Chapter Three

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Hoseok's Point of View

I heard someone calling my name. I struggled to open my eyes. My head was throbbing, I could barely make out the fact it was Lee-Min leaning over me calling my name.

"Hoseok, can you hear me?" 

"Yes." I started trying to sit up. "I didn't mean to... um... see anything... I was just trying to get my phone..."

She rolled her eyes, "I don't care about that. I care about how you're feeling. What happened?" She was clearly in full out nurse mode.

"Well I came back to get my phone, and I remembered leaving it on your nightstand last night so I was coming in here to get it when I saw you... I quickly started turning around, but the door frame was closer than I thought that it was... My head sort of rammed into it..." 

"Front, back, left, or right?" 

"Left, towards the back." She reached and placed her hand on my hair. "Here?" 

"No... a little bit further back." I grabbed her hand and nudged it in the right direction. "Ouch." 

"Is it sore to my touch or are you being a big baby?"

"It's a little sore." 

I could see the nurse mode turning slowly off. "You're probably going to have a headache for a while, but you should be fine." 

I nodded. I could sense some mixed feelings coming from her; joy that I wasn't super hurt; anger that I more than likely scared the living daylights out of her; and something else that I'm sure I must be misreading.

It almost seemed like she wanted to kiss me. But I have to be reading that wrong... She must just have a high compassion rate, that makes her seem overly sympathetic. Good quality for a nurse, even better quality for a mother.

Where did that thought come from?!? 

At that moment I realized she was still sitting beside me with her hand on my hair. She was... blushing? She got up and went to her nightstand, so I stood and tried to regain a sense of balance. She handed me my phone, "Here." 

I smiled, "Thanks." 

"I'm sorry you had to go through so much to get it though. Even you don't deserve it."

I rubbed the spot of my head that the throbbing was coming from, "Yeah..."

As I left she said something before closing the door, "It must be coming from my high compassion rate, but I hope you can sleep it off. College and a headache would be killer."

I said she would make a good mother out loud?!? 

Well if that didn't expose my feelings, I don't know what would.


Lee-Min's Point of View

I've been staying away from Hoseok for the last two weeks because I could feel my anger leaving, and then my sister came over and I had to relive everything from her point of view. 

When I say everything, I mean everything. Gross. 

So my anger was back and hotter than ever. I arrived at the hospital on my day off to give one of my friends her earrings back, when I heard a bit of a commotion. 

"Hey, what's going on?" I asked while stepping closer to her with the bag that held the earrings tightly clutched.

"Oh, Lee-Min. I know that this is your day off but one of the other nurses is sick and the whole schedule is messed up. Can you fill in?" 

"Sure." I found myself being hugged so tight I could barely breathe. "You're an angel Lee-Min." 

I smiled, "I know." 

I got ready, and within ten minutes I was asking who I needed to see to. Every girl was glaring at me as I walked to the area that was supposed to have my patient. I stepped into the curtained off area, and closed the curtain behind me. I put on my best nurse smile and turned to greet my patient. 

"Hi... Hoseok?" I could feel my smile fading as his grew wider. "I wouldn't have been so against coming to the hospital to get this checked out if I had known you would be here."

"You've got to be kidding me... I'm switching with someone." I stormed out and back to the nurses station. "Is there anyone else that can see this patient?" 

"Um, you could switch with Evelyn..." 

"Never mind, I'll deal with him myself." I returned to Hoseok and began my routine like he was any other patient. When it came time for me to examine his ankle, I may have pressed harder than I was supposed to. 

"So, why didn't you switch with someone like you said you were going to?"

"The only person I could have swapped with is Evelyn, and I wasn't about to leave you guys together, alone." That came out wrong...

"I see, so you didn't want to switch because you're jealous?"

"That is not what I said."

"It basically is."

I sent him a glare. "I have other patients I need to attend to. Ring if you need something." As I was about to leave I heard a shrill fake ringing sound coming from behind me. 

"Yes?" I'm about to my breaking point.

"I'm ringing." He was smirking. 

"What do you need? You were fine ten seconds ago." Before he answered, I spoke again. "When I say if you need something, I mean medically." His smirk faded. 

"That's what I thought." 


Hoseok's Point of View

I was laying in bed reliving that terrible moment from this morning's dance practice where I sprained my ankle. It should be fine within a few days, but that wasn't what was keeping me awake. I really really really want to see Lee-Min. 

Should I call? Maybe... but I don't want to seem desperate... At the same time would she even pick up the call? Probably not... What to do? 

I tossed and turned and finally looked back at the clock. It had only been five minutes. Ugh. That's when I heard a knock at the door. Who could that be? It's past midnight... I got up and didn't bother to put a shirt back on, whoever was knocking on my door probably had already seen it. I opened it and saw Lee-Min standing there.

"Lee-Min? Is there something wrong?" I barely got the question out before she pressed her lips against mine. My eyelids slid shut. My hand reached around to her back and pulled her against me before stepping back a step so she could fully come inside. 

She pushed the door closed with the heel of her boot. 

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