Chapter 4

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When Dusk woke up, something was prodding his neck. He opened his eyes and looked up, a Sunwing stood above up, prodding him with a spear. He had a bandanna wrapped around his head, and several earrings hung from his ear. Dusk noticed that they were looking up at something, and he carefully slid his dagger out of its sheathe. He leaped up and stabbed the dragon, grabbing their spear handle and holding it tight. The Sunwing wrenched his spear free and yelled, "Bermuda! Get 'im!"

A large Seawing tackled Dusk to the floor, pinning him on his stomach. Dusk breathed fire and beat his wings, attempting to throw the older dragon off. His knife slid out from under his claws and he grabbed onto the handle with his mouth, swinging his head and cutting Bermuda in the arm. Dusk breathed fire onto the wound, and the Seawing leaped up. Dusk grabbed his knife and backed into a tree. He swung his dagger, eyeing the dragons, and putting on his wildest face said, "I swear, I'll kill all of you!" 

The Sunwing made a whistling noise, and twirled his fingers. Dusk knew he was probably calling the rest of his gang. Dusk threw his dagger as hard as he could, catching the Sunwing in his arm. Without waiting for a reaction, Dusk flew as fast as he could, delving deep into the forest. He wasn't fast enough to out-fly three adults though, and soon a bola wound its way onto his wing, knocking him from the sky. Dusk tumbled to the ground and blacked out.

 When he woke up, Dusk was in a small cage. He stumbled up and tried opening his mouth to yawn, but to no avail. He had a muzzle on, and was chained to the wall. He could open his mouth slightly, but it was uncomfortable. A large Steelwing sat nearby, sharpening his knife. Dusk hit his head against the bars, trying to breathe fire with the little room to open his mouth. The Steelwing got up and hit the door, yelling, "Shuddap! Unless ya wanta stay down 'ere for longer wit no food."

Dusk sat down, defeated. I was supposed to be exploring, not stuck in a... what ever this is. The Steelwing put a small vial on the floor at the cage door, and did so with the other cages. Are other dragons here? The Steelwing walked out of the room. The vials opened, and a small amount of smoke came from it. Dusk breathed it in, and his vision went dark.

Dusk woke up as salty air washed his face. The hot sun beat down on his neck, and he looked around. He was in a ship, on deck, next to other dragons. He was chained to a oar, and was sitting next to a Sandwing. The Sandwing looked old, and he had scars running all across his face and body. He noticed that the ship was docked, and only a nasty looking Nightwing guarded him. The Nightwing looked up and said, "Welcome aboard the Salty Shipwreck! I'm your Cap'n, by order of my Cap'n, so you listen to me. Or else." The Nightwing held up a strange looking weapon, it was a long rope, with a fishhook on the tip. "Anywho, you are rowing this ship, whether clear skies or crazy storms, that is until we reach our destination, where our... business partner will decide who goes and who stays. I suggest you row when ordered, ya don't want to end up like our friend 'ere." He motioned to a Rainwing body that was being dumped over the edge of the ship. 

Dusk felt like he was going to vomit. Dragons began to walk onto the boat, taking their stations, and the Sunwing stood near the wheel. He motioned to his crew to raise the anchor, and they did so. He yelled, "Forward!" 

The captives moved the oars, edging the boat out of dock and into open water. The Sunwing would motion to the Nightwing, and the Nightwing would tell them what to do. Not even ten minutes later, Dusk felt as though his arms were falling off. The hot sun berated his neck, he was so overwhelmed by this all. This is it. I'm going to die here.  

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