Chapter 7 - Welcome Home, Eri!

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"Mom, are you here?!" I holler into the dysfunctional house with Eri still in my arms. To give you an idea of how much of a mess the place is right now, there are boxes everywhere. We had this house just so we can say we have one. It's not exactly the best thing in the world to say, 'hey, we live in Walmart!'

Don't even get us started on the illegal underground base underneath. I mean, at least the house has a use now.

"I'm in the kitchen! You brought my new son and daughter, right?" Mom's voice echoes through the house. Eraserhead looks - wait - Aizawa looks at me with a pale look. Did you really think you were getting out of that?

"Of course! Come on, Eri." I keep my grip on her as I lead her to the kitchen. Like the rest of the house, it's a mess that is slowly coming together. Mom looks at me than Eri with bright eyes and smile, " Mom, this is Eri. Eri, this is my mom, Inko, who can be yours if you let her." Eri watches Mom with a blank face, but that is expected with all the trauma she has been through.

"H-hi," Eri says, and I think my mom is already falling for her.

"Hi, Eri. If you ever need anything, let me know, okay? Whether it be food or love or straightening Izuku out."

I cut her off with a dramatic gasp, " Excuse me? Eri happens to like how I am, huh, Eri?" I look at her with an innocent smile.

"Aizawa-san says you're trouble, though." I gasp and express fake tears.

"She's already being influenced by the wrong people! Don't worry, I'll protect you!" I don't bother to put her down as I carry her to her room, "I mean, I need to show you where you are sleeping anyway. You're free to explore the house except for the basement. That place holds some illegal stuff, and I don't want you to get hurt. Eventually, I'll let you down there so we can make you the most powerful woman in the world, got it?" She gives me a confused look.

Don't worry: you will eventually understand!

After some soul-searching, I manage to find Eri's room because there is a bunch of fluffy stuff in there. I finally set her down, bend down to her height, and explain, "Alright, Eri. This is your room. I know it's bland, but you will get to decorate it how you like. I noticed how you really like anything soft, so that's what I started with. If you don't like something, just throw it out or something. Everything in here is yours. If you need me, I believe - " I stand up to walk out of the room to check the room next door before coming back, " Yep, the room to your right when you exit is mine, so interrupt whenever you like. For now, I will let you explore the place. Feel free to do what you like, got it?"

Eri gives me a reluctant nod. I give her a soft smile and head to my room because I have to clean and organize. After a deep-cleaning, I start to get my life together. As I do so, I text the squad.

'Izuku's Mommys and Daddys'

'Izuku's Mommys and Daddys' has been changed to 'Eri Protection Squad.'

Hot Pocket (Dabi): Does that mean you are finally done with your daddy phase?

Green Tea (me) has changed 'Hot Pocket' to 'Hot Pocket Daddy.'

Hot Pocket Daddy: . . .

Green Tea: Shut up for five seconds because I have an important announcement to make! Eri has been adopted by Eraserhead and me, and we are now living in the same place! Problem: I live with Eraserhead now!

Squash (Compress): You didn't think this through. (PS: I hate my username still.)

Green Tea: Obviously! I was worried about Eri! (PS: Change your jacket, and I will consider changing it.)

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