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I opened the envelope to find an ultrasound with a pregnancy test taped to it. I was both excited and shocked to find out that not only was Sasha pregnant but she was 13 weeks to be exact.

"I'm going to be a father? Is this for real?" I exclaimed in excitement.

"Yes baby, and I'm so grateful to have you in my life to share this moment with!!!", she shrieks in excitement as tears start to form in her eyes,"I can't wait til tell my mom the news!"

I grabbed my phone, "I'm calling my favorite cousin right now!"

*phone rings for a few seconds before being answered*

Max: "Smoooookey...What's good cuz?"

"Oh Not Much...other than me just finding out that I'm going to be a father!" I blurted out almost immediately, barely able to hold back the excitement.

Max: "Oh Word, seriously cuz?! That's awesome. I'm happy for y'all!"

"Thank you! Thank you! When are you and Lexi gonna have some little ones running around?" I teased.

Max: "That depends on her...wouldn't surprise me at all if she tells me she's pregnant soon because I've been having some weird shit happen to me lately!" He laughs.

"Pregnancy sympathy symptoms cuz!" I teased.

Max: "Think so?" He asked, sounding persuaded.

"Only time will tell but if you start to notice that she's getting thicker anywhere on her body and it wasn't like that before than I would for sure say she is pregnant.", I chuckled and cleared my throat, "Only you would notice since you see her more than anybody else. Trust me fam. Just stay in touch and if you have any questions don't hesitate to text or call me. Gotta go, love you cuzzo!"

Max: "Love you too, Peace!"

I hung up the phone, "My cousin said congrats and he might have one on the way as well"

"Which cousin you talking about?," she asked.

"Max. You see him at the arena all the time with nevermind!" I hesitated.

"Oh, he's dating Alexa huh?" She rolled her eyes, "That bitch!"

"Yeah, so you might be seeing more of her pretty soon since me and Max gonna be working on some mu-"

"Excuse me!?! The fuck do you mean by that Smokey?", she yelled.

"I'll explain it later", I suggested while grabbing her hand and caressing it, "Just promise me when you do see her from now on you will be on your best behavior and not start anything "

She pulls away from me and folds her arms, "Oh, why? You got feelings for the bitch or something? "

"No but I would like to be able to double date with them in the near future and it not be a big issue. Do it for me sweetie...I'll make it worthwhile" I smirk.

"And if I don't behave?" She pouts.

"You know what will happen...DON'T PLAY DUMB! " I yelled out.

"You say it like I don't like whoopings!" She grinned.

"Not the point...look just be good, Ok Mercedes?" I begged.

"Ok ok fine! But only because you asked me to. If this was anybody else asking me to be nice to her I'd tell them to fuck off," she smiled, "but you're not just anybody."

I blushed hard, "I know babe."

Me and Sasha always picked play fights with each other so once I realized what she was doing I couldn't even be that upset. We smiled at each other and bust out laughing. We decided not to announce to the world just yet that she was pregnant because we didn't wanna risk her being taken out of Wrestlemania. Yes, we understood the dangers of her wrestling while pregnant but Sasha was a tough woman.

We made our way to the performance center for SMACKDOWN. It was the last show before Wrestlemania. With all this Coronavirus bullshit going on it wasn't the same feeling like it usually is around this time of the year but she wasn't going to let that get her down. She knew the show must go on, and the payoff ? Having a few weeks off and time away from the ring. We both were ectatic about that because it just meant more time with each other.

Now that I know she is pregnant I realized that I was having pregnancy symptoms and boy did they drive me nuts. I mean one minute I was feeling perfectly normal amd the next thing I know I'm crying about small stuff. A month ago I had cried when they didn't have Doritos at this gas station. Who the fuck cries over a bag of chips??? Apparently me.

She was commentating tonight so she didn't have to do much. I sat in the parking lot chopping it up with the Usos while waiting on her to get finished up so we could go ahead and leave.

"How you been Uce?" They asked in unison while fist bumping me.

"Busy but not like usual. Since this virus crisis has been going on I've had to cancel 2 tours and several photoshoots. Normally I would look at that as a bad thing but I could use the extra rest and small vacay " I sighed heavily, "hopefully things get back to normal soon. I will say I have been enjoying the extra time I've gotten to spend with Mercedes so I'm not one to complain."

We chat it up for a few more minutes before Sasha finally comes out, cheesing hard looking directly at me.

"Gotta go Uce, my queen looks to be ready!," I fist bump Jimmy and Jey before heading towards her.

"Um...what is the big smile about? " I asked.

"Because I'm excited to see you and I'm ready to go!" She expressed.

"So am I sweetie," I yawned, "I'm actually pretty tired and really hungry. Wanna grab a bite to eat on the way to the hotel?

"Sure babe, and I hope you not too tired for me later on" she grinned.

"Of course not, I'm never too tired for you. It's usually after we fuck that I'm really exhausted," I teased.

"What the-," she scoffed, "are you trying to say I'm alot to handle?"

"Oh calm down...I didn't mean anything by it. You are a bit to handle at times but that's what made me attracted to you in the first place....along with other features." I grabbed her by the waist and we started kissing against the passenger door. We were having a small make out session and fainlty heard hooping and hollering in the background. We laughed and eventually got into the car and drove off.

LEGiT LOVE 4 A BO$$ (Sasha Banks x OC) [Book #1]Where stories live. Discover now