° Fem! Izuku x Mirio °

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These events happen Overhaul incident but just before U.A festival.

*His Bunny*

Izuku had came out class as she was talking to her best friend Uraraka as Izuku had stopped as she felt someone look at them as it was similar to the time she had took an out the trash when she met Mirio.

Uraraka had noticed as she looked at her friend concerned "Deku? Are you okay?"

"A-ah hai I forgot my book in the class. I'm gonna go get it go on without me" she said smiling as she hasn't seen mirio for awhile since he has been training harder then ever as she missed him as no one knew but they shared a kiss while in the hospital that day.

They had texted each other a lot keeping each other update on what they were doing but never called or seen each other both along various excuses.

Once Uraraka turned around going to the Elevator Izuku turned around as she jumped into somebody but was caught as she was held against them.

She looked up and saw Mirio with a big smile as he blushed looking at her and played with her curly hair.

"M-mirio what are you doing here?" She stuttered blushing

He laughed it off "Awe your so cute when you blush Izu-chan but I came to see you" he said hugging her closer

She blushed as she thought about the kiss and how they haven't talked much since then

"I-I thought you were upset at me..." She said looking up at him

He stopped and looked at her confused "why would I be upset at you?"

she blushed "because we kissed and-"

He put a finger on her lips "Your first years are something huh come on I kissed you y'know sides I was training and stuff to get my mind of yknow" he said looking away as he was thinking about Sir as it was a sensitive subject for him

"O-oh" she tapped her index fingers against one another as she didn't know what to say

"Anyways I missed youuu" he said dragging the u

"I-I missed you to Mirio-kun" she said smiling a bit as he would always cheer her up

He smiled and kisses her cheek playing with her hair "Your like a little bunny hehe I'm gonna call you my little bunny" he said cheerfully

She blushed "W-what you can't everyone will call me that"

"Ah true guess it won't be special then" he said putting his hand on his chin thinking

She sighed making a phew noise

"But in private your my sweet little bunny!" He said giving her a sweet short little peck as she blushed covering her face.

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