~Taishiro Toyomitsu ~

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(I'm going to make this a actual story soon it's a soulmate Alphaverse Au)

You had been with your soulmate for quite sometime but for some reason he never wanted to kiss you or touch you even if you were in heat for some reason. He said his reasoning was because you were only 16 and he was 29 and it wasn't right even tho it was legal of you have consent. No matter what You said he never cared to be with you in any way he would even suggest You be with someone your own age until your ready. You been ready and You had a crush on him before You knew he was your soulmate.

You were bored on the couch laying down watching sitcoms and Mina texted you saying they were having a dorm party so you decided why not and went. You didn't bother telling him since he was usually busy at work by now and didn't think he would care. You put on a silver blouse that sparkled with shorts and 16cm red pumps. You curled your short hair for once and put light makeup. You brought a jacket just in case it got cold or something.

You sighed and looked at yourself in the mirror saying "He's right I should find someone my age so that way he's happy I'm happy and I could live back in the dorms with my classmates" you said happily

You left the house as you texted Mina how you felt and she was telling you how a few guys liked you more then a friend and you smiled liking the feeling of being wanted since your soulmate and was soon to be made didnt do a good job of making you feel wanted.

You went to the liquor store to get some chips and sodas and saw it was 7:12 and saw you were a bit late and went straight to the school sneaking in the balls to the dorm.

You were having the time of your life and had flirted a bit with a older guy in the third years named Mirio he was cute in your opinion and had blonde hair blue eyes. You amused thought it was cliche but you didn't care he was so nice and funny and made you feel happier then usual. He was the sun to your cloudy day.

You both talked more privately and shared a few kisses as he told you he really liked you. He was so genuine and honest in his voice and the way that he looked at you you could feel he was being true to heart and you liked that. Not everyone end up being with their soulmate and you knew that.

But the way that he looked at you he really liked you he leaned and tilting your face a bit and kissed your neck. Normally you would get never let anyone touch you especially like this but with him it felt right.

You gently tugged on his hair as he kissed and nibbled on your neck in a certain spot and he pulled away and was going to miss your lips again until Mina walked in and blushed and yelled "woooh you go girl get that third year" you blushed and covered her mouth as she was in a for of giggles.

You told Mirio "I think she had too much sugar she never gets like this heh. I'm gonna take her to her dorm but I'll see you on Monday?" You said biting your lip

He smiled and moved your lip away from your teeth "I hope so see you soon Y/N"

Mina was masking kissing noises and you sighed and helped her to her room and told her you'll call her tomorrow.

You told a few other of the girls where Mina was it they got worried as they thanked you for bringing snack and coming as you smiled and hugged them all as you all said bye to one another.

You took the bus home and saw it was 2am and sighed knowing he would be asleep. You slipped on your jacket and grabbed the keys walking in and stretched and turned around taking my keys out closing the door quietly. Then the lights went on as my eyes widen freaked out then I said Taishiro weirdly in his for form.

"Oh it just you phew~ want me to cook you something to eat-"

"Where were you? I was callin you all night you didn't leave a note or anythin" he said upset but worried looking

"Ah I was at A dorm thing Mina had my phone so I could socialize. I mean you say I don't get out thought yourself so I thought eh why not" you said smiling

He walked up to you and smelled the air "what the-" he was about to lean in closer but you dodged him

He growled at your response "what are ya doing? movin away like that?"He

" Ah nothing I just don't want you smelling me and- ah" he pinned you to the wall and zipped down your jacket

"what the he'll Fat-" he covered your mouth as he saw your neck as he smelled another males scent on you as he growled starting at it

But then it got you he did say several times for you to find someone your own age You etched under his hand and bit it as he moved his hand away.

You kicked him off for being a omega you were quite strong.

"what's your problem huh? You said yourself to go find someone why the he'll are you acting weird" you said zipping your jacket back up.

"I did say that...." He trailed off nodding

" ....Because you made it hard for me..You getting in beats easily or doing things in your room thinking I dont smell ya...I wanted to wait to make sure you were ready"

Her then had a look in his eye filled with lust and love as he looked in your eyes

"Clearly your the type of omega that need special attention" he said kissing your neck on the opposite side as your felt heat and electricity type of feel hot your body.

You moaned as he picked you up in his arms "Now my little Omega wouldn't you rather daddy take care of your growin heat for now on" he said nibbling on your ear lobe.

You nodded as you felt your heat grow strong as you whimpered feeling defeated.

He laid you on his bed and smirked "Your mine and I don't want another male touching what's mine. Your gonna have to deal with a true alpha and I'm gonna make sure you feel this and no other make will make you feel like me." He said as he undressed himself as all he had was his famous orange jacket and sweats but that's all he had on as you got a full view of his naked body towering over you. He was more muscular and taller looking in his fit form.

As He saw you eye his body he smirked and took your shorts and your panties off and took your short and bra off and smirked as he licked his lips "mhm I'll make sure I'm more then enough for ya darlin" he said as he stuck two fingers inside of your mouth pumping his fingers in and out a few times and smiled "such a naughty omega you like it in your mouth huh?" He said as he too his fingers out your mouth and lifted your legs kissing your calves and looked at your heels as he growled in lust as he rubbed against your soaked pussy.

"Once I go in I don't care what you say I'm not comin out so if you want me continue tell me you want it" he said looking in your eyes

"Yes please.." You could see he was waiting for you to continue and you knew what he wanted

" Please Daddy Fuck me" you said blushing more as he growled and immediately inserted inside you pumping all 12inches inside as you gasped.

He smirked and pinned your arms down with one hand and used the other to lift up you leg for a deeper angle as you moaned a bit louder as he smirked and started pumping as rough as he could as you moaned against him holding on to him as your nails scratched against his back making him make feel grunts as he went faster pounding into you as hard as he can until he growled making animalistic noises and bit your neck cumming deeply inside of you holding you closer making it all to in and he stroked your face gently "we're gonna put your bed right beside mine for more room so we can do it more often " he said panting against your ears in a huskier and stronger tone and before you could say anything he kissed you turning you around so your on top of him as he held you closely "I Love ya darlin" he said stroking your hair

You blushed and kisses his cheek "I love you too Tai" you mumbled against him as you fell asleep on his chest.

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