Chapter 8: Poisoned & The Coffins Are Gone

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After coming back from the Lockwood Estate, Elena and Liah got ready for bed but neither of them could sleep, so they decided to stay up and watch movies on Elena's laptop in the living room.

However, they ended up getting bored of watching movies and decided to talk. About anything and everything before somehow they started talking about Elena's past and Elena decided to let Liah see one of her memories.


Eight year old Elena was sitting in a classroom, alone at her own table, waiting for the teacher to arrive.

It was the first class of her second grade.

No one wanted to sit with her because she was different then others, she had different interests and sometime when she was angry or provoked, 'weird' things would happen, light flickering mostly or even the person who bothered her would get pushed like it was by some invisible force.

Unfortunately because of it, she became a social pariah.

The young Werewitch Doppelganger was lost in her thoughts when suddenly someone poked her in her ribs from behind. Elena turned around to see who it was, although she had a feeling she knew exactly who did that to d of course she was right ,it was her twin sister, Emily.

Elena narrowed her eyes and gave her a cold glare."What do you want Emily."Emily gave her a mockingly look.

"Nothing, just pointing out if you weren't such a freak, maybe someone would sit with you this year, but it seems you will always be a freak, maybe that's why our parents like me and Jeremy more."Elena's eyes started filling with tears and anger rising in below her skin."I mean, Mommy and Daddy make you go and stay with Bonnie's Gram's after school and during the weekends, they have to believe that you're a freak too."

Elena's eyes started filling with angry tears."I'm not a freak! Grams told me I'm different because I have magic."When Emily heard Elena mentioning the word "magic", she started laughing uncontrollably while looking at Elena like she was a total lunatic.

"Yeah you're crazy, like Bonnie's Grams, who drinks too much and then speaks rubbish."Elena didn't replied anything just staring coldly at her sister with, her eyes filled with a mixture of hatred towards Emily and sadness because she wanted to be like everyone else at that time.

Few seconds later Bonnie and Caroline arrived in classroom and walked towards Elena and Emily. Once they saw Elena's face expression they figured Emily was taunting 'the freak', as they also called Emily's twin sister, so they smirked and decided to join in, they never liked Elena anyway.

Bonnie was the first that threw insult at Elena while she started to laugh evilly."Look, it seems Emily was right, it seems not even time can change someone from being a freak."

Elena tilted her head towards Bonnie and gave her a look that said; piss off bitch.

Caroline joined by giving Elena a look of fake pity."Yeah, once a freak, always a freak."

Elena closed her eyes and said to herself inwardly. Elena control yourself, it will pass, they are just a nuisance, nothing new. But then the three girls started whispering to Elena intermittently."Elena is a freak!"

After about a half a minute, Elena finally snapped and lost control."Enough! Leave me alone!" Elena said, her tone rising in pitch, followed by the lights flickering inside the classroom and her school table catching on fire.

The children, except for Elena, started screaming in shock and fear when the table lit on fire before the sprinkler went off when the smoke set off the alarm. Everyone's screams grew louder at getting drenched. 

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