Chapter Eleven

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Y/N's Point of View

Poor Hoseok, he came over and wanted to talk to me and Namjoon to get some advice and vent. He just finished telling us everything that had occurred over the weekend. 

He reached up and started pinching the bridge of his nose while looking at the floor, "Just the fact that she thinks that I could actually do something so awful to her... I mean, I understand her worries about me using her... As much as that hurts too. I wish we could have talked about it, I would have calmed her fears... But... cheating on someone I love so much that I can't even say that I love her to her face... Who does she think I am?"

"But didn't you say that she was super drunk when you said those things to her? And falling asleep?" Namjoon piped up. 

Hoseok sat back. "Yeah..."

"Well, to be fair then, she could have thought she imagined it or she was dreaming. Then you were just a guy who generally speaking, is a playboy, and doesn't stay around longer than a couple nights that was with another girl and appeared to be flirting." Namjoon said.

Hoseok looked like in was sinking in, and then he facepalmed. "You have a point." 

"Then you add the fact you were going to sleep with her sister..." 

He looked at me. "Y/N, as a girl, if you were... in her position, would you do what she did?" 

I tilted my head to the right. "Well... I probably would have sought Namjoon out so I could hit him, but yes." 

He collapsed against the back of the chair. We didn't say anything. I glanced over at Namjoon who was already looking at me. He used his head to gesture to the kitchen. We got up and went into the kitchen, Namjoon stepped in front of me and went to the fridge to get a drink for Hoseok. 

"What should we do, to help Hoseok?" I whispered at him. 

"I don't know... He needs to talk to her about it, but I don't know how I'm supposed to tell him that, I mean, seeing her is going to be painful for him."

"More than staying apart with hurt feelings though?"

"That's true, I'd rather be around you all the time and have hurt feelings than not be around you and love you from afar." 

"Then we know what we need to say to him."

"You're right, as always." 

We walked back out and sat down beside each other on the couch. I handed Hoseok the water bottle. 

Hoseok looked at the water bottle and then sat it down on the coffee table. "Well... I guess I'll be going then." He stood and grabbed a jacket. 

"What? Don't you want the rest of our advice?" Namjoon said giving me a look that said "What is happening?". 

He looked between us, "You're just going to say that I should go and talk to her, right? Get it over with?" 

I opened my mouth in shock that he could read us that well. Namjoon recovered faster than me. "Well, yeah, but..." 

Hoseok's eyes looked mischievously lit. What is he thinking..? "Well then I'm going to go home and compose a plan. I suggest you do the same, Namjoon." He walked to the front door and grabbed the handle. Namjoon looked very confused. "Why?" 

As he stepped out of the dorm he said, "Because, I saw Y/N checking you out a moment ago." He winked and shut the door. 

Dang him. 

Probably turning a shade of red, I turned to Namjoon and starting stuttering. "H-He w-was l-lying. I w-w-wasn't." 

Namjoon's eyebrow quirked. "Are you trying to say that I'm not... hot enough for you?" At this point he had come to stand so close to me that the last part of his sentence was whispered against my ear. 

A chill went down my spine. But, at the same time I feel spunky which is a rare occasion. "I wasn't going to be so bold, but yes." 

He looked me in the eyes. "Oh, Y/N... You really need to learn to keep your mouth shut." 

I was about to break out into a smile when he turned and started walking into his bedroom. I frowned as confusion settled over me. "Um, Namjoon?"

He turned around. "Yes?"

"Where are you going?"

"My room." He was smiling... Not exactly a good sign. 

"Aren't you going to prove how hot you are?" 


Disappointment washed over me. "Why?" 

"You gave me all the power, and I told myself the other day when you cut off our make out to go game, that as soon as I had all the power again that I would use it against you. If you just hadn't been spunky... Things could have been so different. Oh well."

A smirk crept up my face. "Who says you have all the power?"

He smiled, but turned and walked into his room. Before he closed the bedroom door I yelled out, "You're going to regret this Kim Namjoon!"

"I highly doubt that!" 

All the power... Whatever... You will regret it Kim Namjoon, if it's the last thing I do... Or one of the last things I do...


Hoseok's Point of View

I was sitting at my kitchen table when I heard a knock at the front door. I didn't move from my spot, my forehead is resting on the table, hands pulling at my hair in a vain attempt to help me figure out what in the world I'm supposed to do about Lee-Min. Another soft knock at the door. 

"No soliciting..." I mumbled. 

As if the person knocking heard me, the knocks stopped. I sighed. I heard heels click onto the tile in the kitchen and stop. 

I still didn't move.

"I... um... came over so I could get... uh... What was it..." Lee-Min's voice sounded almost like she'd been crying. 

I rather lifelessly sat up and back. Now slouched in my chair, I lifted my gaze to her face. Red rimmed eyes, puffy cheeks, chapped lips. Yep, she's definitely been crying. I felt a pull in my chest. I wanted to comfort her. 

But, obviously I can't. 

"Right... I needed to get my black heels because one of my friends wanted to borrow them..." She paused, as if waiting for a reply. When I didn't show any signs of giving one she continued with not completely dry eyes, "Anyway I'll just go grab them..." She stood there for another heartbeat and then left. I heard my closet door open and close. She basically ran past the archway. I heard her footsteps stop, already at the door. 

A tiny almost non-audible sniffle sounded throughout the apartment. Well, that does it. The straw that broke the camels back.

I get up from my chair and walk out of the archway as she opens the front door.


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