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After a quick trip to the Smithsonian, you were able to find a suitable uniform for Steve that made you feel a little giddy. If only your grandparents could see you now walking alongside Captain America on your way to overthrow a corrupt government organization. Not how you thought your week would be like, but it was better than the kid's birthday party you were supposed to perform in.

You teleported everyone in the building, and then agent Hill escorted you all through the halls. You arrived at a door where you could hear movement inside. Hill then tampered with the comms to bait a tech agent to go outside. When he opened the door, he was face to face with Captain America. Wilson and Hill held up their guns at him. You had a weapon too, but because you weren't very proficient with it, you stood back and let the others take the lead.

"Excuse us," Cap told him. The tech held up his hands and stood aside. Everybody was escorted out of the room, and agent Hill set up the equipment so Cap could communicate with everyone through the PA. You and Sam watched the door as they got to work.

"How's the shoulder?" Sam asked.

"It aches, but I'll be okay," you responded. The doctor had told you to be careful and not strain yourself, you just hoped it didn't interfere with your powers.

Steve took a microphone and started to speak, catching your attention. "Attention, all Shield agents. This is Steve Rogers. You've heard a lot about me over the last few days, some of you were even ordered to hunt me down. But I think it's time you know the truth. Shield is not, what we thought it was, it's been taken over by Hydra. Alexander Pierce is their leader. The Strike and Insight crew are Hydra as well. I don't know how many more, but I know they're in the building. They could be standing right next to you."

"They almost have what they want: absolute control. They shot Nick Fury, and it won't end there. If you launch those Helicarriers today, Hydra will be able to kill anyone that stands in their way, unless we stop them. I know I'm asking a lot, but the price of freedom is high, it always has been, and it's a price I'm willing to pay. And if I'm the only one, then so be it. But I'm willing to bet I'm not."

"Did you write that down first, or was it off the top of your head?" Sam asked him. You were starting to think that too, no way he came up with it on the spot.

There is a loud rumbling sound, and outside the windows you see, huge bay doors open in the river. "Aren't we supposed to stop that from happening?"

Hill looks at the monitor, "They're initiating the launch."

Steve looked over at Sam, "That's our cue."

They both ran out of the room, leaving you and Hill alone. You sat on one of the chairs on her left and watched the helicarriers begin to rise. "Do you think we can really pull this off?"

"Hard to say," Hill answered without looking away from the monitors.

You adjusted your shoulder, trying not to irritate your stitches. With your injury, you weren't allowed to go out there with the others. You are to reserve your powers for an emergency, they insisted. You don't mind, staying out of the line of fire but you were hopping on doing something a lot more helpful.

So far, everything was going as planned with Natasha. She had Pierce at gunpoint. The boys, on the other hand, were having a little trouble getting to their destination. They were under heavy fire, but still, they insisted you stay put.

"Eight minutes, Cap," Hill reminded him.

"Working on it," he responded. On Hill's monitor, you could see one of the helicarriers turned green, signaling it was no longer connected to project Insight. "Alpha locked."

"Falcon, where are you now?"

"I had to take a detour!" Sam answered frantically. Hill glanced at the window concerned, but thankfully another helicarrier on the screen was cleared. "Bravo locked."

"Two down, one to go."

On the monitors, you notice a black helicopter land near Natasha's location. "Looks like Fury is making his dramatic entrance."

"You have no idea," Hill tells you.

"Charlie Carrier's forty-five degrees off the port bow," she tells Steve through the comms.

You look at the monitor above her and notice two Hydra agents make their way towards you. "Uh, Hill..."

She sees them too. She pushes her chair back, stands up and shoots the two agents, all in one swift motion. She then calmly walks back to the monitor. "Six minutes," she tells Steve.

You gape at her, not knowing what exactly to do. She looked at you confused. "What?"

"Would it be too much if I proposed right now?"

She rolled her eyes and went back to watching the monitors. There was only one helicarrier left, and it still hadn't been disabled. You were wondering if something had gone wrong. It didn't help that Hill murmured to herself, "Oh no."

"What is it?"

"Falcon's suit is down." She then noticed Rumlow on one of the monitors. "Damnit."

"Falcon?" she says in the comms.

"Yeah?" Sam replied.

"Rumlow is headed for the council. I'm sending (Y/N) to get you there."

"Got it."

You snapped your fingers and teleported to the roof of the building. "How's it going?"

"I've had better days," Sam answered.

You grabbed his shoulder and then teleported the two of you a floor above Rumlow. Sam wanted to get the drop on him. You would have stayed and helped, but Hill said Natasha and Fury needed your help. Pierce had managed to turn the tables on them.

You tried to teleport to them but ended up on the floor below. You leaned against a wall and tried to catch your breath as you could hear Hill speak to you through the comms. "(L/N) what's the hold-up?"

"I just needed a minute, I'll-" Before you finished you felt someone come up behind you and put you in a headlock.

"You thought I wouldn't find you?" You couldn't see who it was, but you recognized the voice. Agent Campos did not seem happy that you double-crossed him.

You snapped your fingers and teleported out of his grip, but with your powers still needing to recharge, you didn't go far. Campos worked fast and grabbed you from your injured shoulder. You screamed in pain as he threw you on the ground and kicked you in the gut.

"Such a waste," he said as he picked you up and slammed you against the wall. He put his hands around your throat as you struggled to get him off you. You snapped your fingers, trying to teleport out of his grip but nothing was happening. It was getting harder to breathe by the second. "Looks like you're out of tricks."

You were ready to give up until you remembered you had one last ace up your sleeve. You quickly reached for the gun in your waistband and fired at Campos. Luckily for Campos, you were such a horrendous shot that even this close, you managed to just graze his side. He let you go allowing you to slump down and cough as you tried to catch your breath.

