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Everyone has it but they don't realize it
Maybe they don't wanna admit to it
There's nothing wrong with it...
People don't wanna seem weak
But regardless I'm tired of feeling that I'm not good enough with my friends, family, whoever...
It follows up with being a perfectionist...
It reflects off it....
They go together...

Knowing I can't talk to my friends how I feel...
It feels like I'm just saying random shit
And they ain't even listening or giving a fuck what I'm saying...
How can you call someone your friend...your best friend and you feel like shit and they not even there for you
You can be there for them but the highest point of the friendship is gone
You won't be able to get how y'all was anymore
Feeling you have a hole in your heart...
You end up not saying a word to anyone and they question you "why are you being weird"
When you tried your best and done everything you can and it's not enough...
No one says hi
No hugs in the morning...
I'm just there sitting there while everyone is talking and doing whatever
I know I can't do anything anymore
Tried talking how I feel
And if they were my true friends they would fuckin care
And do everything they can because we're friends
I'm tired of feeling this way...
Trying to bring back the spark in a friendship
Feeling so anxious because I know it'll hurt when it's over
With whomever you were so close with
You will feel alone...

LATE NIGHTS IN TOKYO (UNPOLISHED VERSION) Where stories live. Discover now