Saving Him

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(A/N I actually got this idea from the previous one shot.)

Jamie walked in the forest with her machete in hand for a while until she heard a voice.

(A/N Outfit.)

"Yeah, you better run!" it said

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"Yeah, you better run!" it said.

Then a thud sounded and she immediately ran toward it. That's when she saw the most attractive man she had ever seen, on the forest floor.

"Oh my gosh," she said.

She ran to his side and checked if he was breathing, but he wasn't.

"Oh don't kill me whether this works or not," she said to herself.

She then gave him mouth to mouth then chest compressions. This went on for a minute before he breathed and looked around frantically.

"Uh dude?" Jamie asked.

He looked at her and tried to get up but to no avail. She then saw the arrow in his side, making her more concerned.

"Okay. You gotta take it easy," she told him.

"I didn't notice," he commented sarcastically then asked, "Who are you anyway?"

"I'm Jamie. I was just around the forest when I heard you yelling then you fell to the ground. You almost died," Jamie answered.

The man looked at her, confused, before pointing out, "You could've left me for dead."

"Would you have wanted to die all alone out here?" she said.

"Not really. I'm Daryl. And I have a group not too far from here," he said.

"I don't think you'll make it to them on your own," Jamie replied.

"I think you're right," Daryl said then asked, "I don't normally ask for it, but can you help me get back?"

She lightly chuckled before answering, "I can tell you're not used to asking for help, but yes, I can help you get back."

She then approached him then remembered something.

"Oh. I have some medicine to keep that from getting infected," she said, looking through her bag.

She pulled it out and her bottle of water. He looked at her skeptically, making her sigh in slight annoyance then took a sip from her water bottle.

"I'm not gonna poison you after just saving you from dying," she pointed out, handing him the meds and water.

"Good to know," he said, took the medicine, drank some water, then told her as he handed the stuff back to her, "I was just testing ya. We don't know each other, so it doesn't hurt to check."

"I get it; I would've done the same thing," Jamie told him, putting the stuff back in her bag.

She then took his arm and put it over her shoulders, supporting him.

Daryl Dixon X Jamie Dabbs One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now