Chapter Fifteen (The Last One!!!!)

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Lee-Min's Point of View

I wiped sweat off of my brow and sighed as I looked around me at the mess. My boxes had been moved into Hoseok's apartment and now I was standing in the bedroom with all my clothes everywhere trying to decide how I was going to fit everything into the closet and dresser, and get it done before I fell asleep on my feet. 

Being a nurse you would think that this wouldn't be such a big deal considering I've done much more after twelve hour shifts but this is awful even though I've taken two weeks of paid time off just to get it done and spent most of yesterday relaxing. Grant it, I did spend the day before yesterday getting my apartment all boxed up and getting rid of all my old not needed furniture. And the day before that. So on second thought maybe I should call it a day and cut myself some slack.

I felt arms wrap around my waist. "Why are you just standing here baby?" Hoseok's whisper went directly onto my ear making a tingling sensation shoot down my spine. 

"I'm trying to decide how to best take care of this mess you created." Cold air replaced where his warm arms had been. 

"And here I was going to offer my services and a great massage." 

I turned around quickly and ran and jumped onto his retreating back. I draped my arms around his neck as my legs wrapped tightly around his waist. "Is this massage long?"


I got down off of his back. "Then help me with these clothes and then give me the great, highly anticipated, massage."

He laughed as he turned around. "It's been two minutes and its already highly anticipated?" 

I gave him a quick kiss. "Everything with you is highly anticipated automatically." 

"Is that so?" 

I hummed a response. I walked over to the first pile and moved to the first set of drawers in the dresser. "Hoseok, if you hang up all the clothes that I wear during the day then I'll take care of the pajamas, shoes and other stuff. Got it?" 

"I presume 'other stuff' is a multitude of things and I should in no way interfere?" He said while putting a denim jacket on a hanger. 

I walked over to him and patted his head. "Who ever said old dogs can't be taught new tricks?" 

He frowned and slapped my hand away. "You must not really want that massage, Lee-Lee." 

I had walked back to my spot at the dresser. "I take it back." I said with my hands in the air before stuffing a thing of socks into the drawer.

He chuckled. "Was it the threat or nickname?"

"Nickname. I hate it when she calls me that, much less you. I hate that you've even heard it." 

He laughed, "I have nicknames I don't really like either." 

"Like what?" I said with my hand on my hip now facing him. I watched him grab another article of clothing and put it on the hanger. 

He stopped and tilted his head. "Um... Well..." He snapped his fingers. "I got it! For some reason, Ji Woo called me Hoppy for like a year straight." He rolled his eyes. "It got super annoying." 

I laughed, "So, you're comparing your one year nickname to my life long affliction?"


I walked back over to where he stood. "Oh Hope. You do have your problems don't you?" 

"I don't know what that is supposed to mean..."

I smiled and gave him another small kiss. "I don't see those clothes hanging themselves." 

He saluted me, "On it boss."


Jungkook's Point of View

I felt the air I had been breathing was suddenly gone. "Why?" I choked out. 

Huge tears were in her eyes, causing me to have to clear my throat, even though I wasn't planning on speaking. "My exchange program is run by a college that apparently is having finance issues and it had to make some cut backs. The cut back being the exchange program is now only short term." 

"Okay... but why don't you just live here and finish college here?"

"First off, I don't have enough money and I don't want to have to ask my parents for any. Second, I know what you're going to say, and I don't think the college is going to like their students living together. Third... even if we could figure out the living issues, my college is really strict on transferring information to other colleges. Mainly when the college is out of country. Believe me, Jungkook when I say I've researched it all, I have researched every single possible option." 

I took my first breath since she told me. I forced myself to smile. "Well, we still have some time right?" 

"Yup, four weeks." Her voice was soft almost not audible.

I licked my lips. "Wow, you cut telling me close." 

"I just wanted one of us to be happy as long as possible." The tears leaked out of her eyes. I quickly wiped them away. "Hey, no tears. We have two weeks of fun still left in Korea." 

She looked at me. "Two?"

I nodded. "Yes. I'll come with you to America to help you settle and then I'll come back here." Just saying 'I'll' instead of 'we'll' broke my heart further apart. 

"Okay... can I cry on your shoulder for the first thirty minutes though, because I've been trying so hard to make sure I didn't tip you off..." Her voice broke at the end and she had to bite her lip to keep from sobbing before I answered. 

I opened my arms to her silently. She buried herself face first into the side of my jacket and sobbed. A really long time. I cried a little, silently. It was hard not to what with just being told I had to spend a year of my life oceans away from the person I love most, and with the said person I love most crying her heart out beside me. Finally I heard her sniffle and some muffled words. "This is breaking my heart in to a million pieces." 

I cleared my throat again. "Me too baby." I was still stroking her hair as I had been the whole time. 

She leaned back and faced me. "I really didn't want to tell you this after I had just got done bawling like a baby, and being as red as one, but..." Her eyes were still glistening and her nose was red, "You don't." 

She laughed. "I'm pretty sure you're lying to spare my feelings but I thank you anyway." She paused and a final tear slipped from the corner of her eye. "I love you Jeon Jungkook. More than I've ever loved anyone else."

"I love you too." I placed a soft kiss on her mouth. I smiled after I pulled her to stand.  

"Now let's go back to my place so I can fix you some Korean food and you can check me out while I cook, sound good?" 

She laughed. "Sounds perfect." 


Hoseok's Point of View

Everything was going well that evening until I couldn't stop smiling like an idiot during a sad death scene in a movie and Lee-Min saw. 

"What the heck Hoseok?" She giggled out. "I know you don't really pay attention when we watch chick flicks but do you have to ruin the mood for me too?"

I winked at her. "Sorry. You'll understand... later..." 

She raised an eyebrow as if asking me 'What?'. I smirked. " I can't tell you. Then it wouldn't be a surprise." 

She smiled and turned back to the movie as panic took over me. 

I had been hopefully smiling because earlier when she wasn't looking I slipped a engagement ring into her jewelry box in a obvious spot she wouldn't miss tomorrow when she went to grab her bracelet tomorrow. But now I had to come up with something special to do tonight. 

Not that I mind.

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