Hospital Visit

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"Surprisingly nice view," you told Pierce as you looked out of his office windows. You had been escorted to D.C. with Pierce in a private plane and were then driven to a government facility in the middle of the Potomac River. He had then taken you to his office where he said he would be giving you your first job.

"We can relocate you to a new apartment where you can have a view just as nice as that," he told you as he stood next to you. "That is if you prove useful."

"You still haven't told me what I have to do."

"I want you to follow someone I have reason to believe is trading state secrets to foreign intelligence" He walked over to his desk and grabbed a file.

"Who exactly is that?" He handed you the file and you opened it. In front of you was the picture of a redhead woman with green eyes staring coldly at the camera. Something about her felt familiar but you doubted you ever crossed paths. In bold letters, it read 'Natasha Romanoff' on top of the file.

"Sadly, we recently lost an important member of our organization and we have reason to believe Romanoff is involved."

"So, what you want me to just follow her around till she does something sketchy?" You weren't trained to spy on anyone especially someone who has been. You weren't sure how your skills could really help if you didn't know exactly what you were looking for.

"Agent Campos will be acting as your handler, basically he will provide you with whatever you need and instruct you with what to do."

"So, you're giving me a babysitter?"

Pierce smiled, "It doesn't matter what you call him, his job is to make sure you're safe and know what to do."

"I guess that's fine."

"Great, he's waiting for you outside." He walked you towards the exit with the file in your hand. "You do a good job at this (L/N) and I promise you'll be going places."

Walking out of Pierce's office you were greeted with a man with a buzz cut and a stern face. He was wearing a black tactical suit and had a gun strapped to his hip. "You must be Campos."

"We're going to set up some rules," he told you, not even bothering to ask your name. He reminded you of an old gym teacher you used to have who used to boss around all the middle schoolers as if they were in boot camp. "Don't speak unless spoken to. If you disappear without telling me where you're going Pierce has authorized me to do whatever I want to get you back. No talking about our assignment to anyone especially civilians. No small talk, we aren't friends I'm your superior. Is there anything you would like me to repeat?"

"Uh no I got it," You told him.

He nodded satisfied and gestured for you to follow him as he walked towards the elevator. "Do as I say (L/N) and you might make it out of this alive."

"That makes me feel better," you responded ignoring his first rule.

As the elevator opened you couldn't help but gawk at the figure standing in front of you. He was wearing a dark blue tactical suit with a white star on his chest and the iconic shield strapped to his back. He nodded in acknowledgment at Agent Campos and gave you a small smile as he walked towards Pierce's office. You couldn't help the butterflies in your stomach as the elevator doors closed in front of you. You had just been in the same building as Captain America.

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