Chapter two

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Birdstream's tail brushed Bubblebreeze's nose and she woke up.

"Squirrelbrain of a she-cat, to wake me up like that" Bubblebreeze mumbled.

She stood up to stretch her legs and back.

When she walked outside, it was dawn and Owlfeather was organizing patrols.

"Bubblebreeze! Bubblebreeze!" Rainpaw called, running toward her. "Look what Swiftpaw taught me!"

Bubblebreeze watched closely while Rainpaw reared up on his hind legs and began to blow out with his front paws, claws unsheathed.

"Very good, Rainpaw," Bubblebreeze said. "Do you wanna train some battle moves today?"

"Yes!" Rainpaw exclaimed.

They walked out of camp and into a clearing in the forest where the mentors would take their apprentices to train battle moves.

It was the first time Rainpaw would be here. Rainpaw was clearly very excited.

"You stand over there, and I stand here," Bubblebreeze pointed with her tail to a point in the grass some tail lengths away from herself. "Now, you attack me."

Rainpaw looked very focused, but also excited.

Then Rainpaw leaped and punched out with his front paws, Bubblebreeze ducked and shoved him away with her claws sheathed.

"Don't look at the point that you want to hit," Bubblebreeze explained. "It'll be easy for your opponent if you keep looking at the place you want to attack"

Rainpaw looked Bubblebreeze in the eye, and she prepared for the next attack.

Rainpaw leaped reaching for her back, but she ducked again and Rainpaw leanded with a thump! on the grass.

As Rainpaw tried to find his balance Juniperstream and Swiftpaw entered the clearing.

"Hello!" Bubblebreeze purred. "Wanna train with us?"

"Okay," Juniperstream said. "But Swiftpaw is almost a warrior and Rainpaw's just become an apprentice. Are you sure they can fight?"

Rainpaw sat up and lifted his chin. "I'm sure I can take on Swiftpaw."

"We'll see about that," Swiftpaw said playfully. "A squirrelbrain like you can't take on a big warrior like me!"

Rainpaw lashed his tail and leaped onto Swiftpaw's back.

Swiftpaw rolled over so that Rainpaw lost his breath and got off.

"Good one, Rainpaw," Swiftpaw breathed. "But can you do this?"

Swiftpaw leaped at Rainpaw and pushed him over so Rainpaw lay on his back.

Swiftpaw acted like he raked at Rainpaw's soft belly claws sheathed.

Rainpaw closed his eyes and went limp, acting as if was dead, but couldn't hold back a purr.

Bubblebreeze also purred with amusement.

Swiftpaw then relaxed and got off Rainpaw.

Bubblebreeze's belly rumpled all of a sudden.

Juniperstream turned to face Bubblebreeze. "You go hunt, we can train with Rainpaw in the meantime."

Bubblebreeze nodded thankfully and trotted into the forest.

She didn't walk three fox lengths before a warm greenleaf breeze brought her the scent of a mouse.

She dropped into a low crouch and stalked the mouse, leaped and killed it.

She ate the mouse, buried the bones and thanked Starclan for its life.

When she walked back towards the training clearing, Juniperstream, Swiftpaw and Rainpaw was about to leave.

She joined them on their walk back to camp.

"You should've seen me!" Rainpaw exclaimed. "I was so fast that even Swiftpaw was surprised!"

Bubblebreeze noticed that a drop of blood dripped from Swiftpaw's ear.

"Rainpaw, did you claw Swiftpaw's ear?" Bubblebreeze asked sharply.

"No," Swiftpaw said quickly. "A bramble's thorns ripped my ear"

Rainpaw looked innocently at Bubblebreeze and she couldn't hold back a purr.

Back in camp Bubblebreeze saw Darkstar deep in conversation with Lightstripe.

Bubblebreeze caught Darkstar's eye and purred, Darkstar rolled her eyes and continued talking.

The camp was peaceful as ever.

Spikepaw and Cloudnose relaxed outside in the sun.

The kits played Clan and Eaglekit was the leader.

The queens and elders was talking and purring.

Bubblebreeze inhaled the nice scent of her home.

Bubblebreeze came back from a hunting patrol and the sun was going down.

She put a squirrel on the freshkill pile, took a vole and went to sit with Darkstar, Owlfeather and Cloudnose.

She spotted Speedypaw sitting alone on her haunches with her head held low.

Bubblebreeze put down her vole next to Owlfeather and trotted over to Speedypaw.

"Why are you sitting alone?" Bubblebreeze asked.

"The other apprentices doesn't want to play with me," Speedypaw mumbled. "They say that I'm not fun to play with."

Bubblebreeze felt sorry for the calico apprentice, and almost made Rainpaw clean the elders den for the rest of the night.

"You can come sit with me and my friends." Bubblebreeze said. "We always welcome a new friend."

The apprentice looked Bubblebreeze in the eye and nodded.

Speedypaw picked up a thrush from the freshkill pile and they trotted over to sit with the others.

"Hi,"Cloudnose said. "You wanna eat with us?"

"Yes please," Speedypaw answered. "The other apprentices won't play with me."

"Well then they're just a bunch of foxhearts," Darkstar said. "You are always welcome to sit with us."

The calico apprentice nodded, sat down and began to nip at her thrush.

Cloudnose narrowed her eyes and stared at Bubblebreeze.

"Why don't you have a mate, Bubblebreeze?" Cloudnose began.

"Oh come on Cloudnose," Bubblebreeze said. "Do you really want to start this conversation again?"

Cloudnose looked away and purred. "Just saying though."

Speedypaw purred. "Is this what you always talk about?"

"Pretty much," Owlfeather answered, she narrowed her eyes. "But it can get a little annoying sometimes"

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