~Taishiro Toyomitsu ~

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Name: Sakura
Age: 20
Height: 5ft 5
Quirk: Nekojin
Fantasy AU

Taishiro: Troll (they can be giants or dwarfs)


Taishiro was about to step out to start patrolling as usual in his human form as he caught sight of a young girl cornered by a few men. They didn't seem intoxicated and the girl clearly seemed scared as she kept backing up. He also took notice she had ears similar to kitten as it hit him she was a nekojin and they were quite rare like dragons and they had abilities to remain youthful and immortal and could pass that on to others.

He immediately went to them men in rage as he seen they were starting to touch on her tail and ears saying vulgar things as she tried pushing them off tearing up. He had enough of that he yelled stop gaining their attention.

"Y'all better leave that young girl alone or I'll have to arrange some beheadin' for y'all and don't think I'll be holdin' back on capturing y'all" he said serious as he grabbed his sword.

One guy mumbled something to the boss "Hey uh boss maybe we should back off that's Taishiro he's one of them strongest Knights Protectin' the people and stuff"

"Tch I'm not gonna lose my money for this bastard!" The man yelled grabbing a gun

Taishiro smirked as he pulled his sword out fully.

(Timeskip cause I don't know how to write fighting scenes)

"Tch. Didn't your mama's ever tell ya not to bring a gun to a sword fight" he said a bit exhausted and saw the girl still considering by a barrel

"Miss I won't hurt ya but I need you to come with me there surely will be more men after you if I leave you alone"

She shook her head "your human I don't trust humans I'm sorry they all hurt me" she said tearing up

"Heh I'm no human miss look" he said smiling a bit as he showed his troll form making him a foot taller at 8ft and he became wider "seem I'm like you-"

He caught her halfway as she jumped on his back as he transformed back "Hey little one careful ya lucky I caught ya" he said sighing a bit

"Sorry I just I just never seen someone like me for awhile" she said hiding her face in the crook of his neck

He blushed and patted her head touching her ears by accident "Ah that's understandable I suppose but let's go somewhere succulent where them humans won't try hurting you again"

She blushed as a mewl came from her mouth from her ears being touched as her tail wrapped around his waist halfway "can we go to your home..?"

Her blushed as he never usually had women around him and he didn't know what she was really asking as he heard women can say one thing but mean another.

"A-ah okay but no funny business I'm suppose to protect you yknow"

"Like a caretaker??"

" I suppose"

"Okay" she said with a softer voice


On the way there her tail was trailing up on his body as she licked his neck a bit he was trying to stop her but she didn't stop even when he told her.

He was getting highly aroused as he opened the door it was a big house just to himself mainly because he stayed in his true form in his home so it was bigger then most homes.

He looked at her as she seemed to be asleep he smiled as he laid her on the couch and decided to take off some of his clothes off he wasn't a regular knight who wore armor but he did dress nice as he was halfway done in his white button up shirt and Black pants he felt someone hug him.

He looked in the mirror and saw her hugging him "Master what are you doing?"

" U-uh Master!? " he questioned confused

"Mhm you saved me and now your my master."

" what do masters do in your culture? " he said confused as he was confused on what to do if he was a master now

"Anything they want to their Nekojins....I'll do whatever you want whenever" she mumbled kissing his shoulders making him start to feel a tingle of arousal in his lower region as he groaned

"W-why don't ya show me what you mean" he said trying to hold his erection from growing as he riding want to assume things.

She cupped his cheeks looking in his eyes and kissed him deeply

He groaned in the kiss as he touched her ears stroking them

She moaned as she deepens the kiss and moves a hand down to unbutton his pants making him gasp from surprise.

She moved her hand under his boxers as she started kissing him deeper French kissing him making him groan as he was getting hard under her hand stroking him.

She then stopped and looked at him giggling "can I continue?" He nodded breathless

She pushed him against the bed gently and moves his pants down and started licking and sucking on the tip of his cock

She then massaged his balls as she kept sucking until she tasted his precum and moves on top of him as she played with her kissy in front of him making him go fully erect.

"Master can you continue" he blushed but a idea went into his head as he had a small smirk

" Continue what? Tell me exactly what you want me to do"

"Mhm please Master I want you to Fuck me I Need you to do whatever you want"

He smirked as he held his hands against her hips "Anything I want huh?"

" Yes Master"

"Well you can to get about sleeping then" he said as he brought her down on his cock as he groaned how good it felt as he wasn't experienced when it came to sex but so far he was loving every second of it

He went in natural instinct and moves his hips holding her body against his firmly as he was enjoying it until a idea popped in his head as he groaned turning her around flipping them as he put her hips up arching her in doggy style (Oh the irony) and pounded against her gripping her hips as he leaned down and started leaving hickeys on her neck

He went as hard and fast as he could as he wanted to release so bad as he let small grunts in every trust as he started feeling her insides go right as if she was sucking him in deeper as he followed moving her hips up more going deep as he heard loud raspy moans making his mind go blank as her grunted once more loudly and cummed in her as he panted catching his breath and laid kisses all over her face making her giggle.

"Darling I can't believe I'm saying this but I think I love you" he said with a rosey his on his cheeks

"I love you to Master"

"No none of that Master stuff You call me by my real Name Taishiro" he said kissing her once more

" Yes Taishiro" she mumbled against the kiss

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