tine.

"Damnit." Tine muttered, opening his bedside drawer roughly and rummaging inside for his spare pair of daily lenses. He was out of them. Just his luck.

"Great. Just great." He opened the next drawer and pulled out a small black case with a frown. He hasn't worn his glasses in years. He thought they looked ridiculously uncool and made him look like a nerd. He was Mr. Chic! Not some nerd in glasses.

Plus, Sarawat would have a field day when he saw Tine in them.

With a deep sigh, Tine grabbed a light grey sweater to hide the burnt part of his shirt and donned the glasses. He stared morosely at his reflection in the mirror. He looked like a glasses-wearing nerd in a cardigan.

"This is as good as it's going to get."


"Woah! Who's the geek?" Fong teased as he saw Tine approach their group.

Tine scowled at his friend and sat down in his chair dejectedly, dropping his head limply on his desk. "Don't say a word, Fong."

Ohm and Puak came closer and started poking his glasses and tugging at his sweater.

"Shit, guys!" Tine complained. "Stop it!"

"It's 35 degrees outside, Tine, why are you in a cardigan?" Puak asked.

Tin pouted. "I burned my uniform. Look," He pulled down his coverup and showed his friends the gaping hole in his white uniform.

"Didn't you have any extras?"

Tine groaned. "They're all dirty."

"This is why I told you to do your laundry last Tuesday," Fong commented.

Tine narrowed his eyes. "You don't get to tell me off after you nearly broke my tooth when you kicked my face."

Fong stuck his tongue out at him while Ohm and Puak laughed.

"You guys are the worst!"


Sarawat hadn't seen Tine all day. He pulled out his phone to check for notifications saw nothing, just Tine's grinning face as the background. The guitarist smiled before feeling anxious. He sent Tine a series of texts earlier in the day and he still hadn't replied to any of them.

He's just busy. Sarawat thought, trying to cheer himself up and failing.

Man nudged him. "Tine hasn't replied yet?" Sarawat shook his head.

"Come on, let's have lunch. Maybe he's in the cafeteria."

"Okay." Sarawat replied finally, tucking his phone back in his pocket and placing his bag over his shoulder.

"Food!" Boss exclaimed, throwing up a fist in the air and shimmying his shoulders in a some of sort of weird, interpretative dance.

"You're so fucking weird, Boss." Sarawat said with a shake of his head.


Tine wasn't at the cafeteria. He wasn't at the Law building's library. None of Tine's friends were picking up his calls. Sarawat was all but ready to call the police. He decided to make his way to Tine's dorm building and hunt his missing boyfriend down. If he finds out Tine was playing hooky all-day and ignoring him, he was going to murder Tine.

With his heart lodged in his throat, Sarawat ran up the stairs and headed for the short corridor that led to Tine's room. He heard rustling and Tine cursing under his breath.

Thank God; he's alive. Sarawat thought frantically, turning the corner. He saw Tine crawling on the ground, hair standing up every which way, and eyes squinting as he felt the ground with his hands. Sarawat was confused.


Tine seemed startled as he suddenly let out a shriek and fell back on his butt. "...Sarawat?"

"Yes...?" Sarawat replied, approaching the frantic boy slowly. "Are you okay?" As he came closer, he saw Tine's eyes were unfocused, like he couldn't see Sarawat properly.

"Sorry, Wat," Tine mumbled, getting up with Sarawat's help and brushing the dirt from his pants. "I can't really see you."

"Are you okay, Tine?" Sarawat asked again, voice tense. "What do you mean you can't see me? Did you get injured? Do I need to take you to the hospital?"

Sarawat was ready to carry Tine on his back and rush him to the hospital. Did he fall and hit his head? Did he have a concussion? The last time one of his team members got tackled really badly, they had to rush him to emergency room and get a CT scan to check for a bleed---

"I can't see you clearly, Salaleo, but I can hear the wheels turning in your head."

"Then tell me what's going on!" Sarawat snapped.

Tine sighed and rubbed his eyes, then reached forward and traced Sarawat's jaw with his fingers. He leaned forward and gave Sarawat a soft kiss on the cheek. "You're sweet. I am not injured, which is what you probably were thinking. I'm sorry for making you worry."

"Then why can't you see me?"

"Can you help me find my glasses? I dropped them in a hurry while I was trying to get the door open."

Sarawat knitted his eyebrows together as he scanned the floor quickly. He found the black frames by the corner and handed them over. "You wear glasses?"

Tine wiped the lenses down with his cardigan and blinked a few times to let his eyes focus. He smiled as he saw the clear, devastatingly handsome face of his boyfriend.

"I used to, back in high school." Tine admitted, unlocking the door to his room and tugging Sarawat inside. "I thought they looked hideously uncool so I started wearing contacts instead." He grinned. "I had to keep up with my chic image."

"Tua woon wai." Sarawat said exasperatedly, taking Tine's waist and tugging him close. He buried his face in Tine's neck and let out a relieved sigh. "You scared me, you fucking narcissist. I thought you were sick, or kidnapped, or dead---"

"I'm sorry," Tine said quietly, bringing up his arms to wrap around Sarawat. He melted against Sarawat's warm embrace. "I was embarrassed."

Sarawat pulled back to look at Tine's face. "Of what?"

"Of you seeing me in them."

Sarawat laughed before kissing Tine softly. He let one hand travel up Tine's chest, a thumb brushing over his nipple through the thin white cotton of his shirt. Tine gasped into Sarawat's mouth, pressing their mouths together harder. Tine's hands slipped under Sarawat's shirt, fingers flitting across the waistband of his jeans and across Sarawat's flat abdomen. He could feel Sarawat's muscles tense up at his touch.

Sarawat pulled away, warm puffs of heated breath fogging up Tine's glasses.

"I guess you like them after all?" Tine's face was red.

Sarawat nodded quickly, pulling Tine back into him and tumbling on to the bed.


A/N: And we find out Sarawat has a kink. Hehe.


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