Chapter 3

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When Dusk woke up, his father was at his bedside. Comet looked angrily at his son, exclaiming, "Why didn't you let your sister come with you?"

Jeez. Dusk thought, Not even a "Son, I was so worried when you left the house so suddenly and didn't return until  night"?

"Uh, I was doing something." Dusk stated blandly.

"And what was that?" Comet narrowed his eyes.

"Odd jobs, helping the blacksmith with the forge. Stuff like that." Dusk lied smoothly. He got out of bed without bothering to respond to anymore questions. He picked up his money pouch and slid it carefully into a compartment in his satchel. Alright, lets try this again. He walked to the door, saying, "I'm going to go work." Before sliding out of the door before his sister could use her animus magic to keep it shut. He shot into the sky and dove towards the blacksmiths. The blacksmith, an old Steelwing named Alloy, looked up at him, "Hey young sport, what ya doin' here?"

Dusk put his coin pouch on the table, "I need a very strong dagger, one that I can hide easily though."

Alloy picked up his tongs and said, "Well, you're in luck. I have a new one right now, you may want to let me sharpen it first."

Dusk nodded and said, "Uhh, while you're sharpening it, I'm going to go get something from the general store."

Alloy nodded, and Dusk flew over to the general store. He opened the door quickly and asked, "Do you have any dried foods, or satchels, or water canteens?"

"Yes we do, how many pounds of dried food do you want?" The storekeep asked.

"Two pounds, and I need two water canteens and one satchel." Dusk explained quickly, putting 80 coins on the counter. The storekeep brought the items only the counter and said, "It's ninety three coins."

Dusk put the other coins on the counter and grabbed the supplies, loading the satchel onto his shoulder and putting the food and canteens in it. He hoped and prayed to the three moons that he had enough coins for a belt for his dagger. He slid to a halt and asked, "Is it done?"

Alloy nodded and put the gleaming dagger on the counter. It was wavy, with intricate designs. Dusk put his last money pouch on the counter and asked, "Do you have any belts or armbands for this?" 

Alloy nodded and brought a small armband with a sheathe embedded into it. Dusk nodded and said, "Thank you, thank you so much." before flying off. This is it. This is the day I live my own life. Dusk sheathed his dagger and set off to new places. He decided to stick by the coastline, seeing as there would be fish and Seawings to trade with. He dropped down to the sand, deciding to rest his wings. It was still midday, so his father would not wonder about him until tomorrow. How long will I be out in the wild? From the legends that he heard from the "old tribes" like Seawings and Sandwings, a group of dragonets long ago stopped a war without adult help. But I'm just one dragonet. And I'm not even trying to stop a war. Dusk sat down in the sand. It was approaching dusk, and close to the beach would be a peaceful spot to lay down. He held the sand in his claws, and breathed fire onto it. The sand heated in his claws, and he threw it into the water, watching the vapor rise. He looped his tail over his claws, and yawned. He got up from the sand, shaking it from the cracks of his scales. He climbed up a small, sandy hill and broke some branches off of a palm tree. He put some rocks around the kindling and breathed fire onto it. He laid some palm fronds on the grass, and ate a small portion of his Sapfruit. He looked at the shoreline, content for once. No one could stop him now, not his bratty sister or his ignorant father. He laid down on the makeshift bed, held his dagger close by, and went to sleep. Finally, I am free...

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