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Author's note: One of the longest chapters I have ever typed. I hope you enjoy.

"KABLAM" Batman kicked the basement door of the Gotham Hospital and broke and immediately stormed down to save the person who was trapped in Jigsaw's trap. "HELP ME!!" Batman heard a scream for help. "WHERE ARE YOU?" Batman yelled in an attempt to hear where the cries of help were coming from. "HERE! I'm HERE!" the screams came from underneath the concrete. Batman used his bat vision to see through the construction and pinpointed an entry point. He took out his remote explosive gun and shot it toward the entry point and detonated it. "BOOM" the concrete fell and Batman jumped in to see a man on top of whom hydrochloric acid was falling in drops all over. "HELP ME BATMAN!" The man screamed in agony. Batman looked at the chair and instantly knew it wasn't any ordinary chair. If he tried to take off the leg or hand shackles a bomb underneath the chair would explode. "AAARRGGHHH" The man screamed as yet another drop of hydrochloric acid fell on him. Batman looked up to see a timer with two minutes left. "What is the timer for?" Batman asked. "If I don't cut my hands off and fill these cups with blood. ARGH! The acid will spill all over me." The man managed to get out. Batman took out two glue bombs and immediately placed them inside the two large cups as they were lowered but not enough. "Close your eyes" Batman told the victim as he complied the bombs exploded and glue flew here and there but the man was released. Batman immediately grabbed him and rushed upto the Hospital. "THIS MAN IS IN NEED OF IMMEDIATE MEDICAL ATTENTION!" Batman roared. Nurses and doctors rushed in and took the victim away. Batman stopped the managing doctor and told him to prepare as a lot more victims were to come.

"Yes. Thank goodness" Dick Grayson said as he saw in the screen people were being saved. But at a cost. As it was before Batman or the GCPD could pinpoint the locations of the victims already ten people had died. Leaving only thirteen more people to be saved including the boys of the bat family. Tim also saw what was happening. He could only smile as the needles were doing their things and he was feeling weak. Jason swore in joy as the two knives had already stabbed him in the thighs and was going deeper. But it was about to get a lot more scary for them. In Nightwing's room "Welcome Nightwing. Today you are here because for many years you have blindly followed a mentally ill person who intimidates people dressing up as a bat. Today you will pay for the countless lives you've destroyed with your master. Also I want to play a game." Nightwing heard what was being announced somehow as he was shocked yet again with electricity. "As you may have noticed you are being electrically shocked every minute. There are two wires underneath your wrists which you can not feel as your palms have been numbed. You must insert those wires into the sockets of your chair as you can see toward the front of the handrests." Dick took a look and saw two sockets. "Once you have done that you must immediately push down to raise the cage around you from the ground as the cages for the hyenas will open as soon as you put the wires in sockets. You will have 10 minutes to complete your task. You will only survive if you have to will to live." The voice stopped and the timer started as well.

In Jason Todd's room. "Hello Jason. Welcome to the place where you will atone for your sins." Jason made a disgusted expression as he was about to swear the knives pulled out from his thighs and he screamed in pain. "For far too long have you taken lives and hurt people. You do not even flinch or think twice before taking the life of a human being. Taking lives under the guise of serving justice is just a justification of murder. I want to play a game. As you may have noticed the knives around you they are very sharp and cut as soon as they touch skin. You will be asked 10 names of the people you have murdered from the past year. If you fail to say the correct spelling of their names one after another the knives will stab you. But if you succeed your shackles will be opened and you shall be set free. Proving you have the will to live. You have only 10 minutes." The voice stopped and the screen changed colour. "Hello mister Todd." Jason looked up to see the The riddler with a huge smile on his face. "You piece of-" Jason was interrupted "YOU SAY SOMETHING I DON'T LIKE AND YOU DIE KID! I'M THE ONE PUSHING THE BUTTONS!!!" Riddler screamed in anger. Jason was now fuming with anger as his life was now in the hands one of his worst enemies. "Now lets begin" Said Nigma with a smile.

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