Chapter 9

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Dusk was already awake by the time the guard starting knocking on his door. He tossed to horn rings into the room and said, "Put those on and follow me."

Dusk put the horn rings on carefully, not sure why this was happening. He walked outside and followed the guard, his tail flicking.

"So... uh... where am I going?" Dusk asked carefully.

"The Queen. You are a servant you know. Just consider the arena a part time hobby." The guard answered, still looking ahead. 

Dusk shrugged a little, glancing around the hallways as he walked alongside the guard. Sunwings of all different sized winded through the hallways, carrying various platters and weapons, anything you could think of, a Sunwing was probably holding. The aroma of different scents wafted through the air as they passed the kitchen, and Dusk caught himself wondering what his family was eating. 

Finally they reached their stop. A throne room with two large thrones. Sitting on the biggest one was Sol, and on the smaller one was what Dusk assumed was her daughter. Dusk bowed, spreading his wings as far as the clamps would allow. Sol hissed quietly as she looked at his wings, and he tucked them away.

"This is my daughter Daze, you will be serving her today, and at the end of the day she will report back to me if you did anything wrong. Those horn rings designate you as a servant, and they can only be taken off by a guard." Sol waved her talons at her daughter momentarily before gesturing for the guards to leave.

Daze looked down at him, a snooty expression on her face as the diamonds that laced her horns twinkled. 

"Go get me some food from the kitchens." She raised her snout slightly as she glanced at him. Dusk nodded and hurried to the kitchen, the wounds on his body still aching. A chef glanced at him and asked, "What do you want, servant?" 

"Food for the princess, sir. She said I had to get her some." Dusk answered quickly, his tail lashing back and forth. 

The chef huffed and placed a large slab of meat onto a silver platter, handing it to Dusk.

Huh, well, i guess it would make sense that the princess is used to everything being handed to her on a silver platter... Dusk thought as he hurried back to the princess.

"That took so longgg! Why couldn't you get it faster?" The princess complained as she took the meat. 

Dusk sighed quietly and waited for another order. The princess leaned over to her mother and exclaimed, "I'm so bored! Can't i like, order an arena fight or something?" 

Sol nodded and Daze's eyes widened excitedly. Sol gestured to the guards and then to Dusk, and soon guards swarmed around him. Dusk sighed and held his talons up slightly, "Let me guess, hobby time?" He asked as he looked over to the guard who had escorted him earlier.

"Yup." The guard responded as they led him into the large dome. Dragons flew down into the seats, abandoning what they were doing earlier. Two guards split off from the group escorting Dusk and hurried over to the other side of the dome. Daze winged over to the large spire that was decorated with a motley assortment of flowers and gems. 

A large cage was lowered from the floor, and Daze announced, "Today we are seeing a dragon fight! May the best dragon win!" She laughed as the other dragon was released.

A large, blue Sandwing stumbled from the cage as their scales flashed. It was a hybrid, a Seawing Sandwing. Their eyes were cloudy as it roared, and it ran forward, its tail swinging wildly. 

Dusk jumped out of the way just in time as the Sandwing's tail hurtled towards him. The Sandwing whirled around and hissed, his tail rattling. Dusk eyes shifted and swirled, the grey color fading into various brighter colors to distract him. The Sandwing titled its head slightly, and Dusk did too, he didn't know his eyes were changing. He took this time to wrestle on top of the Sandwing and grab its tail, crushing it in his claws. It wasn't long before he heard a rush of guards coming towards him. They grabbed him and restrained him, and Dusk blew fire into their faces, changing the colors in blinding flashes of light. A guard wrestled a muzzle onto him, and as they were taking him away Combustion rushed up.

"I have permission to bring him to my laboratory! Bring him there!" Combustion gestured towards Dusk as they turned to bring him to the lab.

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