Chapter Six

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Ji Woo's Point of View

"Kim Taehyung! Get in here!" I screamed as loud as I could. Tae appeared in a heartbeat, faintly panting, "What's wrong baby?"

"I lost your necklace. Help me find it." He took a minute but nodded and we started searching. After half an hour, Tae looked at me and said, "Ji baby, I don't think we're going to find it."

I glared at him, "We have to, it's your necklace, you would think that you'd care more." 

He chuckled, "Ji... It's really okay. I'll buy another." 

"Kim Taehyung, you are a complete idiot. Tell me you did not just say that." 

He tilted his head, "Ji, I'm sensing that this isn't about the necklace." 

"You're wrong. It has everything to do with the necklace." 

"Really? Then tell me, why are you so upset?" 

I was about to burst into tears so I sniffled before speaking, "Don't you see? You only gave that necklace to me for safe keeping yesterday... If I can't take care of a simple necklace for more than a day can I really be a mother?" 

"Can I be honest?" 


"If you can't be a good mother, then red isn't a color in the rainbow." 

I laughed, he had the weirdest ways of calming my nerves. I checked my watch and gasped. "Tae, go take your shower and hurry. Our ultrasound is in a hour." 

He gave me a boxy smile, "Okay... can I get a kiss first?"

I giggled and gave him a quick peck. "You did cheer me up, but go. Seriously I will leave you behind before I'm late to this appointment." 

A bigger boxy smile, "Yeah I know... you're so mean Noona."

I rolled my eyes, he knew I thought Noona was cringey, so as he walked away I reached over and slapped him on the butt. He stopped walking and looked back at me with a red face.

"What? It's your fault, stop walking like you're on a runway if you don't want me to react." I received another boxy smile and apology. I waited until I heard the shower water before I burst into giggles like a mad man.

He was just too easy.


Jungkook's Point of View

I was waiting on Lara's class to end so I could walk her back to her dorm when I felt a tap on my shoulder.

"What are we watching?" I turned about to say that I wasn't watching anything with this mystery woman, when I saw Lara looking back up at me. I looked back at the class that I was watching and turned back. 

"I thought you took this class... I was waiting on you."

She smiled, "Nope." 

The hall was filling with people but I didn't really notice. I bent my head and pressed my lips softly against Lara's. After a few seconds, I went back to my earlier position. 

"As nice as that was, you do realize that everyone saw that right?" 

"Yep. I want everyone to know you're mine." 

"Am I?" I didn't respond, but tucked her hand in mine and began walking back to the elevator. 

"Jungkookie. Where are we going?" 

I said nothing until we were in the, thankfully empty, elevator and then I pressed the stop button. 


I smirked and turned to her. I walked her backwards until her back hit the wall of the elevator. I put one hand to the right of her head, and placed my left hand on her hip. 

"I figured if you didn't want to even kiss in the hall, you probably wouldn't want to do this in the hall."

Her breathing was hitched when she asked, "And what is, this, exactly?"

"You'll see." 

I started a new routine by kissing her neck and working my way up to her mouth. By the time I got to the latter I had the feeling she all but melted into a puddle. 

I was half right, half wrong. 

She was sort of a puddle. 

She also was very into the moment. 

So basically, I was wrong. She was just waiting for me to get to her mouth. At some point, she slipped her hand up under my shirt and feeling the outline of my abs and I kissed her jawline. I moved my hand to untie her hair, and she slipped her hands back out from my shirt and moved them onto my back. I fingered through her hair, and continued my routine by kissing the side of her neck and then going back to kissing her on her mouth.

 After awhile we broke the kiss to retrieve some much needed air, needless to say her lips were turning a different shade of pink from that of her lipstick. I gave her a quick peck and completely pulled back and started the elevator back. I heard a faint sigh of contentment. 



Taehyung's Point of View

We were almost done with the ultrasound when the doctor asked if we wanted to know the gender of the baby. I looked at Ji, hoping she'd say yes. 

"We... would like to know yes. But isn't it a little early?" 

"No, in some cases the baby is in just the right position and in your case, your baby is in just the right position at 14 weeks for us to tell." 

I looked at Ji's stomach, visualizing the baby. How could anything so small already hold so much of my heart in its tiny hands? 

"Alright then, the gender is..." 

I anxiously watched the doctor look at the ultrasound.

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