Chapter 10: Confused

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The next morning after I get Sammy dressed and fed along with me Brandon gets here and we decide to just chill around the house all day.
"So Sammy any sports you wanna do. Im sure I could take you to whatever you want to do?" Brandon asks.
"Yeah!" Sammys answers all excited
"Ok what its it, footy? Soccer? Tennis?"
"Gymnastics" He says proudly making me smile.
"Gymnastics?" Brandon asks almost like he wanted a different answer.
"Yeah, it look fun, you get to flip" He says all excited. Brandon doesnt say anything so I speak up.
"Thats great Sammy how about you go set up all your cars in your room for daddy to come up and play with" I tell him and he smiles big before running out of the room to do as he is told.
"Brandon. What wrong? Why are you being weird?" I ask.
"He wants to do a girl sport" He answers.
"Excuse me. Please dont tell me you just said that. Brandon he's 4 and a half"
"So. Its pretty much the same as saying he wants to do Ballet"
"Well you know what. You brought the sport idea up. So suck it up and support what your son chose, his feelings are a toy Brandon their not as easy to fix. So next time be careful how you react" I say in an angry and pissed off tone before starting to walk out of the room.
"Are you seriously mad right now because I want our kid to do a boy sport like soccer or football?"
"No. Im mad at you because you're acting ashamed of what our child wants to do"
"Thats not true"
"Oh really? Well unfortunetely it is and until you decide otherwise dont even bother coming near me" I say storming out of the room and up to my bedroom before slamming the door. Im laying on the bed just thinking about how unusual this is for Brandon and then I hear footsteps near the door. My door doesnt open though and then I hear the footsteps walking away. He must be going into Sammy's room to play with him. This so isnt Brandon. I know it. He loves Sammy and would normally agree with anything he chooses to do even if its wear a dress. I have no idea why a little thing like a sport is bothering him this much.

After about an hour I come out of my room and go downstairs where its all quiet. I dont hear my sons amazing giggle and I dont hear his cute little voice. Where are they. I go out the back but they arent there and I check his room which is empty to. Then I hear the music to my ears of both my boys laughing together. I look out the front window and see them flat on the grass like they both just fell while laughing there butts off. I go downstairs and out the front door and they're now back up on their feet and look at me when I step outside.
"Whats happening out here?" I ask as I walk down the steps over to the grass where they are.
"We're just practicing Sammy's handstands and cartwheels for when he starts gymnastics" Brandon says smiling proudly while watching Sammy attempt but sadly fail at cute little handstand.
"Are you now?" I ask Brandon in a bit of shock considering out earlier conversation.
"Yeah. I mean if we're gonna have a world glass gymnast on our hands then we have to get practicing right Sammy?" He says ruffling the hair on his head.
"Daddy says I could be an olympican"
"Olympian buddy" brandon corrects bending down to his level.
"Right. Olympican" He says pronouncing it the same as he did the first time making me giggle.
"Well you're not going to be much of an olympican if you dont eat lunch, so come on inside and I'll make a sandwich"
"Can I come back out when its finished?" He asks with puppy dog eyes.
"Yes buddy but you gotta eat first" I tell him while pointing towards the front door. He runs up and inside the house while I turn around to face Brandon with a huge smile on my face. "And what changed your mind mr tough guy?" I ask walking closerto him putting my hands on his chest and my face closer and closer to his.
"He's our son. He can be and do whatever makes him happy. That will make me more then happy with my life" he tells me before leaning down to catch my lips in a deep kiss which I cant help but moan into as he slips his tongue in and wonders my mouth. Until we're interrupted by a cough. I turn around and see Sammy standing at the door tapping his foot.
"Umm lunch?" He says with a bit of an attitude.
"Ok sassy, we'll be in there in a minute" I tell him and he nods before running away again.
"well that was a lovely moment ruined by our olympican" Brandon says and I burst out laughing.
"Come on" I say taking his hand and pulling him inside where I begin making them both lunch.

To Be Continued......

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