Chapter 1 - Welp, Time to be Suspicious

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I am pretty sure that everyone, at one point in their life, has heard the phrase 'be your own hero.' Well, at least if you read sappy books, you would have, especially the pre-quirk books. Typically, this means that you have to take care of yourself, or you get yourself out of a bad situation.

Of course, with how times are, this phrase can be thrown out of the window for two reasons.

The first is obvious: A hero is an occupation you can go into. It is a job.

The second only applies to me: I'm pretty fucking sure that when that person came up with that phrase, they didn't mean for me to go around at two in the morning beating up assholes while running a mafia illegally.

Now that should have caught your attention.

Hello, bitches! I'm Izuku Midoriya, or Virus to the public, Japan's number one most wanted vigilante and youngest Yakuza boss of the group Mafia at 14.

Before I forget, fuck the police for calling my Mafia a yakuza. I think calling my group a Mafia is more refreshing, but will they accept that?

No! No, they won't! They refer to the Japanese name. I guess the police have more important things to worry about than a name. Oh, extra information for you all: I know a lot of American and English shit because my dad left me for America, and I tried to learn something from there so that we can talk about something. He never did come back.

I need to get back on topic. Sorry, I'm an easily distractable person. You probably have a lot of questions and don't worry! I will answer some of them through my explanation!

Let's start with the basics: Welcome to the world of quirks, aka, superpowers! These quirks can range from being a genius to be able to change the size of your pee-pee! If you can imagine it, someone probably has it! There are no limitations there. About 80% of the population has a quirk. The rest are 'quirkless,' meaning they are pieces of shit as they are the inferior.

Before you call me out for discrimination, I am quirkless, so it's okay. I'm just informing you of the way things are. Continuing, I'm willing to guess that 95% of the quirkless population is elderly as I have never met another quirkless person my age. Don't I feel special?

With the rise of quirks came the rise of heroes and villains into society. As a villain, you can do whatever the fuck you want. It is basically a cooler name for a criminal. However, to become a hero, you have to go to a hero school. Then, you have to get a provisional license to be able to use your quirk to help legally as it's illegal to use your quirk in public.

Doesn't that put a twist on the word heroes?

Of course, we can't forget about the middle line I fall under, which is vigilantes!

Vigilantes are a mixture of both. They do whatever the fuck they want, but they do the job of heroes sometimes. It really depends on their beliefs. The primary law they break is the quirk law that states that you can't use your quirk in public. Then we have me, a quirkless person. Based on that rule, what I do is technically legal if you ignore everything else. However, with the shit I pull, I'm surprised that I am not put as a villain. Let me give you an idea.

Shit I Do to Get in Trouble List

1. Hacking the government (Probably the main reason I am wanted. I know shit I shouldn't know.)

2. Illegal equipment (I promise that metal gauntlets with claws that produce electricity to the point of knocking someone out is necessary.)

3. Disrespecting authority (Honestly, I should be paid for insulting Endeavor (trash hero) at this point. "My electricity burns hotter than you, and I can keep a woman, you abusive bitch.")

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