Chapter 11- Fuck Hospitals

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I ain't fighting blue hulk ever again. That's the dumbest thing I have done this year besides getting a nipple piercing.

Where the fuck am I?

Actually, rewind time, what was the last thing that happened? Wait, it's the blue hulk thing. Man, I'm done. Obviously, I lost that fight because I don't have All Might's strength that the beast was made for. I barely matched it in speed, and I'm considered one of the fastest vigilantes! If I didn't stop, I estimate five more minutes before I was out.

I give zero fucks about that right now. Currently, I'm hungry.

Opening my eyes, I am given a dark room, AKA, I am not in heaven yet. YAY, I DIDN'T DIE TO THAT THING! Dying is not on the to-do list until Eri is an elder. Her children are screwed, but Eri is on the safe-list.

I really need to stop getting distracted.

I sit up only for some pain to knock in my spine and say, 'bitch, stay down.'

"Fuck." I curse as I lay down.

An elderly woman voice fills the room, "Language, Izuku!" Hold the phone?

"Grandma Chiyo is that you?! Did the squad kidnap you again?" I exclaim. Carefully, I turn my head to see my lord and savior.

Grandma Chiyo. However, most of you probably know her as the Youthful (Pfft) Heroine: Recovery Girl!

We have a history.

Recovery Girl is a short elderly nurse that really should retire, but she hasn't and probably never will. Recovery Girl's quirk Heal allows her to use the person's energy to heal themselves quickly. This makes her an excellent nurse if you can get past her rage over you hurting yourself in the first place. People avoid her for a reason. She's one of the top nurses in Japan for a reason!

Well, in my early years, I got injured severely because of a massive fight with someone. I won, but still. I was in vigilante hospital, and they weren't sure if I was going to make it. My squad learned about Chiyo, kidnapped her, and begged for her to heal me. Surprisingly, she didn't resist. In fact, she was happy to treat me. Apparently, she kind of supports me. She doesn't support the killing, but she does everything else just about.

From there, whenever we need Chiyo, she allows us to kidnap her, and she will heal us. Of course, I started feeling bad because we were kidnapping her only to heal us. That's when I captured her for Christmas. From there, we became a family!

Yes, she is in the Mafia

It doesn't mean we don't get beat up for it, though. She has a nasty swing.

With that explanation, let's continue.

"Of course, dear. It has been a while since you got hurt, let alone this badly. How are you feeling?" Chiyo asks as she checks over everything.

"Lots of pain. I can't tell you where. What's the damage?"

"I should have known that you require such a high dosage. Broken arm, a few broken ribs, a couple of cracked ribs, snapped spine that somehow didn't paralyze you, and a concussion. At least you are speaking fine." I watch her change the pain medication bag to something more substantial.

"My luck."

"You're lucky you need to be careful; otherwise, I would hit you. What were you thinking when you faced that thing?!"

"Distraction until my team arrives. I might have been experimenting a little bit. What happened anyway?"

"Mr. Compress put you in a marble, grabbed me, and took you home. As for your group, they ran because the heroes came. All Might took care of the Nomu, but the boy and the mist escaped after announcing that they are the 'League of Villains?'"

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