Chapter 8 - Meeting a God Damn Rat

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Who would have thought that the next chapter of my life story would be eleven months later? Not me!

Let me tell you: there is a lot of updates. Let's start the most important one.


Eri has been doing bloody fantastic! Slowly, everybody pitched in to help her integrate into society in their unique ways. I taught her memes, so she can have some culture. Aizawa has been training her quirk so she can have some control. That way, she can be more confident in her abilities. Mom informed her about what is normal and not. For example, she says it's not typical for a kid to go around cursing and shouting memes.

I don't see the problem in that, but I digress.

Himiko instructed her on how to use a knife. Before you peeps call me out on being a horrible parent, I would like to inform everyone that she needs to defend herself somehow. Sure, Aizawa or I could teach her standard self-defense, but let us be honest with ourselves for a moment.

If someone messes with Eri, we want them dead.

Then Dabi has been playing with Eri. Despite his appearance, he is the calmest in the killer squad and will deal with anything. Mr. Compress taught her magic as he is the goddamn magician in the group. Honestly, it's more to give her a reason to prank me. He's mean like that. Spinner decided it was a great idea to teach her how to fucking drive of all things. Twice hasn't been around her too much, but he taught her how to use a ruler, at least.

Imagine having to explain to Aizawa why Eri's skill set is so random.

'These are necessary skills for a six-year-old to know in life, sir! I mean, Eri will need to know eventually! I am just giving her an advantage in survival.'

Obviously, Aizawa didn't believe that reasoning. Oh well, he can suck it.

Did I mention Eri is six? Yes, a six-year-old knowing how to use a knife and drive. Let that wrap around your head.

The only legit thing that she has learned that is appropriate that isn't school work is the piano. I thought it would help that she had a hobby some sort, so I might as well introduce her to the art of music. She has a talent for it!

Oh, and I may or may not have spoiled Eri with a bunch of clothes. Her favorite is this red overalls skirt, white t-shirt, and these little red booties. She even has a purse with it.

Next important thing: we are losing members of the Mafia.

This has been going on for a little while, and I am glad I know the reason why. One of my undercover members reported that the group they are involved in was growing in numbers, but they couldn't specify why. They can't really explain anything. They can only tell one hidden fact, or else the cover is blown. I can't message questions either. It would be too suspicious. The only thing I know is that the undercover agent there, and that they must have something worthwhile if my recruits are going to them.

For those who have no idea how we recruit members in the mafia, let me explain. Every person in Mafia was a vigilante or villain that is forced under our protection.

Think of it as a redemption program. However, if you decide to screw with us, you are done for, aka, you're dead.

The reason I noticed is that in some of the areas that I had Mafia members in, the crime rate spiked. After some research, I found that some of my members were no longer there. There wasn't any trace of where they want.

This is the most frustrating case in a while, and it isn't even one of my legal cases!

I'll figure it out eventually. No point in getting frustrated over it.

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