Chapter 13 - Where's Mister Clean?

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Yeah, it's been a while, huh? Here's the down-low.

I have been busy as a detective on the new League of Villains case with everything going on. I have had to use all my connections as Virus to figure that shit out because it's covered! I mean, I figured a lot out, but not as much as I would like.

As Virus, I have been doing the usual killing. I feel like you wouldn't want to watch them as they are boring AF. Like, the fights suck.

After my proof of power, I became Aizawa's partner for class 1-A to teach them how to fight by constantly beating their asses, but hey, they are getting better! I still want to murder the man, though. We get along for work. Otherwise, we are fighting. Oh, and he has a new student he is training.

Eri is still a sweetheart.

Aizawa is 'having fun' in the Mafia, though he disapproves of fucking everything. Though, him questioning Present Mic about his involvement in the group was hilarious. I have no idea how they are not together yet for how much Aizawa was worrying about it, but oh well. Their problem, not mine!

The Mafia is back in power again...anything else?

Oh yeah, the Sports Festival! Now that's where the real shit is!

For those unaware, UA holds a Sports Festival so that heroes can check out the hero course (UA students, but let's be honest here: it's really only for the hero students.) to figure out who they want in their agency. I can even go as far as to say that it replaces the Olympics. People from all over the place come to watch kids beat each other up like it's a WWE fight!

Overall, class 1-A kicked ass because yours truly taught them.

Bakugo got first place (sadly for someone like me), Todoroki, that ice-hot boy, got second, and Tokoyami got third. Of course, there was supposed to be another fight for third place. However, Iida left due to a family situation.

That family situation is what leads me here in Hosu.

As it turns out, Iida's brother Ingenium was injured and left paralyzed by the Hero Killer: Stain for some reason. I say for some reason because I have no idea why Stain would go after him of all people.

I should probably explain Stain, huh? Alright.

Stain was initially a vigilante call Stendal, but he decided that heroes suck, so now he goes around murdering and paralyzing heroes. Wait, that's a shitty explanation. Rephrase, Stain believes that most of the heroes we have are not 'true heroes' because they work for fame and money. The only person qualifying as a true hero is All Might because he is self-sacrificing and expects nothing in return.

Personally, I am against this whole ideal because that means you should be doing something for no reward, and that's ridiculous to expect. Humans need awards to continue. Otherwise, we just give up.

If you haven't figured it out already, I am after Stain...kind of.

I ain't going to look for Stain's ass specifically, but if I find him, I have to deal with him then. That fight would be dangerous as hell to get into because he is strong. I know strength when I see it, and he has it. It doesn't help that he has the speed to back him up, though not as fast as me, especially since Aizawa forced those weights on me. Agility would be my main game there.

I am in Hosu because of Iida. Aizawa requested that I look after the idiot as he is afraid that Iida will try to go after Stain for vengeance. After watching him for a little bit, I see where Aizawa got that idea from. He's pretty much going to get himself killed if I don't follow, so that's my job.

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