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What will it take for Tine to believe he's worthy of Sarawat's love?

(In which Tine coughs up flowers that tell him Sarawat doesn't love him. He does. Tine has issues.)


A/N: I actually made a Hanahaki Disease story. I can't believe myself.

I tried to make this as un-angsty as possible (but really how, this is basically based on BL lore about coughing up flowers if the person you love doesn't love you back. It's the stuff angsty stories are made of). *shrugs*

Warning: It's not gory or graphic per se, but I do mention a little bit of blood while Tine coughs up flowers. That's about it.



Tine loves flowers. They were beautiful and the different meanings each one had had always caught Tine's interest. But they were also very sad, Tine believed, because unless they were made of plastic, the longest they could live in a vase filled with water was a couple of days. So as much as Tine loved flowers, he didn't like giving or receiving them. He told Sarawat as much, and the couple managed to avoid giving each other flowers for the past several months they had been dating.

Until Tine started coughing them up.


It was after a date with Sarawat that Tine found the first one.

Sarawat had brought Tine home and they shared a sweet kiss by the door.

"I love you, Tine."

Tine's lips pursed. "I love you too." He replied uneasily.

Sarawat seemed happy at his reply and went home.

Tine had been distracted during the date, able to eat only a bit of his dinner while he thought about how lucky he was to have Sarawat in his life. He wished Sarawat felt the same way, and that he wouldn't get tired of Tine. The law student thought he wasn't a catch by any means, despite his constant declarations of being Mr. Chic.

At midnight, Tine was woken by shortness of breath, like something was lodged in his throat and blocking the air from entering his lungs.

"What the hell..." Tine gasped, clutching his throat with one hand, the other bracing himself on the bed while coughs wracked his body.

Tine leaned over and with one final cough, he felt something pass his lips and fall on the bed. With shaking fingers, Tine picked it up and held it under his lamp.

It was a daffodil.


"You look tired, bro." Fong commented as he took a seat beside Tine, noting the other boy's dark undereye circles.

Tine sighed. "I had the weirdest dream."

"How weird?" Ohm asked, "Like sex weird?"

"Ugh, of course not, you perv." Tine replied, eyeing Ohm with distaste. "You've been spending too much time on Pornhub." Ohm grinned at him.

"What did you dream of then?" Puak arrived and sat next to Ohm. "And yes Ohm, stop spending too much time on that site. It sets unrealistic expectations for sex."

Tine cleared his throat, cheeks tinged pink. "As I was saying, I dreamt I coughed up a flower."

Ohm's eyes narrowed. "That sounds eerily familiar."

"That is weirdly specific. Don't you hate flowers?" Fong wondered.

"I like them. I just don't like that they rot and die after you pick them." Tine clarified, then continued his story. "I dreamt I coughed up a daffodil in the middle of the night and it disappeared." He frowned. "I could've sworn I placed it on my nightstand but when I woke up this morning, it was gone."

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