We Need A Bigger Couch

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Sarawat and Tine decide to move in together.

(The couch is entirely too small.)


A/N: Fucking hell, the first part of episode 9 killed me. I needed more of that couch scene! Fuck. *buries self*

This maybe part of a series of fics/drabbles of Sarawat and Tine's adventures after they move in together. Don't know yet. I need domestic!Saratine in my life.


"What do you mean I need to move out?" Tine asked incredulously. "It's the middle of the semester! How am I going to find a new place to stay in such short notice?"

The dorm manager sighed and scratched his head. "I'm sorry, Tine. The university released a list of accredited housing for students and my building wasn't included. There's nothing I can do."

"I signed a lease!" Tine protested. "What about my advanced payments?"

"I'll return your deposit and advance since neither of us technically broke the contract. I have the check in the office already."

Tine closed his eyes. "Fine." He could feel a migraine coming.

"I'm really sorry, nong. My hands are tied."

Tine let out a breath and gave the man a wai. "I'll get packing then, P'. When do I need to leave?"

"In a week."

"A week?!" Tine screeched.


"This isn't going to work." Tine mumbled, going through rental listings on his computer with a frown. The list of accredited housing the university provided was limited and the rooms were too expensive for one student to afford alone.

I guess this is how they're forcing students to room with someone else after that girl got pregnant last month.

Tine closed his laptop and grabbed his phone, sending a message to his friends' LINE group chat and asking if they needed to move out from their dorms. He stood up and tossed his phone on the bed, stretching and eyeing the boxes that littered the room.

He had four days left and he would be homeless.

"Maybe I should just squat in the library." Tine joked to himself. "Nobody uses it anyway."

"That would be illegal and you would get kicked out of school."

"Fuck!" Tine exclaimed, turning around quickly and gripping his chest. "Sarawat! How did you get in here?"

Sarawat tossed him a set of keys. "You left these yesterday in my room. Thought you might need them back since you're moving out and all."

Tine mananged to catch them with one hand. He sighed and stared at the keys resignedly. Sarawat cleared his throat.

Tine looked up and saw Sarawat staring at him. "What is it, Wat?"

Sarawat's lips pressed together tightly before he asked,

"Do you want to move in with me?"

Tine felt his heart skip a beat.


The tips of Sarawat's ears were slowly turning red as he scratched the back of his neck. "My building isn't accredited either and I can't really afford rent alone so..." he trailed off.

Tine was dumbstruck. They've only been dating for two months and Sarawat was asking him to move in together? They hadn't even gotten to second base yet! Tine blushed at the thought of him and Sarawat sharing a living space. Wasn't this all happening a little fast?

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