∆ Taishiro Toyomitsu ∆

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Name: Sakura
Age: 21
Height: 4ft 11in
Appearance: pink hair silver eyes short hair and wears crop tops and basketball type of shorts.

*The Date*

"Hey Sakura want to go out to get some drinks and some din' later" Taishiro said smiling as he walked to your desk

"I didn't know bosses drink with there employees?" I said as I raised a brow

" huh oh come on there's no rule against it besides you promised me we would go out oneday" he said with a pleasing look

I smirked crossing my legs and arms looking up at him "oh yeah I said coffee Tai" I said giggling

"Oh...Tai~" He said smirking as he leaned down closer to me as I blushed

"A-ah I meant sir" I said mentally slapping myself

"Nah I like mhmm Tai I like that I'll see you later sugar" he said winking I sighed as I blushed and sighed so much for trying to be cool

(Later that day)

Taishiro came to my desk and lifted a hand out as I looked up "I-I think I should look presentable first" I said as I was wearing a drop top and some black pants since it wasn't too hot today

"Ah you look great what's wrong with that?" He asked

" well my stomach is showing and it's not appropriate to go out in I mean I know you Kirishima and Tamaki so I don't mind but I don't like people starring" I said looking to the side

He took of his jacket and leaned down close to me "they're gonna look no matter what you wear because you are beautiful in and out"

I blushed as he was so close to me as he wrapped his jacket around me and had something in his eyes I couldn't recognize he then shook it off and smiled at me "let's go before you try to run off"

I smiled and sighed "Awe come on I'm not that bad"

"Haha okay what do you want to eat tho" he asked

"Mhm I was thinking some Dango"

"Okay I know a great little place close by"

"Really I thought you just like Takoyaki" I said teasingly

"Nah I eat everything I mean look at me does it look like I'm picky" he said putting a hand on his stomach

"Probably not heh" I said smiling as I thought he looked like a marshmallow sometimes

"You know I think your the first girl I met that hasn't said do anything negative about my weight or showed any disgust" he said looking up at the sky

"Ah well it doesn't really bother me. I mean I find it kinda cute and I don't see anything wrong with it I only judge people by their actions I don't really care about weight or looks I mean I do like attractive guys but I look at their personality first"

I could feel his eyes on me "What about me?"

O blushed looking at him "W-what do you mean!?" I stuttered

" would you you go out with me ? "

"A-ah I mean aren't we technically?"

"I mean date would you date me?" He asked stopping

"Yeah I mean your cute and sweet but your my boss"

"What's that got to do wit anythin'?"

" Isn't it bad for bosses to date their employers? "

"Kinda of if it's just a fling or you don't expect things to be long term like foolin' around"

I just nodded

He put his hand on my arms making me look up at him "Look I like you a lot I'd never hurt you or do you wrong I want somethin' real with ya not just a fling or fool aroun' please" he said looking straight in my eyes

All I could see his sincerity as I sighed "we'll see how this date turns out okay" I said blushing as I bite my lip

He used his thumb to move my lip off my teeth "don't bite your lips kay" he said softly

"Okay Tai" I said smiling a little trying to tease him

He smiled and chuckled scratching his head as we continued walking to the restaurant

(No one pov)

You were both drunk you being the giggly drink you are laughing as Taishiro was trying to flirt with you the whole time drink out his mind as he kept telling you how much he loves you being a overly honest drunk.

You were going back to his place as it was closed then your house as you walked in you felt your arms being pinned on the wall as he had such a heated gaze in his eyes as you let your fingers okay with his shirt

He growled a bit "gosh your such a tease"

You giggled as you smirked at him "Mhm take off your shirt"

He chuckled "I don't look so great in my chubby form"

"Awe come on you Joan take mine off if you do"

He's started at you hungrily with so much love and just combined in his eyes as he took off his shirt and unzipped his jacket off you and took of f your crop top as he let go of your hands and started kissing your neck

You moaned as you played with his hair stroking and massaging him as you enjoyed his kisses and possible hickeys forming

He stopped and smirked "can we take this to bed sweets" he said genuinely asking you

"Mhm Yes Tai" you said

He's picked you up and took you to the bed and he immediately captured your lips with his own kissing you as he gradually made the kids deeper as he held you on top as he held you by your hips and you stroked his hair it doesn't as if it went on forever until you both fell asleep cuddling and shirtless as you both would figure out where to take this when you both wake up tomorrow.

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