× Mirio Togata ×

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Warning! There will be mentions of Suicide and Bullying and possible graphic content. Viewers have been warned. Also if you are feeling suicidal please call the suicidal help lines or seek psychological help as you are not alone and there's nothing to be ashamed of.
Name: Haruhi
Age: 18 (same age as mirio)
Height: 5' 3"
Quirk:Steal Can take others quirks away from them and make them her own (Kinda like all for one but she can't give them away)

*Dont leave me*
You couldn't take it anymore you have been bullied your whole life because of your curse. Your quirk made it impossible to make friends or be close to others. Everyone feared you thinking you would steal their quirk. Your own mother and father left you as you stole there's by accident a water quirk And a lightning quirk. You were abandon and not even orphanages took you in. Pros heard about your quirk as you had been assigned to be watched by Eraserhead and he told you it wasn't your fault and tried to comfort you as you could tell it was difficult for him to attempt.

You had three good friends despite everyone else hating you Mirio Tamaki and Neijira.

They were the only ones who didn't see you as a monster or cursed being but of course that's how you felt they tried convincing you otherwise but it didn't work.

You went to the rooftop and stood at the edge

You could just end it here and now while your still good

Others told you that you would become a villain so might as well end of before that happens

They were right I could just end it here and now

Tamaki Nejira and Mirio have each other they'll be fine

Eraserhead he will have less of a burden to deal with

You sighed as you grabbed some heavy sleeping pills and took them with some water just in case this didn't work and closed your eyes as you jumped and heard someone about your name but you couldn't hear it as you passed out.


You woke up as you had blurry vision as you felt weak and saw some bandages on your arms as you wondered how your arms for affected.

You heard crying as some nurses were holding back a student you barely could see who it was aside blonde hair.

"Dammit let me in I need to talk to her Haruhi Please Please" he pleaded as his voice was so broken and strained as he was crying harshly

"Sir please stop leave now-" a pop noise was made as they thought he left and closes the doors leaving

A similar pop noise was made as he was on his knees crying on you "why why did you try leaving me? Why just why" you couldn't speak your throated hurted from all them pills as you assumed they flushed them out through a tube.

"don't you know what you do to me! Why would you do this I love you dammit I love you so much!" He cried harder and held my hand " you see this"

He's held my hand closer to his body near his heart "Your hand it always fits my hand perfect they're made for each other"

Her looked down "after sir died I was in a dark place and I y'know I never showed anyone how I felt I was so hurt and just as things got worse you came along." He said smiling sad

" You came and my life has light again you brighten my days you made me feel alive again I may not have a quirk anymore but you made me feel so energized and powerful"

He cried choking a bit "I love you I love you so much I didn't care what others think of what they say about you. I want you to always be here always be here for me. I don't want you to leave me. You can't your never going to leave me"

"I'm not going to let you I want to spend my life with you forever I want to have some kids and grow old with you." He said leaving his head on my shoulder

Her then held our linked hands closer to my face

"You know what I feel my hand and your hand look at them!" He said crying hard again

"do you see were meant out hands are perfect together they link up I feel I could fly when your with me" he leaned his head closer

"Please stay with me and be with me forever don't leave me please never again your my world your all I have and if I lose you I don't think I'll ever be happy or smile ever again I just can't your my only reason my only reason that I smile"

"You saved me and no matter what I'm going to save you and help you."

" You saved me and your my hero and I owe everything to you so don't go stay strong get through this and live for me stay strong I don't want you to leave or go away I should've kept pushing you to tell me how you were feeling If I knew you were gonna do this I wouldn't let you leave my sight. "

"I hope you hear all of this because these are all promises I'm gonna make and this is how I feel about you. I don't want friendship I want you your love your kindness I don't want anyone touching you or looking at you. I want everyone to know I love you and that your mine I hate when strangers stare at you it makes me so mad"

"But I don't make a fuss because I want you to be happy no matter what your eyes show your pain and I hope you can let me be the one to make them show happiness and joy in your beautiful eyes once more"

He kissed my cheek and lays in the hospital bed cuddling up to me as I look at him with teary eyed as I couldn't help but feel the same for him as I loved him too when I get better I'm not found anything stupid ever again. That's a promise Mirio It hurts my heart seeing you cry.

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