~ Fem! Kirishima X Taishiro Toyomitsu ~

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His silence spoke to her as she teared up "can we just forget it"

He was about to speak but she got up and was about to run out but he grabbed her hand and pulled her into his chest as he laid his head on top of hers

"W-what are you doing" she said still with tears as they fell

"Its not that I don't feel anything for you.." He signed

"Look see it from my view your young and beautiful and we'll I'm older then you I'm mean come on im 29 red"

She looked up frowning "I don't care how old you are you motivate me and I always wanna be by your side....cause I love you" she said the last part quietly

He blushed looking at her and stroked her hair "You what?" He asked to had or sure he heard her right

"Nothing" she said hiding her face in his chest

He chuckled as he kissed her neck "I Love you too red I was jealous when you talk about that Bakugou kid"

She blushed a bit "he's just a friend like a bro"

He chuckled "Heh I know no need to explain."

" what do we do know? " Kirishima questioned

"First I got to pay for this after its All up to you since I don't rush ya on anythin since you are young" he said smiling

She pouted hearing him call her young as she leaned in and locked his neck "I'm not that young Fat Gum"

He blushed as he felt something he hasn't felt for a long time "red d-don't do that" he said in a warning tone

She blushed as she smirked and kisses him behind his ears " do what~?

He looked at her as he had a heated gaze "Red you can mess with me and tease me like this" he said serious

"Why not? Heh do you like it" she said playing with his jackets zipper

He groaned and grabbed her head gently but kissed her deep as she blushed but before she could kiss back he backed up

"I like it a lot and I don't think I'll stop if you continue it" he said as he really couldn't control himself she was the kind of girl he felt fit him. She was a bit tomboyish she was hard-working, brave and very passionate and she accepted him whether he was in his fat form or fit form.

She blushed "I dont mind Fat G-"

He kissed her and pulled back "if that's so call me by my name Taishiro please" he said huskily

She kissed his cheek smiling "Heh okay Taishiro"

This just turned him on more as he looked at her and picked her up quickly threw money on the table and left.

She blushed holding on to him but couldn't help but kiss his neck as she has a feeling where this was going but she wasn't scared since she loved him so much.

He growled as he was getting more tempted "Kirishima please wait till we get somewhere"

She licked his neck "where are we going?" She asked as she felt it they went to a hotel or something then it would just be one night and that made her felt uneasy

"Huh? My place unless you want to go to a hotel. Why ya askin?" He said looking at her as he didn't want to take her to a hotel for what he hoped her first time.

" N-no hotel is fine and just curious" she said laughing it off

Soon they arrived to his home as she blushed not knowing what to do

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