Chapter Fifteen

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(Haze's POV)

"Have a good d--" I shut the door, cutting her off and walked up to the school, ignoring everyone. I didn't like being this way to my mother, but I was so mad at her! How could she keep a very important part of my life from me like that? For that many years? I understand until maybe I was seven or eight, so I would be old enough to understand the situation, but this long? No.

Derrek grabbed my hand, breaking me from my thoughts. I loosened up a little bit. He made me happy. I liked him a lot.

However, after he walked me to my locker, the bell rang and we had to go our separate ways. It sucked, but it is what it is. I closed my locker and made my way to my first class.

"Hazelyne!" I heard. I looked behind me and saw Mr. Mathews. 

"Oh. Hi." I said, quietly.

"What's wrong? You look upset." He really looked concerned. 

"I don't have enough time to explain it. Class starts in two minutes." 

"Come with me." He started walking, and I followed.  He led to the main office. 

"Wait here." He said. He walked on in, and I overheard the conversation.

"What do you need, Mr. Mathews?" The vice principal, Mrs. Helin, asked. 

"There's a student and she needs someone to talk to. Can you find someone to cover my class."

"Is it that once specific student we were talking about the other day?" Mrs. Helin asked. Mathews didn't say anything, so I assume he nodded in response. But why were they talking about me before?

Either way, I heard her dialing a number and telling someone to cover his class. He then walked out, and told me to follow him.

We ended up in the lunch room. We sat at a table.

"So what's going on, Haze?" He looked at me, and I felt like I could trust him.

"It's a long story."

"We have time. You're excused from all your classes until this talk is over with." He assured. Well, alright.

"Well, my mother, Heather, isn't really my mother. I just recently found out that I am just a mistake. My actual mother, Skylar, was a lesbian. She experimented with some dude in highschool to prove to her mother that she was straight or something, and got pregnant with me. I guess my dad left so Heather could raise me. I think. I don't know that whole situation. But Skylar, my mother, she killed herself when I was a couple months old. I guess she wanted to give me a better life with Heather. And people kept telling her to and depression got the best of her. Sad thing is, I know my dad's name, but I don't know him. I don't know anything about him, I don't know where he is, or anything. And I never got a chance to tell my mother goodbye. I hardly knew her, and I miss her."

At this point, I was in tears. It looked like Mr. Mathews was too.

"What's your dad's name?" He asked. 

"Zane. I don't know his last name." I stated between sobs. The next thing he did surprised me though. He pulled out his wallet, got out his ID, and slid it over to me. I looked up at him, confused.

"Just look at it." I picked it up, and turned it over. 

The name made my heart stop.

Zane Mathews. 

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