° Fem! Kirishima X Taishiro Toyomitsu °

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*Kisses change things*

After the whole overhaul incident Kirishima started to be more affectionate towards fat gum. First it would be friendly little hugs, then she would start to jump on his back and hold on to him.

They had just completed they're mission successfully once again resulting in fat gum to stay in his fit form.

"Hehe we did it" she said pointing her fist in the air and hugged Tamaki and jelly jumping around as she held Fat Gum's face bringing it down and have him a kiss which made him blush. He was used to the hugs and piggy back rides but this made him blush.

He put his hand on his cheek as he saw her jumping away as she was completely oblivious to what she did.

Tamaki leaned in looking at Fat Gum "y'know she may be oblivious to what she did but I can see...She likes you" he said breaking Fat Gum from his trance

Fat Gum blushed more "I-I'm sure she doesn't come on she's a kid she doesn't know" he said excusing it

"She's a young lady besides woman mature faster then men. If she does it again you already know" he said putting his hood lower on his face covering his face.

Fat Gum kept blushing as he thought to himself 'no way red doesn't like me like that I'm just a mentor to her. It has to be a accident yeah that's it heh.....gosh I'm hungry I'll ask them if they want to have dinner with me. I shouldn't have used all my fat.'

"Hey Red, Sun wanna go out in a bit after I file this paperwork to get some dinner with me my treat" he said smiling

"Heck yes I'm so pumped" Red said immediately

"Not really I promised someone I would have dinner with them tonight" he said thinking about a certain blue hair person.

"Awe man I understand Guess its just me and you fat" Kirishima said a bit bummed that they couldn't all eat as a team

Fat Gum chuckled blushing a bit "Yea hopefully next time your here Sun" he said clearly not wanting to be alone with Kirishima after hearing all that as he hasn't had time to collect his thoughts


Fat Gum finally finished his paperwork as he waited for Kirishima to change as she didn't want to wear as she said her smelly hero costume

She walked out in a red skirt and and a long sleeve black crop top as she smiled "Hey fat gum where we headin to eat tonight!"

"Heh were gonna get some Takoyaki unless you wanna go somewhere else"

"Nah I like Takoyaki besides the place we went to last time had some juicy meats so I'm down If we're going there" she said innocently

He blushed "uh yeah you do like meat huh..anyways let's go before it gets dark."

" Kay" she said as she started walking

Taishiro would just think silently as they walked there as he knew of she did like him if was wrong and she needed to find someone her own age.

He couldn't help but not like the idea of her with anyone but he was too old for her she was a innocent young girl and he was an adult sure he never been with women like that he dated but he didn't have time to go the extra mile as he didn't want to have kids or get serious as he was more focused saving people rather then date.

He stopped as his eyes widen 'What the hell am I thinking about!' He internally screamed as he started silent freaking out.

"Oi Fat you okay? You seem worried or somethin?" Kirishima asked concerned

"Oh it's nothing at all I was just wondering if I sent all the papers in the right order as the police are pretty strict about the paperwork done correctly" he said laughing it off

" Ah okay. Man I really wish you were in your fat form" she said pouting as they continued walking again

"Huh why?" Her asked confused yet touched as most disliked him in such a form

" because your so cute and cuddly and I could jump on you and ride ya" she said smiling

He just blushed thinking 'does she know what the hell she is sayin?'

"Ah I mean I could still carry you" he said scratching the back of his head

"Really!?" She said excited

" yeah if you want jump on I'll catch you" he said forgetting her comment as he smiled at her

She jumped on him like usual as he wrapped his arms behind him on her holding her legs as she wrapped her arms while they continued walking.

As they walked Kirishima would talk about Bakugou and how many and cool he was as Taishiro felt some jealously but didn't make it known as it was good she was with someone her age.

He couldn't help but let a comment out about it "He seems like a pretty decent match for you"

She blushed as she hid her face behind his neck "no it's not like that were not together or anything!?"

He was confused "why not you seem to like him I think it's cute"

"Well I like someone else..." She muttered

" Mhm Midoriya? " he questioned as they seemed close back in the overhaul incident

"No he's just a friend the guy I like is totally different from the guys I go to school with"

He remembered what Tamaki said about her liking him "Ah I see" was all he could mutter as they made it to the restaurant

She was glad he didn't press on as she would've told him immediately

They walked and were greeted by the usual cheers as he had he usual reserved seat since most restaurants had a seat for him since he was always their vip.

They say together as the waiter already knew their orders since when the team would come they usually order the same things.

As the food came they were eating in silence but Kirishima spoke up.

"Uh Fat Gum can I tell ya something" she said quietly

"Yeah anything Red" he said once again forgetting the embarrassing topic

"But you can't get mad at me" she said looking at him hoping he would say a simple okay

"Hm? I wouldn't get mad at ya even if you said something that you think would make me upset"

She nodded and blushed sitting closer to him and when no one was looking she quickly kissed his cheek and whispered "Your the one I like"

He almost choked on his food and blushed surprised from her actions. But he knew Tamaki was right as he felt both concerned and happy. Concerned cause he was older then her and happy because she liked him and he didn't have to worry or feel jealous about another taking her away from him.

[There will be a part 2]

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