Campos glared at you as he put pressure on his wound. "You're going to regret that."

"Do you ever stop talking?" In a fight, Campos had more skill and experience. You wouldn't be able to hold your own. Your best option is to get out of there. You tried to concentrate all your energy on one more teleportation.

It worked, you were now standing in front of Fury and Natasha. Natasha looked at your messy appearance and the bruises now forming on your face and neck. "What took you so long?"

"I was catching up with an old friend," you answered. You looked around and noticed not only the dead council members but also Pierce laying in a pool of his own blood. "I see you guys had it covered without me."

You all turned to see the helicarriers crash into each other. One of them was pushed in your direction. "That's our cue to leave," Fury said.

You all piled into the helicopter. Natasha contacted Hill, but she was already in a secure location. The only ones you didn't know if they were safe were Steve and Sam. Thankfully, Sam was able to make contact. "Please, tell me you got that chopper in the air!"

"Sam, where are you?" Natasha asked.

"41st floor, north-west corner!"

"We're on it, stay where you are."

"Not an option!" As the building is collapsing, you see Sam jump out of the window to avoid getting crushed to death. Fury skillfully maneuvers the helicopter to catch him. Sam nearly tumbles out the other side of the chopper, but you and Natasha catch him. "41st floor! 41st!"

"It's not like they put the floor numbers on the outside of the building!" Fury shouted back.

"Hill, where's Steve? You got a location on Rogers?" Natasha asked through the comms.

"He was on one of the helicarriers," Hill responded.

You all watched as the helicarriers continued to fall into the river, not knowing if your friend was safe. Fury circled the crash site looking for any sign of Steve. "Found him!"

He landed near the bank of the river where Sam and Natasha got off and then carried him into the chopper. He was seriously wounded but he was alive. As Fury flew you out of there, a flash of metal in the woods caught your eye. You assume it was just some debris from the crash.

Hours later you wake up in a hospital bed with an IV attached to your arm and a purring cat on your lap. You look down at the orange ball of fur and scratch behind her ears. "Hey, Scully. I didn't think I would be seeing you again."

The door to your room opened, and a familiar redhead walked in. She smiled as she saw that you were awake. "Hope you don't mind, I had someone pick her up from your apartment."

"Thanks," you told her Natasha as she sat in a chair at your bedside. "How's everyone else?"

"Sam had a few bruises and scratches. Steve was in a bad state but being a super-soldier will help him bounce back faster." She pets Scully's head making her purr again. "You were in bad shape too."

"How bad?" you asked.

"Tore your stitches, some bruised ribs, and sprained your ankle. But they said you'll be fine too."

"Didn't even feel that last one."

"You didn't have to help us out there, but you did. Thank you."

"It's not because I like you guys," you joked. "It's just that robbing banks was starting to get boring."

"If that's the case, I think I can offer you a job now that Shield is done."

"I usually prefer to remain self-employed."

"It comes with a new place and a better salary."

"Okay, I'm listening."

After Natasha made you an offer you could not refuse, she left. She had a hearing with a committee that is investigating the events that took place. So, against your doctor's orders, you made your way to Steve's hospital room. There you found Sam sitting at his bedside as they listened to music.

"You two look like shit," you joked as you sat next to them in another chair. You had Scully in your arms.

Sam laughed, "Your one to talk."

"Kidding me, I feel great already."

"Who's this?" Steve asked as he reached over to Scully. She seemed to be loving the attention she was getting today.

"Her name is Scully," you told him.

"Did you steal a cat?" Sam asked.

"No, she was already mine. I had to leave her behind with a neighbor in New York, but Natasha got someone to bring her here."

At the mention of Black Widow, they asked you where she was. You repeated to them what she had said about the hearing and then you started to talk about what had happened. Steve recounted his encounter with the Winter Soldier, you and Sam listened intently. It was clear Steve was not going to give up on his friend anytime soon.

A few days in the hospital and you and Steve were back on your feet. Fury had contacted the three of you to meet up in a cemetery. Officially he was still declared dead, so he found it appropriate you all met at his grave. You thought it was a little dramatic.

"So, you've experienced this sort of thing before?" Fury asked Steve as he walked up to the grave.

"You get used to it," Steve replies.

"We've been data-mining Hydra's files. Looks like a lot of rats didn't go down with the ship. I'm headed to Europe tonight, wanted to ask if you'd come."

"There's something I got to do first."

"How about you two?" Fury asked you and Sam. "Could use someone with both of your abilities."

"I'm more of a soldier than a spy," Sam answered.

"Already got a job offer," you told Fury.

"Alright then." Fury shook everyone's hands. "Anybody asks for me; tell them they can find me right here."

He walked away just as Natasha joined you. "You should be honored, that's about as close as he gets to saying thank you."

"Not going with him?" Steve asked her.


"Not staying here?"

"I blew all my covers, I gotta go figure out a new one."

"That might take a while."

"I'm counting on it. That thing you asked for, I called in a few favors from Kiev." She handed him a file. "Will you do me a favor? Call that nurse."

"She's not a nurse."

"And you're not a Shield agent."

"What was her name again?"

"Sharon. She's nice."

Natasha gave Steve a kiss on the cheek and then turned to you. "You want a ride?"

"Thought you wouldn't ask." You walked up to Steve and offered him a handshake. "It's been a pleasure Captain. If you ever need me just give me a call."

"Definitely. Take care of yourself (Y/N)."

You nodded at Sam who waved goodbye. You followed Natasha as she walked you to an expensive looking sports car. You eagerly hopped into the passenger seat. "Thought you were laying low?"

"I couldn't bear to part with it," she told you.

"So, Stark is definitely okay with me staying in his tower?"

"Trust me. You'll fit right in."

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