∆ Iida Tenya ∆

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Name: Kana
Age: 16
Height: 5'5"

*Tables have turned*

You never were the attention seeking type but you did have a crush on kids and you never seemed to get his attention you tried to think of something as you hopped on your desk to think.

"Kana get off that desk!" My thoughts broke as I saw iida with his hand in a chopping motion as I tilted my head

"uh why?" I mean I'm glad I got attention but why do I have to get off

He sputtered like I said something ridiculous "Why!? Because this is where other great past heroes once say practical ancestors and it's a great deal of disrespect"

"But I mean I'll be a Hero myself so wouldn't it be a honor to have my ass on here especially if you got a future perv like mineta" I said excusing myself

He just blushed red "A-ah you don't have to go in such details Kana"

"I didn't in all honesty I could say worse but it's you so I cant"?

" what's that supposed to mean? "

"Well I mean your like a nerd and you practically scream virgin need y'know possible 40yr vigin" why the Fuck can't I shut up I internally screamed

"A nerd and a virgin huh?" Her repeated as his eyes darkened a bit as he glasses kinda slid off a bit

" a-ah I mean yea- no your just a rule follower" I stuttered kinda feeling bad as I scratched the back of my head nervously as I knew I ducked this up badly

He was staying quiet as I jumped off the models concerned if I hit a weak point or something as he was really quiet and hasn't moved since I called him 40yr old virgin.

I tapped his shoulders and tried to look at him kinda scared I possibly broke him "u-uh iida I was just teasin I didn't mean anything being it just y'know messin aroun" I said hoping he would relax a bit but he looked up

I sighed in relief as he tapped his glasses on his eyes

"Ah I thought I almost broke you" I said

"Well I need to go" he said strained as I felt bad as he turned around as I put a hand on his shoulder "come on iida I was kidding take a joke come on I'll do anything to make it up to you" I pleaded as he stopped

"Anything?" He questioned as it was iida I knew he wouldn't take advantage of me as he turned around with a look I never seen before

"Yeah anythin just don't be upset at me" I pleaded once more as I felt him out his hands firmly on my shoulder as I was surprised

"You can deny this request of you wish but Kana I would like your first kiss" he stated firmly

I blushed hotly "w-what makes you think I haven't missed before!?"

He chuckled as he stroked my hair acting out of character "Because you think I haven't noticed all the times you have tried getting my attention?" He asked as I turned red embarrassed

" U-uh it's not like that I mean I uh" I stuttered not knowing what to say

He leaned in as he took of his glasses as I thought Damn that glasses take off does make people look totally different

All I could hear him chuckle "I see your enjoying your view but I still have my request waiting"

"A-ah fine just do it" I looked away completely embarrassed he turned my face towards him as he lifted my chin as I didn't feel anything as I looked at him I saw him blush as I smirked as he was starting at my lips as he didn't know what to do as I kissed him as he grunted from surprise as I was going to let it go I felt him push me against the wall as he kissed back.

I moaned from surprise but wasn't gonna let him win as I smirked and rubbed my hands on his chest and felt him gasp and a leaned in kissing him deeper and smirked as our tongues collided as I felt our tongues touch and fought for dominance.

I couldn't let him win but I felt his hand trail down on my hips as he put his knee between my legs as I moaned losing the battle as he completely took over as his grip on my hips got tighter as I felt him lift me up a bit as we both moaned and let go of the kids as I wrapped my arms around his neck looking at him.

He wanted a bit as he blushed noticing a saliva connecting our mouths as we both tried catching out breathes

But I smirked as I leaned in kissing his lips again licking the saliva off but before I pulled away I felt him hungrily kiss me back as if he was addicted to it as I smirked in the kids as I played with his hair and moaned loving how he kissed as it was so strong as if he practiced on some melons or something hard to make his kisses so explosive feeling as I could feel tingles all over my body like sparks.

I broke the kids as I felt him lean in like he wasn't finished as I smirked putting a finger to his lips

"Mhm nope we can't go further I would only go further if I was darting the guy I'm doing this with"

I felt him kiss my finger sensually as he looked up "for us to kiss this much I would assume were dating but I will take you out as many dates as you like as I too have admired you Kana your like a firework to my night sky" he said smiling as I blushed and put his glasses on

"Heh whatever nerd" I laughed jokily

He leaned in kissing me and smirked as he pulled away before I could kiss back "Your nerd" he replied


Outside the classroom everyone heard that as Mineta and Kaminari were very jealous as Kana was very attractive and thin and thicc in all the right places.

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