Catching Up

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"Pick a card, any card," you said as you hold out your deck to a young girl.

Excited to be taking part in your performance, she chooses a card. You make her put it back, and then you shuffle the deck. The adults don't look impressed as they have seen different variations of the same trick, but their kids watch eagerly.

"Is this your card?" you took out a random card and showed it to the girl.

She smiled and shook your head. "That's not it."

You pretend to be surprised. "Oh no, what about this one."

You pretended to take a card out of her ear. "Is this it?"

Although amazed by your trick, she shook her head again. "No."

"Do you mind checking your wallet for me?" you asked her father.

The man was hesitant but took out his wallet. His eyes widened as he took out a playing card. "How did you get it in there?"

You took it from him and presented it to the little girl. "What about this one?"

"That's it!"

Before your audience could properly react, you flicked the card, replacing it with a rose. As you offered it to your little assistant, the crowd around you clapped in awe.

You waited for a while as the crowd dispersed and dropped some tips into your hat. You then started to put your things away, unaware of the redhead standing behind you.

"I didn't think I would see you out here anymore."

You turned and smiled, "It's been a while, Romanoff. How have you been?"

"It's only been a month," she told you as she looked at the loose change in your hat. "Tony set you up with a pretty big allowance. What has you performing for money in Central Park again?"

You counted your earnings and stuffed them in your pockets. "I miss this job. Don't get me wrong, working for Stark is cool, but I like to stop by and make people happy with my magic tricks occasionally."

"Stark told me you did well in the small assignments he sent you in."

"I nearly got my head torn off a couple of times, but Thor had my back. He's a lot more chill than I thought he would be."

"That's Thor all right," Natasha said fondly.

You snap your fingers, causing your stuff to disappear, and then you started walking down the path, Natasha joining you. "What brings you back to the city? I thought you were going to lay low for a while."

After Natasha dropped you off at Stark tower, she disappeared. You knew she had a lot to deal with after Shield fell, just like Sam and Steve, but at least they would drop in from time to time. Specifically, to ask for your aid when searching for Bucky.

"Did Tony tell you?"

"Tell me what?"

"He's bringing the Avengers together again. With Shield down, he's using his resources to make the Avengers its own thing," she explained. "Steve and Clint agreed to it."

"Ah, that. Yes, Hill mentioned it." After the fall of Shield, Maria Hill had also gone to work for Stark. It was similar to her old job, and it also provided her with legal protection as Stark had a ferocious legal team. "That also explains the huge A on the side of the building."

"I've agreed to come back too," she said, surprising you.


"I need a little stability right now, and the Avengers are the next best thing for that."

You smiled, "So I'm guessing we're walking back together."

As the two of you made your way to the subway, she asked you what you've been up to at the tower and how you were getting along with everyone. You answered honestly that it was a lot to get used to, but you came around.

Dr. Banner had been curious about your powers and had asked to study them. He was a bit reserved, but the more questions he asked of you allowed you to learn some things about him. Stark was busy most of the time but was extremely accommodating when you first moved in. He allowed you to bring your cat, Scully, but he did insist you keep an eye on her. He had too much expensive equipment in the tower. Thor was the friendliest of the bunch, though he wasn't around a lot. When he wasn't with his girlfriend Jane Foster, he was exploring Earth life.

"I told you, you would fit right in," Natasha told you.

"Guess you were right."

"...has Rogers found anything on Barnes."

The last time you saw Steve was a week ago when he asked for your help looking into a lead on the Winter Soldier. There was a supposed sighting in France, but when you got there it was a dead end. He's been finding a lot of those lately.

"Nothing concrete. Wilson is helping him, but the well's run dry, Nat. We're running out of leads."

"That's why he accepted Stark's offer. He needs something to distract him for a while."

When you got to your stop, you both walked for a few blocks. You passed a woman who was holding a cup out for change. You snapped your fingers, and the money you had collected at the park appeared in her cup.

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