September 2013

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After like a month I broke down, I couldn't anymore, I had no friends and honestly I just couldnt anymore. I decided to go see my school councelor. She has been such a big part of my life because she is the only person apart from my parents who has known me all along this hard time. Or as I call it "my nightmare years".

1 month later I was getting ready to go to bed when suddenly this man appeared, yes it was a man, he was wearing a tophat and Victorian era clothing, he stared intensely at me for several seconds, then he said "I'm going to take you, you can't fight me" .
You're probably wondering why the hell a man with a tophat was in my house at 10pm and why the hell was he saying he was going to take me? Well let me explain, this was the first of many many hallucinations. And i wasn't on drugs I swear. I was going crazy.

A lot can happen in a year, but I never expected this.Where stories live. Discover now