Chapter 2

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Dawn woke up to birds chirping. He felt groggy, and stumbled out of bed, dunking his head in some water to wake himself up. It was dawn. He stumbled over to his father, asking, "Did i sleep all night?"

Comet nodded and said, "I put your sapfruit in the cold water to keep it fresh for you."

Dusk hurried over to a small pond they kept in their kitchen. He grabbed the fruit and loaded it into his pouch. Today, he wanted to explore. Comet chatted idly with Citrine, and Dusk hurried for the door. Citrine pounced ahead of him and said, "Where ya goinnnggg?" 

"None of your business" Dusk snarled.

"Well it will be my business! Once I marry my prince you'll have to tell me everything or you'll be thrown in jail!" Citrine pestered.

Dusk bit back a growl. She knew he was jealous, and she loved  letting him know that he is nothing compared to her. Dusk looked up and said, "I'm going to buy crystals. There. Now will you please stop bothering me?"

Citrine giggled and turned the corner. Dusk knew she would follow him. He opened the door and flew off, not bothering to talk to the guards. He could hear her wing beats as she lifted off closely behind. He shot like an arrow to Chakra. If Citrine was going to pester him at the crystal shop, at least she would get scammed. He quickly flew into Divine Goods and exclaimed, "I need you to scam my sister. She's following me and I'm going somewhere, please keep her busy!"

Chakra nodded and Dusk walked calmly to a shelf, pretending to browse the many stones and jewels. Citrine glided in smoothly, and walked up to the shelf next to him. Chakra loudly announced, "Ohh! Whats this?" and picked up rose quartz. She made sure Citrine new she was looking at it.

"Pink Sapphire? My my, this is a rare gemstone" Chakra put it on the counter and pretended to continue looking through her supply. 

Citrine walked up and put her coin pouch on the table. Dusk saw them talking. He quietly walked out of the store, and lifted into the air as fast as possible. He shot towards the beach, almost crashing into a Seawing. 

"Sorry, sorry!" He yelled as he struggled against the dust in his eyes. He dove over to a rock and rolled into a ball, hoping no one saw him. 

After a few minutes, he looked up again. His sister was no where in sight. Today's the day. He thought. He walked forward slightly, but stopped. Am sure about this? What if father worries... He shook his head and narrowed his eyes, Father only worries about Citrine. I could be thrown into jail and he would just care that Citrine got some dust on her "glorious feathers"  Dusk looked up. I should catch some things to eat, I'll set up camp . Tomorrow, at the crack of dawn, I'll explore. He scented the air carefully, picking up the wind. He could smell a Hegax, a type of deer with four horns and tender meat. He crouched low, his tail moving back and forth carefully. He was downhill, the Hegax wouldn't scent him... yet. Just before he reached the top of the hill, a thought entered his mind, Shouldn't I get a weapon? Ambushes are common, no? He nodded slightly. Of course, he wouldn't have the heart to kill someone, but it would be good to know that he was protected. I'll do it once i catch this Hegax. He focused back on the scent. Just up the hill now... He thought excitedly. A black, fluffy tail entered his vision. He leaped forward, using his wings to propel him to his target. The Hegax made a sharp turn, butting into Dusk as hard as it could, but it was no match, it turned too late. Dusk bit down on its neck, and dug into his pouch. His money wasn't in it. He groaned slightly, "I guess ill have to sell to the butcher." 

He picked up the Hegax and flew low to the tree cover. Chances were, Citrine had gone home. He quickly flew to the butchers and dropped the Hegax on the table. The butcher examined it and said, "That's a fine catch. Ill give you 10 gold for it." 

Dusk nodded and took the coins. It was too late for him to explore now, the shops would be closing. He lifted himself into the air and flew home, collapsing in bed before his father could yell at him.

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