If The World Was Ending

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We weren't meant for each other and it's fine.

(canon-divergent AU, established!Saratine go through a break up in their adulthood)


A/N: While you read this, please listen to If The World Was Ending by JP Saxe and Julia Michaels . I first heard this today and can't get it out of my head. It's a perfect break-up and getting back together song.

Also SaraTine is endgame. Fight me.


'I know, you know, we know

You weren't down for forever and it's fine

I know, you know, we know

We weren't meant for each other and it's fine'

Sarawat ripped out the earphones from his ears and threw his phone against the wall, hearing the screen crack and the phone clatter to the floor. He sobbed into his hands, his cries echoing in the empty apartment he should've shared with Tine. He didn't just sound pitiful, he looked it -- heartbroken, lying on the floor, alone in the room that was once filled with his and Tine's happy memories.

They were happy once. Until they weren't.

"I don't understand why you have to be jealous all the time." Tine snapped at him angrily, taking off his jacket and throwing it over the couch haphazardly. An irate look was plastered all over the man's face as he opened the fridge and took out a can of beer. He popped open the tab and took a swig. "You were so embarrassing earlier. You just had to lose your shit in front of everyone!"

Sarawat rolled his eyes as he followed Tine into the kitchen. "He was obviously flirting with you! Why didn't you just listen when I told you to stop talking to him? We wouldn't be in this mess if you knew how to say no!"

"If I knew how to say no, you wouldn't be my boyfriend either, now would I?!"

Sarawat was silenced by that hurtful comment. Tine bit his lip.

"I didn't force you into this relationship, Tine."

Tine finished the beer and crushed the can in his hand. "It sure feels like you did."

Sarawat cried harder at the memory. His heart felt like it was broken, honest-to-goodness broken, like it wouldn't beat without Tine in his life. He didn't know how to move on from the love of his life. The only love he'd ever known. He didn't want to.


'It's been a year now

Think I've figured out how

How to think about you without it rippin' my heart out'

Tine reached over his dashboard and quickly turned the radio off. It had been a year without Sarawat. A year of drowning himself in work, taking on case after case just to forget the train wreck that happened between him and his ex-boyfriend.

"Maybe we should just break up then."

Tine didn't know what to say. He usually let his temper get the best of him when he and Sarawat fought but... a break up? Sarawat was not his first relationship but he was Tine's first love, no questions asked. He was the first ever person Tine let in but recently... everything just felt like he and Sarawat were going through the motions, like they were getting too serious with each other before they really even knew what they were in for.

"Are you giving me an out?" Tine asked quietly, looking into Sarawat's eyes. He couldn't tell what the other boy was feeling. He often hid his true feelings from Tine, and even after two years together, Tine still couldn't tell what Sarawat was thinking.

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