Chapter Eight

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Min Yoongi's Point of View

I was only trying to go to the bathroom. Why was it that this was the time that everyone decided they needed my advice? First when I walked into Jin's apartment for his monthly party/gathering thingy, he wouldn't stop making me taste test stuff, including the drinks. Secondly when Namjoon stopped me and asked where Y/N was, which he should probably have known himself, and finally when Hoseok passed me in the hall to the bathroom asking why Lee-Min hadn't been over or replied to any of his texts/calls in days. 

"I don't know Hoseok. Maybe she's just busy." 

He gave me a half smile, "Maybe..." 

Just as my hand was on the knob to the bathroom door, Ji Woo brushed past me into the room. How was I supposed to yell at a pregnant lady for going into a bathroom I wasn't in? I sat down beside the door waiting on her to finish. The door reopened and Ji Woo bent down in front of me. 

"I was just messing with you Yoongi. You can go to the restroom." 

I gave her a smile, "Thank you, Ji. Thank you."

She giggled as we both stood, "No problem." 

"You seem more cheerful than normal, seeing anyone new?" This she flat-out laughed at.

"Yoongi, you're amazing, you know that right?" I let out a scoff sound, but inwardly I was blushing. 

"You really are. If I wasn't with Tae I'd totally go for you." 

My gummy smile grew, "Since you're really beautiful I'm going to take that as a compliment." 

Another giggle, "It is a compliment, but I'm not beautiful." She paused and tilted her head before speaking again, "I hope you find your Tae soon, I really want to see you happy with someone."

"I hate to be the one to break it to you, but there is no one as weird as Tae."

She laughed while giving me a shove in the shoulder, "Didn't you need to be somewhere?" 

"I do." 

When I walked back into the living room a little while later I saw a cake that I hadn't noticed before. Everyone was looking at me. I sat down and rubbed a spot under my right ear. 

"He's here now cut the cake" Jungkook said with that hungry bunny look he gets. 

Jin rolled his eyes and said, "There's no funny business going on with the cake right Tae?" 

"Why is it that whenever I do something it's odd?" He had a strangely mischievous boxy smile on. 

"It just normally is." Jin said shrugging while slicing the cake open. "I know you're not supposed to have dessert before dinner but hey we have more boys here than girls so." 

Everyone looked at the vanilla cake that had blue filling with confused faces. I was the first to have it hit me. 

I'm a genius. 

"Congrats." Everyone looked at me, then at the cake... You could see it hitting them one by one. I wanted to laugh so bad, but held it back because I wanted to see bunny boy's reaction. 

"Does this mean you guys are having a boy?" The baby of our group asked with a happy expression on. 

"Yes, that's why Tae wanted to get the cake and also why we were so weird on eating it before dinner with everyone around." Ji Woo explained with a cheerful glance at Tae.

As everyone smiled or laughed and gave their congratulations I couldn't help but want to... as awful as this feels... leave.

As soon as the thought entered my head I felt guilt wash over me. Now is not the time to be selfish. Just stay and converse with everyone........

And when I leave I can go straight to her place.


Namjoon's Point of View

We asked Ji and Tae if they had any name ideas and when they said no, we all started giving name ideas, and we were an hour or so into it when I signaled Y/N to follow me into Jin's spare room. 

"What is it Joon?" She whispered as she peered out the crack in the door. I pushed the door shut which brought her attention to me.

"I wanted to ask you something."

"Okay, is there a reason that you wanted to talk to me right now?"

"Not really."

She gave me a look that said "say it", so I cleared my throat before asking the question that had been on my mind for the last couple days. 

"When you say "I love you" do you mean as a friend or... in the technical sense?" Besides from the voice break you did great Namjoon. Stupid, stupid, stupid. That sounded so~ desperate.

"In the technical sense..."

I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding and smiled, "Whew, I was worried since we have only been on like ten or so dates that you didn't really mean it." 

"I wouldn't say it otherwise and as you love" she said with a tap on my shoulder, "to remind me we've been friends for way longer and have had crushes on each other for as said really long time." 

I waited for her to finish speaking before I bent my head to give her a small kiss. When I pulled back she tilted her head to the side, "Um, Namjoon?"

"Yes?" I was starting to finger her hair in its ponytail. 

"You do realize that we successfully sneaked off, and are alone in a spare room that no one should be coming into-" I cut her off by putting my index finger on her mouth to shush her.

"My common sense failed me it seems." 

I undid her ponytail while she wrapped her arms around my neck, and pressed my mouth to hers. While one of my hands worked their way through her hair to the nape of her neck, the other slid down to lower back to press her further into me. We stayed like this for a while before I gently kissed her cheeks, chin, jawline, and neck before returning to her mouth. 

I regretfully pulled back a little while later, "Did you hear Jin..." 

"Call for you? Yeah... bad timing huh?" 

I frowned as she turned around and opened the door into the hall. Why Jin, why? Someday when you start dating someone I will remember this and ruin all of your chances to do anything further than holding hands.

I waited a while and then stepped out and when I did he looked strangely at me and Y/N before giving me an awkward smile and saying words that I had hoped I wouldn't hear again in my lifetime.

"Namjoon... did you break my one of a kind, custom made, flower pot again?"

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